Game 239 - WOTR

Gundabad and Guldur are to be expected, and Ghurzun no huge surprise, but kudos to you guys on the Durthang maneuvre and emisarry strike. Our IK player isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed.

P.S. Keep your cloak of sarcasm handy, you’re gonna need it. <g>

“Woke up this morning with a wine glass in my hand…whose wine, what wine, where the hell did I dine?”

Rozilan. Now she looks like she could wreck a, uh, spell.

Speaking of FK characters, why in 2950 does Ren look like he is wearing a veil? About to get married to Blogath and got confused as to who is the man?


yeah you might be right on that. the only thing you guys have in greater supply then dragons is naked hi. that first dragon at 2715 was unpleasent. but these things happen. we’ll keep pushing, crash the market and hope winter lowers your side enough that we can finish you off. funny how every game boils down to that. tough sledding around 3120, we can’t get in, can you get out? we don’t like being on the recieving end of so many pin/kill or block/tackle agent hits.
duthang, the team suppling the tools, and RKG operating. that man has a talent for the “big” view. can’t believed you killed my agent named spooky. i always wanted one of those names. at least money is not an issue for the freeps in this game. good hunting to yourside, outside 239.


Rozilan broke my heart when she ran off with that Woodman emissary. I mean, I’m at leat as much human as that guy.

It is funny how winter has such an affect. I know guys who will purposely try to delay starting a game until Spring if they are going to be DS, just keep stalling and stalling … good thing we’ll be supplimenting the Mordorian gold mines with FP pop centers by teh time it gets really cold :smiley:

interesting view jb…

here in the freep hq, hanging over our world map, we have a sign that reads
“ski barad dur 05-06.”

at least kyndoen’s ghost, is now a ghost.

lol. touche. I am enjoying this game immensely, despite your annoying gondorian landing (a mere mosquito’s bite - and skip the malaria or west nile stuff), and the loss of my favorite vacation spots up north.

At WK Central HQ, we’re happily going about our business, eating Rohirrim and just generally being nasty. Oh ok, they found Kala Dulukurth, but we’ve got Bolg and Rogrog up there, no big deal. Yeah, and the Ranger and Elven twits are annoying our pops, so what. Hey… what’s happening in Ithili … whoa! Party time!

witch king,
i think it speaks volumes about your powers of observation that you comment on the distant mountains, and miss the pile of freep troops sitting at 3024, with flight plans into mordor. maybe, just maybe, those silly freeps placed enough pressure on 3120 that you had to strip the ithil defenses a bit.( checks recon) yep, a bit thin at 3024.
really, avenger troops with war elephants at 3021? corsair troops at 3019? well thats to be expected when the quiet/sailors remove all ports and harbors. long walk to the front? enjoy the fiscal cost. at least we found use for all that surplus freep shipping. see, theres ways around those burnt bridges. as for money, seems to be the problem, too much inflation. how about we zero our reserves, and then zero your reserves too?
good thing theres plenty of timber to keep the home fires burning,( after making transports, war machines, the occasional bridge repair). the days are get shorter, and the nights colder. the winter campaign season is around the bend.
all in all, an excellent game. anyway, concerning ithil and the anduin. tag, your it.
future thanks for another m town in the north. its so hard to get the reserves down, when we keep taking improved pop centers. if you call “breaking out” into 3017 by turn 14 an achievement, we need to get you a dictionary. tell “nobby” i’m tired of his constant personal visits.

Hey I thought we sunk all your navies. Twice.

like you ate all our hc cav?
like that blocker army with a dragon in it?
and the quiet guy in corner with the smile as wicked as his assassins knife?
at the gates of 3120, theres a pile of hi with a dragon awaiting us?
like we fought that dragon already, 5 minutes ago?
my head hurts, is that brick wall cracking yet?
good game, read you in a week.

providing grist for the 3210 mill.

Actually this is a fun game, isn’t it? Keep pounding at us, maybe we’ll slip up and let you under our guard again like we did at Durthang.

“Actually this is a fun game, isn’t it? Keep pounding at us, maybe we’ll slip up and let you under our guard again like we did at Durthang.


On the plus side, it looks like we returned the favor up north.


no dragons at 3017? i may retire the stack of hc just to keep myself from getting spoiled. wait, i forgot. we win the battle, you cut everyone down at with 615/620 orders.

Hey I thought we killed all your armies with warmachines. Twice.

Those overgrown lizards do have a tendency to leave from boredom when the armies they’re with win all their battles.

i have 11 freep nations that feel we have fought every dragon, thrice.

we’ll ban war machines right after you swear off the dragons…
or are they orcs how have taken a lifetime special B-12 vitamin injections?


Well a nice play in the Pass, I must say. Let’s see what it will cost you.

But as for the north, I didn’t think Elves liked mountains?