Looks like Eomer’s 2 week vacation in the south almost turned deadly. Didnt anyone ever tell you to use protection when visiting dark servant brothels? Dang and I had a third pretty girl all lined up for you and you didnt pick her. O well maybe next time.
The way the freeps are playing we the Darkies have found out how to make our anger and frustration known. We started cursing Elrond and the horse he rode in on and lo and behold ELROND DIED TO CURSES THIS TURN !!!.
I mean you are dominant in the north…oh wait no you aren’t. You may crow about the small nuisance the WK played but I’ll take Mt. Gram and Gundabad to the small inroads he made and has now lost.
Yes then there is the vast strength you are projecting in Mirkwood…oh wait, no you really have no sizable presence outside of Mordor except for the Rhun.
Then there is the south, you dominate the south…oh wait, no you don’t. The QA has been cleaned out completely. And while you have one Khand Easterling army marching westward you are still losing more territory than you are gaining.
Now I see why you are cursing so much. If I were losing so much territory I would be cursing as well.