Game 238. How much longer?

Dude you have some serious issues.
Up until last turn we STILL had a chance to win by a ring victory all be it slim, but that is what the ring victory is for. Why should we not have tried until the very end to win by these means. It shows a very narrow minded style of play if you expect to win just by military power. Dont need to say anymore really as your making yourself look a complete prat all by yourself.

Goodness me, Mr. Shimel you really do have some issues don’t you?

I am very much enjoying having a laugh at the expense of your sweet little tantrums.

Comedy gold, seriously, it’s like watching some problem child have a frothing fit in the middle of a supermarket!

The ring victory is for cockroaches. Bugs… Sucky players that have had their ass kicked on the field of combat.

If you’re going to be a bug, then don’t act all offended when someone calls you a bug.

We stomped you. We ground your bones into flour for our bread. In 28 turns, we swept out of Mordor and across the board and took every single pop larger than a village.

Even a ring vistory would have proved what? That you’re sucky players that got swirlied on the field of battle and weren’t gentlemanly enough to drop when it was a route, and decided to bug up under rocks, force the other team to waste hundreds and hundreds of dollars and many months of their lives playing an absolutely unchallenging game against utterly inept opposition… and you got lucky…

I’m sorry, but that isn’t a victory I’d be proud of… If I won that way, I’d staunchly deny it ever happen. I’d be too embarassed to ever admit that I suck so badly that I had to bug up and hope for pure damn luck.

game over guys,
been over for a while. bad guys won, good guys lost. lets end this thread and move on, agreeing to disagree on a few things.

hoping less is more.


All right, this has gone far enough. I will not give Darrell any more reason to humiliate himself (and disabled persons) while trying to humiliate us. May any onlooker draw his own conclusions from this thread.

Here is the conclusion.

You suck horridly at the game. We kicked you ass in 15 turns.

When we aasked how much longer the game might continue, you got all upity like it was some kind of insult or something… So you turned into coackroaches, making us waste another 13 turns… $8x12x13 = $1248… to take each and every one of you major towns and cities in an utterly unchallenging game against utterly unchallenging opposition.

Some of my teammates seem to prefer to keep their disdain for you quality of play, and lack of sportsmanship, private.

Me, I’m angry. Angry I wasted 3 months and $100+, in an unchallenging game against inept opposition simply because they weren’t gentlemanly enough to drop after we’d utterly humiliated them in the first 15 turns of the game.

You suck at playing the game. You suck as a player of the game.

As I know folks on both sides of this, I really don’t want to get in the middle.

That said, I think there’s a very important lesson here – there needs to be established & published “END-GAME” conditions that are far short of all MTs and Cities of all opposition nations are conquered.

In the two most recent games I’ve completed, it was an issue in both games (GB game#14 and 1650 game#31). In GB #14 I forced the issue by quitting as FK/CL/BS when my own nations were doing great, but it was obvious to me that the FP had won the game. In game 31, it was obvious to us DS that we had won the game long before the FP gave in. In fairness to them, they were going for the one-ring victory, so when we descended on all their chars and whacked them all at the one-ring site, they were graceful and quit. But other than an incredibly slim one-ring possibility, they were beat long before the game ended.

Thus, I’d encourage Clint to consider posting the END-GAME Conditions VERY PROMINENTLY in the “available games” listing. Then people could vote at game inception for the type of end-game conditions they want by joining or not-joining.

The good news is that All-Neutral #68 and GB #71 were started with clear END-GAME conditions. woohoo! If only more games were started that way…
For example, I have no idea what the end-game conditions are for the other two games I’m in.

anyway, again - i’m not taking sides in the argument about this game. It’s all spilt milk anyway. The point of my email is to suggest that we all learn from this spilt milk and establish/publish end-game conditions at the beginning of a game and don’t play in ones which allow the “whack-a-mole” end game.


Any ME game with an “end-game condition” is a variant. Variants are all fine and well, as are predetermined “tournament” style automatic victories. The rules state that a regular ol’ game of MEPBM ends, however, when you knock out ALL the opposition, or deliver The One Ring; the “winner” is then the nation with the highest VPs. If your side is “winning” and your opponents graciously resign, you’re just lucky; you sure as hell aren’t owed a drop by the other team – just more entitlement mentality, which is rampant in the world, America in particular. “You have to drop because I’m winning!” is either arrogant or childish, in either case wrong.

You have to play any game by the rules, such as they are; MEPBM is no exception. If you’re on the exterminator end of a bug hunt, declare victory and drop yourself. Oh wait, that might hurt your PRS score, and we couldn’t have that, now could we?


Drew, we agree on something! Isn’t that wonderful! Yes, the rules are clearly published in everyone’s edition of the rule book. It’s simple: “We’re winning, are you guys willing to consider resigning?” Which elicits a “Yes” or a “No”. And then everyone has to choose how to act and spend their money. If you don’t want to waste so much money, quit. What else, besides the PRS could make one insist so stridently, to continue?

It is possible to come back from behind and win. Seen it done and I have done it. Admit it is harder under Harley than GSI–the constant infusion of fresh and energetic players to replace the despondant pounded-out ones makes it harder now.

I have even won with the One Ring from a behind position, even with Harley. In my last One Ring victory the DS outnumbered the FP two to one in nations, but we had a five to three character advantage at Mt. Doom. This was because we didn’t wait to the last minute and combined our move with an ‘off table’ ruse.

