Game 25 GM team vs John Briggs' Edain Alesman

Trying something out today guys - wonder if it will work :wink:

Clint (player)

For some reason I am hoping it does not ā€¦

So Clint, did ā€œsomethingā€ work or not? Heck if I can tellā€¦if the something involved getting to Esgaroth or stealing the RoI, then ā€œnotā€ Iā€™d say.

Well the attempt worked, but not what I wanted to work so Iā€™d say that overall it didnā€™t work. :mad: Ah well, try some, lose some.

Clint (player)

Bronze @8 - niceā€¦ :smiley: Sindar capital to fall this turn, and running rampant in the SG landsā€¦

Just need a few nice trinkets and weā€™re setā€¦:stuck_out_tongue:

Clint (player)

I donā€™t know if one SG town (which weā€™ve retaken) and 3 camps qualifies as running rampant, but to your credit, Iā€™d concede you hold the initiative in those two theaters at this time.

Itā€™s about time youā€™ve had to resort to a metal buyout, considering the ā€œmysteriousā€ high prices up to nowā€¦interesting point that the first buyout occurs on T9, costing north of 125k gold.


Bronze at 8, heck that is a bad day for the market in our game


So thatā€™s turn 8 and the DS on the offensive militarily rightā€¦ :rolleyes: :eek:

Clint (player)

'Like the Sindar play guys - nice once. Interesting that youā€™ve chosen to hit the WK/FK in Ithil so much - not sure thatā€™s wise but there you go.

Doubt you can get 2305 now but weā€™ll see what the next few turns will bring and with the Woodies under pressure itā€™s going to be fun in Mirkwood. Cute to see the Sindar recruit (N and S Gondor as well ) like mad to stop the onslaught in their homeland. I guess weā€™re burning around 4 camps and extra pcs of yours a turn for 2 ours at present - long may it continue.

Characterwise itā€™s interesting to see a few captured lads of your stealing agents etcā€¦ :smiley: Wondered where they were as well.

Clint (player)

Good moves on the Mirkwood push. You took my capital this turn and are putting pressure on my remaining pop centers.:mad:

I am glad to see that you think it is cute of me to recuit so much. I am just trying to give you some more elves to kill.


Well at the very least, weā€™ve killed off a few Nazgul!


Yes - cheese you got Khamul - pretty sure heā€™s got a fair bit higher CR than Glorfindel but there you go (looks like you criticled!). Ren well, you know youā€™re winning when the other side claims ā€œNazgulā€ tokensā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue:

2 MTS for us last turn is fine and looks like 3+ towns this turn and more to follow next turn, with around 6 camps a turn as well. :eek: That has got to hurt big time.

I suspect we canā€™t succeed in our plan for Woodmen domination but weā€™ll have a go. Where have all the Rider armies gone btw? Looks like youā€™ve given up on Ithil annoyance - shame that as it was a nice distraction.

Clint (player)

Yes, the Ithil Pass ā€¦ speaking of criticals

Thanks for the game guys.

I was playing the Corsairs. Iā€™d love to know what happened at 2628 on the crucial turn where I was able to fight the North Gondor, but not the South Gondor and sail away.

That seemed to be an utterly crucial moment.

Hi Guys,

Thanks for the game and well played.


Mark (BS & IK, Palantir author)

Good game, thanks for the lessons. There was an order error on that time I believe. Well played GMs, congrats

Map for game 25 (note not 100% accurate to protect the innocent)

Good game guys - closer than you think in many ways. Mutter, mutter Glorfindel, mutter.

Okay GM looking for new opposition. Get in touch if youā€™re interested.

Clint (player)

Yeah you missed one of my camps. <g> Out of rank curiosity, what did your note (I see the little red-flag icon) on my 4424 camp say?


On what turn did this game end?