Marc (if I remember correctly),
I could agree with most points of your analysis. We made some assumptions that turned out to be wrong, like:
- being able to contain you in Mordor while we clear up the North. your successful market manipulation allowed you to field large armies and you could outrecruit the gondors. the additional pop centres in WOTR are clearly an advantage for the DS, and we underestimated the corsairs. COR, QA and KE have the potential to become economical supporters of the whole team and we left them quite unmolested for a long time
- being able to run the agent race. we dedicated a lot of resources to that, still, the three elven nations, woodies and duns have a hard time to make up the CL bonus. we had a good start on this but some individual mistakes (of which I had my fair share) did spoil it. yet, the enormous stealth bonuses of some of the silvan agents might be good for a surprise, they are oh so hard to find
- winning the emis game. I guess we had a good start on the emis side and wise pop center placement has allowed those of our nations that are still in the game a prolonged survival. yet we could not bring that to an offensive impact
all in all, one could safely say that your team was more homogeneous and coherent than ours. yet you tried to make us look like losers long before the game was decided, and such behaviour really sucks IMHO. it might be a part of your strategy to try and discourage your enemy, but for me (and others) it took part of the fun out of the game and made it a dogged, grim thing. Apart from humorous taunts, I would never question the skill of my opponents on the board in such an aggressive, arrogant way. This is a question of style - you have yours, I have mine.
So let me depart in peaceful disapproval. Regarding the current situation of the game, I doubt anybody of you can still accuse us for going on. Do I see a little bead of sweat on your foreheads? no? must have been a trick of the light, then…