Once upon a time I was an a “Gentleman” by act of Congress. Fooled them also.

Hey Brad, we probably agree on more than we disagree, we’ve just had the bad habit of airing our disagreements in public!

Anyway, like Ed, I have won in come-from-behind situations also. (Ed, you can’t fool us around here, we all know you’re no gentleman. <g>) I’m currently in a game like that, game 118, which started in June 2001 and is still going strong. When our opponents had us down 12 nations to 6, they probably thought we should have dropped as well. At least they had the guts to play on, and not whine about it.

In my very first game, back with GSI a hundred years ago, I was accused of being a bug. All the FPs were out but Noldo, Cardolan, and Arthedain (yours truly). So what if the pesky One Ring took 7 or 8 turns to fish up out of the ocean. By golly, we did it.

If you don’t have what it takes to finish a game, you ought to be more cautious joining one in the first place, not more vociferous in complaining when your opponents don’t drop when you think they should.

All things considered, how did the FP win in the books anyway? Come on folks…

I could care less how the war ended in the books. This is a game and it is supposed to be fun and stomping pitifully inept players into the ground because they’re not intelligent or gentlemanly enough to quit when they’ve been clearly out-matched is not fun.

NO ONE on this team is the least bit concerned about VPs or the PRS (Pitiful Rating System). It was more about not letting the cockroaches win. Reward something, and you’ll just get more of the same. Stomp the roaches into the ground, then yell to the world that they are a bunch of inept cockroaches, and you just might get fewer roaches in a future game.

We recently started a new WotR, and IT DOES have the 2:1 nation ratio end game trigger. This will be a requirement for us for all future games.

Ed, I personally THANK MEGAMES that it is harder to win by making the game so unchallenging to the opposition that they all die off from utter boredom… Could you imagine the slogan… “Come spend big bucks to play MEPBM, where the key to victory is making the game sooooo boring for the competition that they’d rather suffer Chineese water-torture than continue playing against you.”

The moral of the story is, the FP “players” of 238 suck so badly that the DS were able to take EVERY pop they had bigger than a VI (including any pops they took from us in the early game) in only 28 turns. AND, they are such sucky players that even after it was clear they had no chance of victory, they turned into cockroaches, forcing the DS to take EVERY single MT and city to eliminate them.

Utterly unchallenging game against utterly inept opposition that went on twice as long as it needed to.

I can kind of see your reasoning but the bottom line is that your team made the choice to continue playing. No one put a gun to your heads and made you pay out those $$$ and send in those orders. So if you didn’t have fun doing it then it sure seems like it was self-imposed. :wink: And lo and behold you have already discovered a better way to handle this scenario for future games. Go figure.

And no, I wasn’t involved in any of this. Just thought it was worth a quick comment based on the largest display of unsportsmanlike behavior I believe I have ever witnessed. To this bystander, it reflects badly on not only you but your team as well.


Gentlemen (and that means almost everybody except our little freako ds),
it pleases me to see that people not involved in this game try to speak up for the voice of reason. but I fear thats all in vain because darrell seems to have entered some kind of virtual berserk mode. with every post, we are obviously getting more inept, sucky and utterly insert scary insult here. I could laugh about it if it wasn’t so sad. regardless of how clearly he pretends to have won this game, morally he is a total loser, and will be in any future game, if he doesn’t change his attitude.

Well that’s not going to work, and it is silly to think that it would. More likely you just enjoy yelling. For example, in your next game, will you make sure that end-game conditions exist, or will you take the chance that you’re yelling has worked and hope that the other team quits when they are losing?

As far as I’m concerned, all you’ve done in this thread is make it more likely that your opponents in the future will refuse to give up no matter the odds, so I’d say that your plan to “get fewer cockroaches” will not only fail, it will backfire on you.

all this makes for fun reading.

Yeah I know, I’m in game 239, and argued (feebly) against the tournament rule 2:1 nation advantage automatic victory. I would like to point out to everyone watching from the peanut gallery that game 239 started WITHOUT any agreed upon ending game condition, and our team voted to accept the 2:1 AFTER the turn zeros were generated.


your point being? if its that awful, then resign. nobody is gonna question the fact the rules of the game changed after the game started. and if somebody did, so what? do the opinions of people on the other side of the screen mean that much?(i forgot that once, wasted a lot of time and money) this is a game we play for fun, so have some. i regret not retiring from uk 238 sooner then i did. it wasn’t fun, it was work.


Dearest Drew,

Exactly my point. The rules book clearly states that “whack-a-mole” is how one wins if one’s opponents play on after being beaten at the strategic and tactical essence of the game. I personally don’t like playing “whack-a-mole”. So I want to sign up for games with clear end-game conditions that allow the game to be over when it’s really over. I was attempting to promote the idea of games having clear end-game conditions less financially painful than “whack-a-mole”. We’re consumers.

Regarding the tales of “come-from-behinds, against-all-odds” one ring victories - I can only say that your opposition wasn’t so very awful smart, or they’d have secured the silly ring site themselves. In this game, if one side has significant advantage and has effectively won the game, shame on them if they don’t LAT the li’l bugger and go sit on it with monster challenge ranks, agents, emms, etc.