Game 25 GM team vs John Briggs' Edain Alesman

2950 game

Just a quick note to start a thread up on this John et al. Should be fun. Had our meet last night and the usual arguments, good nature banter and down-right insult throwing session (get the blood going!) so we’re set.

Can’t really recall playing DS much before and it’s all a haze the ones I have played so… :eek:

Clint (player)

I consider myself the organizer of the 2950 grudge team more than the captain. We hope that this will be a good challenge both ways for our first 2950 grudge game.

Should be fun Organiser John. :stuck_out_tongue: Best of luck.

I’ll try and get some of the guys to post (Mark often reads the forum) but they’re a lazy bunch so you might have just me to put up with. :smiley:

Clint (player)

Does it get better than the opening turn? Tactical gambits that reveal the overall strategy. Love it

Turn 1 is done…and it’s very quiet.

As Gandalf says in the moive: “The deep breath before the plunge”

Gotta like Bulrakur’s block… :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice market, shame about the mounts, but otherwise looking good… :cool:

Clint (player)

Not for Gaurhir and his pretty little staff, or the residents of Barrad Perras

Yes there are two rays of sun-shine for you guys…:o

Clint (player)

Gaurhir was utterly expendable, I dont think the same could be said for his challenge target, ah well you win some you lose some. (and I think we did win some this turn eh? :slight_smile: )

We are obviously gutted about Barad Perras but as a wise Iraqi once said ‘our initial assesment is: you will all die’

Good gaming chaps, Mark

i think you did us a favor opening up the Silvan slot for a better chance at a higher stealth character! Ah well, hard to find things to really taunt about as it’s only just begun. Some key moves coming up, for both sides.

I thought it was normally the Dark Servants who blow the bridges?


Aye, but “normal” is clearly not the case in this game, be it bridges or prices via manipulations! I guess the flooding of the front gate with FP army icons is fairly normal =) Long trip for the LR from the crossroads to end with naught to show

OK fellow freeps, let’s do a tally of kills and deaths this turn…

Woodmen: “I lost a guy in combat.”
Team leader: “Oh well, can’t be helped”
Northmen: “But I killed one of theirs in combat!”
Team: “Whoopee!!”
North Gondor: “The filthy agents bagged one of mine.”
Team: “Never mind, that’s life as a Freep.”
Sinda: “I lost a guy in combat…”
Team: “Can’t be helped, those Dark Servant camps are tough.”


FP characters getting killed by DS agents? you don’t say!. :wink:

Oooops! I thought Galandeor died fighting the camp. My mistake.

Is it still OK for me to make fun of him losing to a camp?

yes, of course

Let’s just say he is an interesting data point in two competing theories regarding the DstPop order.

This game running today?

I see the Misty Mountain DS pant-wetting is continuing. Anytime an elf appears at the walls, they can’t wait to surrender, with stains on their legs. A better place to live now really, we redecorate with pretty flowers and such.

Speaking of the misties, first Bolg loses his helmet, then he loses … well … himself! Probably got lost looking for Rogrog.