Game 26 - The War of Liberation Begins!

Its gone very quiet in the way; thanks for all the attention you are giving the mighty empire of Umbar. i take it as a back-handed compliment that you would send all available navies against me. Scratch one North Gondor navy. I suspect that things arent going as exactly as you wished…looks like the “invasion” is gonna have to be aborted pretty soon IMHO: you didnt catch my navy at Caras Tolfalas, then we scuppered the harbor leaving your ships on the beach. You didnt catch me at 2137 OR my capital. The North Gondor fleet finally caught a portion of my ships at 2734, only to be blown out of the water. But where can the rest of my guys have gone? Not too many options i suppose…You havent brought enough troops to take 2730 or 2137 and i have plenty in the field. And you are diverting SG and NG troops to this action. I guess it`s interesting, but you really have to ask yourselves, is it worth it? Especially when two large DS armies now sit on Minas Tirith facing an inferior force under Boromir…oh well, at least the weather if good down here. Hope you packed some camels, coz those ships of your aint gonna be much use in the desert.


Ok it’s time for your mother to say a few words.

[b]Wake up[/b] you idoits inside of Mordor! You run across the bridge we left up why ? Does the term [b]RAT TRAP[/b] indicate a tactacial plan. Ok your over their and now what you have no targets to burn. You have no way of taking a single pop center and you paid how much for all the usless troops ouch how abot a plan or something. You have limited troops and no way to replace them boats try it please sail up the river please I would love to see that. Does Gondor have boats? [b]HELL YES[/b] can they out recruit you? [b]HELL YES[/b] are your troops cooked? [b]HELL YES[/b] As for other endevors sending 100 men at arms up the road why bother thanks for the training orders but please are you trying to put The Riders Of Rohan out of the game by making thier commanders to high as to make it impossible to pay for them. Find a new plan this will not work ,but hey I keep forgetting we are talking to orks green skin little brains grubby paws smelly worthless slime. Lets tally shall we No troops at Dragon lord capitol and none in the near future The loss of a rather important pop center inside mordor the Gondors thank you for your gift. The loss of five burned camps and four more next turn. At this rate you will be out of the game by turn * EIGHT * are you really trying to play this bad deliberately. We played Clint and the boys at Middle Earth and gave them a good game but you guys are really a joke. Bring your [b]( A )[/b] game next time not this lets hide inside of Mordor until turn whatever crap. [b]Come out and fight you pissy little school girls.[/b] 

                                              Signed: Your Mother

P.S. Its never to late to quit and take another stab at putting on pair of clean panties. You should save us the bother just go and fall on your own sword.

“Your Mother’s” comments does not necessarily express the views of all FP nations. Most of us just want to enjoy a good game.

However, we are sure going to have fun trash talking over this next few weeks.


You don’t have anything to trash talk over…

You threatened away Barad Parras, yet your side dropped the Osgiliath bridge to prevent DS armies from crossing over. The first assassination goes to the DS, and so will many more. Oh, and we had a successful buyout. Nothing to brag about on either side, but just wait…

  • Ben
    Dog Lord/Long Rider

AZANULINBAR-DUM, MIDDLE EARTH – The Dwarven Aeropagus yesterday
released their annual “State of the Nation” report. Thorin II
announced to a sombre press corp audience that the Dwarven Nation was
on the verge of bankruptcy.

Choking back tears of frustration, Thorin revealed that the Dwarves
had “seriously overestimated” the forces of the enemy, and had spent
too much money on bolstering their military forces.

“We don’t have enough money to expand the Empire any further,” sobbed
an exasperated Thorin. “If only the Dark Servants would attack us
more effectively, we’d have more money in the treasury.”

Rumors flew wildly in the aftermath of the press conference that
visiting delegates from the Elven Nations were aghast at the

“I’ve never heard such inconsiderate speech about living beings except
from the crude mouths of Dwarves,” declared Lingilios Barkshiner of
the Silvan Nation. “To think they would wish for the deaths of their
own people to support their greedy little coffers!”

A Dwarven official, who interviewed under the condition of anonymity,
rebutted, “At least the Dwarves are able to live under one banner.
Those freakish tree-huggers can’t even decide which Nation of theirs
is the real one.”

In a press conference this morning, Thorin downplayed the significance
of these rumors. “Look, it’s not that difficult a problem to solve,”
he said, appearing to have recovered his composure after his tearful
presentation last night. “Sure, the Elves suggested we hold back our
military to protect the Northmen, but they clearly don’t need any
protection. The Dark Servants haven’t been able to launch a single
coordinated offensive in all of Middle Earth.”

“We’ll just improve our Economy by taking over management of certain
other Population Centers in Middle Earth,” said Thorin.

When pressed to be more specific, Thorin simply grinned and said,
“Let’s just say the citizens will enjoy more Liberty under our
managment than what they currently endure.”

The Elven delegation was reported to have left “in a huff”.

Taking it easy Murazor wandered aimlessly around. ‘I hate this waiting, whats going on out there’. A lackey moved from the shadows in the corner, ‘Everything is going as planned you excellency, however gildor did refuse to chalenge your mightyness, even the famed elf(spit) Elrond did not take the opportunity to challenge you in turn. We are proud that these lackeys of the so called free powers dare not face your might’.

’ So why are these plans taking so damn long?’ snarled Murazor. ‘Tis the last time Rogrog gets to choose what happens, I knew he was too fond of that moonshine Bolgs been brewing’…

Ok so the WK has finaly signed in. Whos on the reeps side?

Hail WK.

