Just wondering how much longer the FP plan to fight on.
someguys like to play bughunt. thats where they run from an overwhelming force, jumping from m town to m town, like a cockroach. there are bad cockroaches, and good cockroaches. but in the end, they are still roaches. standing up til the end is heroic in the real world, but this isn’t the real world. its a game, and like chess, when the board is irreversable, you retire. we hold 2209,2508,2711, and nearly everything eastward. we hold mordor and ALL points north, east and south. we have burnt most of both gondors. freeps, what is needed to end this match?
Well, we don’t hold 2711 yet… though I have pretty much decided to dismiss the orc I hired to keep whispering in my ear “Remember, they may have a deep-laid and cunning plan here”