Game 236

The mighty pirates of Umbar greet the lords of Middleearth. Come visit me, one and all.

ulrik dot bisgaard at hotmail dot com
white wizard

i hope for a long game

Needs one more player.

Sorry to jump in this, but I’m keen! :slight_smile: Enjoy 236 and ponder 237

Got some more interest here so pushing it a little. So far 11 signed up. This is what I had as comboes before and it seems to work okay.

2950 FP: 1/7 Woodmen/SouthGondor, 2/8 NorthMen/ Dwarves, 3/10 Riders/Noldo 4/9 Dunadan/ Sindar, 5/24 Silvan/White Wizard, 6/23 NorthGondor /Dunlendings
DS: 11/21 WitchKing/Corsairs, 12/25 DragonLord/Khand, 13/14 DogLord/ Cloud Lord, 15/16 Blind Sorcerer/ Ice King, 18/20 FireKing /DarkLieutenants, 17/19 Quiet Avenger/LongRider


Hello Khand Easterlings reporting for action GG all

The Dog Lord and the Long Rider greet all ye magnificent Neutrals!

To the False Dogs of Gondor, Rhovanion and the Iron Hills get ready for the slaughter and lots of spilled blood:bash::stab::fork::smiley:

Smaug will Rise!

Dunlendings. NO Diplos. Interesting…

Same. The Corsairs are now pondering an alliance between the Neutrals to form an alliance to dominate Middleearth.

I hereby invite my fellow Neutrals to the first annual world congress ‘to dominate a world without allegiances’.

/Pirates of Umbar

Dunadan Rangers here,

enjoy the game!

afeija at gmail dit com


We can once and for all. Truly usher in the Age of Man~!


any turn reports ??

how is it going ?


Don’t waste your time Whit. This is a Gunboat game where the Allied nations are not allowed to speak with Neutrals. Let’s wait 12 turns and join the winning side, we might get 3 emails between now and then…

And so it begins…

The Dwarves attacking Rhun Easterlings.

Good game there Clif and the FP.

Very well played.