Game was a hell of a ride!

I think at this point it is safe to announce that the Free People as a team on turn 32 have decided to concede the match to the Dark Servants.

Congratulations to our opponents for a well played game!

On a personal note, I haven’t been in a whole lot of games but if they were all like this I suspect ME PBEM would be a whole lot more popular. :smiley: Lots of fun and some classic gaming moments. If any of the DS would be willing to share their turn results I’d love to get ahold of them.

Bernout - Sinda, 235

Is it true that FP concede!

Bernout and representatives of the Free People,

I would have to agree that game 235 has been one of the best MEPBM games I have played in for quite awhile.

At this moment in the game, I agree that the DS have the upper hand. But by how much? We can’t say for sure.

Barring some catastrophic mistakes, I believe we should be able to win by brute force eventually. We have made disastrous mistakes in previous turns. It is not out of the realm of possibility for us to let you back in the game. But the past few turns have had a nice upward trend.

We are willing to exchange PDFs, classic game moments, and other discussion. It would be presumptuous to share too much information until we receive official word that the game is indeed over.

We intend to run this turn, and see what happens.

Part of me hopes that you guys stick it out another turn at least. Fight to the end! See what happens. I must admit that some players on this side have voiced a desire to quit at some earlier point in the game.

Game 235 – Originally WK, but picked up the QA position

Not to be out done by “bgp0231” aka Brian…

Game 106 IK (grudge)
Game 226 QA (grudge)
Game 224 WW/ Sinda (grudge pre-aligned)
Game 230 Dog (pickup)
Game 238 NM (grudge)
Game 119 DrkLt (pickup)
Game 21 Silvan (grudge)
Game 24 (Gunboat)

It has been a hell of a game. We had our highs and lows, as it seemed you guys did. Right now, each turn just feels like a loosing battle, as 5-15 of our charecters get killed, 10s of thousands of gold get stolen, and so we aren’t in any position to name new chars, ect. You guys have done a hell of a job locking us down.

Also once it’s been officially called, we’d like to understand what happened to a couple of your nations… The IK just seemed to disappear?

Congratulations, it was a well fought game and a lot of fun for the past year.

For purely selfish reasons, once the game is officially called, I’d like to exchange .pdf files. I’ve been working on a more advanced combat simulation program, and it would be really useful to see both sides of some of the combats to verify results, ect.


Congratulations to the DS on a well played game. It was my very first MEPBM game and I enjoyed it greatly! I am hooked. Maybe it’s an anomaly, but I don’t see why the Woodmen get such a bad rap. Perhaps it was because I had a very supportive team, and thus overall I found it a very fun position to play.


ME230 (Grudge)/Dwarves

Yes it was a very up/down game; once it’s official that game is over I would be happy to answer any of the FP questions about the game.

Din Ohtar

Glad to hear that someone has taken the challenge of creating a better combat simulator. I hope that it may one day be circulated among the community. Although I understand if you hold onto it for personal use.

I’ve also been tinkering with a utility to help me out with MiddleEarth stuff. But I haven’t put much time or effort into it in quite awhile.

Perhaps another entertaining way to share information once this game is over is to invite you guys to join our Yahoo group. If my team agrees, then you will have an interesting database of messages and subject threads to see what we were thinking from turn to turn - or see the absence of planning / discussion as it turns out.

If you guys are on an email list, then I think I’d be interested in seeing how the game dialog developed. Some of us can tell which FP nations are working better together than others.

QA - 235

Hi Darwan!

I think that’s a GREAT idea! :smiley: In our case the vast majority of our planning took place at some forums that I was hosting so it would be a bit more of a hassle on your end to get access but I would have no problems with it. I’m sure we could give you access to our Yahoo Group as well which would also allow you to access the most recent files.

BTW, I noticed in your previous games list that you included 230 as the Dog Lord. I assume this is the same grudge match that some of us from 235 are involved in?

Bernout - Sinda 235

Greg of the Dwarves here. Hearty congratulations to the Dark for a game well played! The war of attrition hit both sides hard but it seems you have us dead to rights. Your agent and emmisary companies were able to counter our military might and have been having their way in pop centers acoss Middle Earth.

I would be very interested in having a look at the DS PDFs. Knowing your enemy and all of that…


Game 235

Dîn Ohtar here, i certainly lost count of people i have killed or tripped over, but it has been a very fun game. We had our doubts ourselves about 10 turns ago when we thought the FP had the upperhand, but we had a team meeting of the counsil of Nazguls over some ale and pulled it back together. It has been a privalge in this game i would have to say this game has made one of my top 10 better games.

Brian P

Our confidence was riding high about 10 turns ago but the clever play of the DS and the drunken meanderings of a few of our armies conspired to turn the tide. If we could have thrown down the Black Gate a bit earlier then we did it might have proved a different game.


Game numbers are re-used. I picked up the Dog Lord in August 2002 for game 235 turn 13 after it was special serviced. The game ended about Feb 2003 turn 25. So expect you are referring to a new game.

I had an emis uncover that the Noldo are out this turn. I’m guessing this was the last straw for the Free people? That and having the NM loose two Maj Towns including the capital was sure to hurt. I had doubts that the QA cav were enough to take 3533. The army right outside could have made the difference.

If you want to give me a list of email addresses offline, then I can add you and your teammates to the Yahoo Group. We could continue discussion about the game there.

You may be surprised how our various nations were eliminated. Two by bankruptcy, a third by bankruptcy because the player did not confirm that the orders were received and they were special serviced, one nation didn’t plan for the wave after wave of armies to claim his capital. We had at least three players drop over the course of the game. Our most powerful nation was also the one that did not count communication as a forte (very silent, almost gunboat silent).

Anyway, please send a list of email addresses to my email address:


Ahhh…that would explain it. I had assumed your list was all active games.

I had an emis uncover that the Noldo are out this turn. I’m guessing this was the last straw for the Free people? That and having the NM loose two Maj Towns including the capital was sure to hurt. I had doubts that the QA cav were enough to take 3533. The army right outside could have made the difference.

I don’t believe any of the FP submitted orders for turn 32…we all dropped thus triggering the end of the game.

That army outside 3533 was a small leftover HC force that I had still alive and out doing some camp hunting. So it didn’t actually originate from 3533…you guys were hammering our gold reserves so hard that the NM trying to create an army there would have been tough.

If you want to give me a list of email addresses offline, then I can add you and your teammates to the Yahoo Group. We could continue discussion about the game there.

I’ll PM you are our team information and would appreciate if you did the same ( I’ll ask Jenny to add you to our Yahoo Group as well. Plus I can give you info on how to hit our main forums.

You may be surprised how our various nations were eliminated. Two by bankruptcy, a third by bankruptcy because the player did not confirm that the orders were received and they were special serviced, one nation didn’t plan for the wave after wave of armies to claim his capital. We had at least three players drop over the course of the game. Our most powerful nation was also the one that did not count communication as a forte (very silent, almost gunboat silent).

Ironically enough, even though this was one of my best games of ME it’ll likely also be my last normal game (i.e. non-grudge, non-gunboat). We certainly had no shortage of really experienced players but most didn’t seem willing (or able) to spend much time on the game. I’m not passing judgement here, each to their own and all that. However, were it not for our core group who did a lot of coordination together this game would have not been nearly as enjoyable for me. We have also gone on together to play in our first grudge match and I can tell already that game is going to be brutal. :smiley:
