Lord Pugwash of the Quiet Avenger!
Thanks for that, best laugh so far.
Lord Pugwash of the Quiet Avenger!
Thanks for that, best laugh so far.
Cat fight between Adûnaphel and Lothíriel! Should have known how that was going to turn out…Aduna doesn’t have any eyes to scratch out!
finally, 3120.
if at first you dont succeed, try again.
and in this case; again, again, again, again, again, again, again, again…
seen the spires in the distance, but finally made it. impressive, but i wonder if theres a big ugly worm back there behind that fort. all the finest freeps are here, but did anybody bring a match?
A note to foreign visitors to the beautiful city of Edoras.
Following several unruly visits of late, could we please note that tour companies are requested to leave their guides behind.
We know that the excellent hospitality and in depth knowledge displayed by Rohan Tour Guides Inc. is famed throughout the land, but they are at their best when showing visitors the sites of their home and taking people to the best bars and shops.
They are not part of the holiday package and are not to be removed at the end of the tour.
Thank you.
The Management
i’ll miss beorn. he did a fine job upgrading, downgrading and making mounts.
you’ll miss 3120, that city/fort did a fine job blocking our way into morannon.
cold yet? prices collapsing? reserves empty? rates rising?
I’m glad you’re proud of sacking Thuringwathost on, what, T17 or something like that…? How’re your commanders feeling? Sniffles? Sharp pains betwixt the shoulderblades…? Also I suggest you not worry so much about ‘personal honor’ and go ahead and refuse to fight duels whenever a nazgul calls you out…
3120-3221-3423. whats the point of the ithil pass, its a bit burnt these days.
challenged, cursed, assassinated, kidnapped. he was gonna die anyway. excellent game so far, in that after 17 turns, its up in the air. read you next turn. see you at 3120, yet again. another dragon in front of 800 hi again? lucky us.
sm #1/#23
please feel free to substitute the term Woodmen for Rohan, and either Buhr Widufiras or Maethelburg for Edoras.
thanks in advance for your cooperation.
this is what you get, when you don’t burn morannon, a pack of ingrates.
sm…wood ( seems the guys carring “m” “e” “n” went missing)
Now there’s a hard luck family: first Galadriel, then her hubby and two of her grandkids. Two cursed, one assassinated, one challenged. How many more ways can an elf think of to die? Speaking of elves dying, that Ascarnil guy sure rode his ‘calm’ mount a long way from Mt Gundabad only to die in the shadow of the Black Gate…
that was some pounding the fork tongued disciples of mordor laid on my beloved woodmen nation. that was a capitol at 100 loyalty, with you guys at “hated”. somedays you get the bear, today i got beared. nice work flipping it. seriously not happy about that. clearly gonna have to revert to police state tactics, and a bit of orwellian mind control in future games.
hope we hurt you more. why won’t you all just die?
Hey I thought you forest guys were the bear shape-changers?
I see Arahad zagged instead of zigged. Was it cowardice on his part or just a sense of foreboding about his “health” had he climbed the mountains?
You ask Why won’t we die? Now that’s a silly question since we seem to be the ones dealing out all the death. I know you guys aren’t used to your opponents taking you to twenty plus turns, but not everybody rolls over and dies. Actually I think we’re looking quite healthy considering we’re a bunch of “undead” wraiths (Ren excluded o’course).
arahad reckons his time is short, so hes trying to be useful. i don’t think vegas deals as fast as your agents, not unexpected at this point. your not common opposition(neither are we) which is why 20 turns in, this baby might have a set of 40 turn legs. be what it will be, but its been real fun so far, the good and the bad. ( last turn i had a nice mix of both)
Quite interesting thus far. We’ll see how the servants fare with recent changes in the southlands. The Corsairs must feel like Yertle the Turtle after he falls from his perch. 10 MTs and Towns down to, um, 2? Granted, a couple were gifted…but I don’t think the Havens were in the plans.
Between the two sides, this game is on pace for an unreal number of agent actions. At least the market is pretty decisively in the dumps.
Hero Getstealth must’ve had his vaccinations…which is too bad considering the 26k worth of leather sitting at Maethelburg. Make sure and 498 so I can sell it.
Bad run of luck on the agents this time, eh? Same luck we had the turn before.
Market looks a lot better this round too. The rumors of our death were greatly exaggerated. Not a surprise since the only rumors I know of originate on this thread.
Turn 25 comin’ up…
that food reset was a real biatch. sure, i’ll 498 the pop center. nothing i like more then burning my backup capitol. as stated before…
" why wont you just die, mr dwar?"
…and Elladan joins his siblings Elrohir and Arwen Evenstar, and his grandparents Celeborn and Galadriel. Hmmm, now if we could just track down that Elrond guy.
The Beornlings may’ve recovered their leather stocks at Maethelburg, but now they’ve lost some food and lumber in Fanghorn I see. Surely Treebeard would take offense at that many chopped-down trees?
And forget the redshirts; look what all artifacts and hostages can be recovered when you target a ‘yeller’ shirt.
How long can this madness continue? Our sweeping character advantage grows by the fortnight. Heralds and guild masters, Elves and Men, are dispatched to Mordor by their masters, never to return – it seems to be the land of plague. The East is Dark yet again, as the inhabitants of Shrel-Kain, the last bastion of the Free, cower behind the wrecked walls of their once formidable forts, as the fields just beyond are crowded with wargs and their riders. I say to all so-called Free Peoples, bend your knee to the will of our Master Sauron, and we shall be lenient to all who submit!
So Sayeth Dendra Dwar,
The New Black Captain
First of the Seven
Longest game I’ve been a part of for a long time!
How long can this madness continue? Our sweeping character advantage grows by the fortnight. Heralds and guild masters, Elves and Men, are dispatched to Mordor by their masters, never to return – it seems to be the land of plague. The East is Dark yet again, as the inhabitants of Shrel-Kain, the last bastion of the Free, cower behind the wrecked walls of their once formidable forts, as the fields just beyond are crowded with wargs and their riders. I say to all so-called Free Peoples, bend your knee to the will of our Master Sauron, and we shall be lenient to all who submit!
So Sayeth Dendra Dwar,
The New Black Captain
First of the Seven
the facts are simple.
the field is yours, well played fellas. i’ll advise clint of the free side surrender in uk 239 tuesday evening. he’ll read of it wednesday morning. save your pennies and your time for doing orders. cry havoc and let fly the black banners.
sm #1/#23 no more in 239.
message text sent at 9:00 pm east coast USA.
on behalf of the free side, game 239, please advise the evil side that we surrender the field to them. we will NOT be processing orders this turn. thanks for your efforts in making this game enjoyable.