We just finished turn 4 and it’s pretty even (I’d say I’m ahead). Osgiliath is about to fall (only because Steve McAbee got curses on turn 2 and has cursed everything I throw at him) and he blew up my bridges (also he sunk my battleship!!!).
The NW will be mine in a couple of turns along with Mirkwood in a few more after that. It’s been tough, but the east is a stalemate, Rhun belongs to no one but the dead and dying (plenty of those).
I do have to say "Sneaks, nasty orcses are sneaks!!!
Turn 5 out today, and I had been wondering "Where are all the DS agents?’ Mega cursers at Osgiliath but no agents. Now I know, durn guys have been running around destroying every bridge in Middle Earth. I swear, can’t even cross the Brandywine without a ferry now, Buckleberry Bridge is down, there ALL DOWN!!! Where, Oh Where will the timber and gold come from to rebuild them?