For the FP we have myself (Sinda),
Mariner is the Dwarves and Your Mother is regretable on our side as the Riders. I think our WW player has posted also.

You can thank a terrible “scout for character” for saving Murazor’s life. We picked up two unknown DS males.

Elrond was well high enough in challenge rank to scratch one Nazgol if we had just spotted you.

The offending scouting agent is being sent on a suicide…I mean highly dangerous mission into Mordor.

Please take care of…I mean pass on our regards to him for us.


The first kill goes to the Dark Servants, one of many soon to come…

  • Ben
    Dog Lord/Long Rider

That THEODEN bloke…a bit rude AND a he seems to be underestimating us…oh well, his mistake. Perhaps i`ll take his capital myself…

SANGARUNYA, still laughing at the pathetic attempts to take his territory.

ps; Is THEO still fond of the horse-gristle pies, or has he controlled his eating disorder?


Oh no, I lost another camp, boo hoo… Woe is me… My economy is in tatters…

  • Ben
    Dog Lord

Ok the Dog Lord sounds a bit to giddy about his situation you cannot seriously say that having back the Six camps the Riders of Rohan burnned would not help your cause come now tell the truth> " lets not have a michael Moor moment" opps total lie oppertunity. A super job by the way sell at four gold buy at four gold and one of our gold hording nations helped you with a buy of almost 3,400 steel and still nothing to profit from all that work. Now the good new is he will be sending it back as cav with steel/steel you have seen allot of cav prepare for allot more! we dont underestimate your ability we just havent seen anything that would make at least my nation sit up and say WOW what a great move never would have thought to do that. All you guys have done so far is run away! Are you going to hide inside mordor the whole game.

The Big white Hope AKA SARAUMAN

My economy is in tatters, I’ll never come out and play…

  • Ben
    Dog Lord


I really dont think someone who cant spell should bring up RL politics. Your ignorance is already showing without bringing up your lack of fundamental knowledge and prejudice. Or as we say in the liberal deep south; “Ignorance is *iss”.

On a cheerier note; i`m still laughing at the pathetic attempt to colonise Umbar by the FP, and the sad efforts of Taurnil and Co to capture my navy. Missed again. Hey, i only have one other harbor left, guess where it is?!?


Rohan…is that even a nation now? Man I have to keep up on current events…

The forest of Mirkwood are crawling with elves and hairy woodmen…very unfun…when can we bring back the spiders and black squirrels? They are so much cooler than poetry and wood splitting competitions…


Bankruptcy Looms Large

AZANULINBAR-DUM, MIDDLE EARTH – Thorin II once again addressed the
nation today with an austere outlook on its economic future.

“It’s just unbelievable,” said Thorin. “We managed to actually meet
the DS Army led by Avas of Igath, and figured this was our chance to
improve our economy by letting some of our Dwarven Warriors meet the
destiny for which they had trained all their lives.”

“However,” Thorin continued, “one of our water-boys sneezed and the
entire enemy Army bolted and ran south.”

The Elven delegation sent word by courier that they were “intensely
disappointed” in the continued lack of compassion on the part of the
Dwarven leadership. Rumors are abundant on the streets that there is
an Elvish protest going on in Mirkwood, with familar “Life & Love”
chants being held in honor of the Dwarven soldiers who still live.

When asked why the Commander in charge of the Army which met Avas’s
forces did not pursue, Thorin only replied, “He was stunned. He
didn’t quite know what to do. We expected some kind of fight, at
least. Avas wouldn’t even come out and talk. But when the entire
army fled, it was the one thing we didn’t expect.”

Antihistimines have reportedly been issued to all Dwarven support
personnel to prevent any recurrence of a mishap of this magnitude.

In the meantime, when pressed to reveal the Aeropagus’s plans for
reviving the Dwarven Economy, Thorin grimly stated, “Our plans just
aren’t proceeding fast enough. We are truly on the brink of
bankruptcy here. If the DS don’t start attacking more effectively, we
may be forced to disband some military forces in order to save money.”

No Elvish representatives could be found for comment.

Darn, i think he`s stumbled onto our “cunning plan”…


Kudos to Mr. Khand. I totally misread your gameplan, and you’ve netted yourself quite a catch this turn as a result. Nicely done.


Just for the record who did we run over? I`m guessing BALIN, but which unfortunate Northman?


We will give full disclosure in a couple of turns. Right now, it does make a difference if you know what Northmen got overrun.
Nice move though. We knew there should have been another Khand army. Just not this big. I am curious to see how many Archers and Men at Arms are in that monster.

Had this morning to look over the war. Interesting!

Where is Din O and Ji Indur? No knifing action for two - three turns. Killed in encounters? Nay, that would be too easy.

The Corsairs seem to be short a few boats (Taurnil sends his thanks). QA is about to lose his also.

Fortunately for you, the FP had to sell timber to afford all these troops we are sending at you. Come on, it will only cost the Corsair 2500 per boat (unless the DS have a secret forest some where). What else does he have to do?

FK and IK are busy. NG still owns Osigilliath AND has Barrad Perras. That means FP are able to recruit 800 troops a turn on your side of the river. AND we still have our boats (Where have all of SG’s troops gone?). AND Rider troops everywhere.

Where is the Dog Lord? Hello!

And look, DragonLord is going to lose both his armies again.

But with your successful bronze buy out (we guessed mithril and tried to flood the market, you got us on that one), I am sure you can send Mr. Khamul all the gold he will need.

And one day, we will understand how that Threaten order works (Grrr, Goblin Gate holds again).

Tata for now,

Your friendly Sinda elves (Those arrows were just to get your attention, sorry about the blood).