Game 27 (2950 Grudge) Underway

OK, it will also take us a few days to do the same.

Done then, I will send a note from our side to Clint.

And I will have to change my accent from good to evil the next time we meet (Death to all that oppose us…wahahahahah…opps…sorry, that was too easy.)

Perry Carlson
Team Captain “Greenhouse”


I thank your team for taking this with such grace. You had no reason to be so amenable to what was a failure on our side to play properly either as individuals or a team. Since we know we can play better, we wish to play again, and you accepted. Thank you.


I’ve heard of you and your team, John. I was having a hard time reconciling your reputation with what we saw going on.

I look forward to being shown that I was right. :slight_smile:

  • Steve M.

I wonder if we could talk Clint into letting the Dwarves go Evil this game?

Hmm. Not sure who I’d want to give up to get them, though.

Never mind.

Do we need to barter the Neuts or is it presumed we’ll keep them split the same way as the previous game?

  • Steve M.

I would think the same.


Same works for us. You?

I don’t know. Lynn might like to play the QA with both Corsairs and Khand going Free. More challenge that way.

(Yes, I’m kidding.)

Perry will of course have to be the team voice. I’ll bet there’s an E-Mail discussion going on right now about it.

  • Steve M.


Being the PDF whore I am, I am inclined to ask if your team would be interested in a PDF/XML full swap for this game – but not until after we finish the next game.

I don’t know if you guys have a policy of swap or no, and I have no idea if you would want to reveal just how many of your teammates failed to submit orders this game (and other travesties of similar embarrassment), but if you’re up for a swap I would love to swap out.

However, I don’t want it to interfere with the thought processes of the rematch. Hence, I would like the swap (if any) to occur after the rematch.


  • Steve M.


I just gotta’ know.

What the Hell happened in 3616 on Turn 1?

Our best guess is your Army ran into Gandalf or Ghouls or something. We postulated every possible combination of known events and nothing we could come up with would make an Army icon go away except either a bug in the program or an Army-killing encounter.

What happened?

  • Steve M.

Yes, army erradicated due to a do-gooder. The bugger.

I’ll ask the team about a swap. But what you will find is 3 straight bankruptcies. 2 caused by sloppy orders and lazy calculations (assisted by the FP at Barrad Perras on IK - funny thing is we assumed you would burn it so in effect we killed it ourselves - shouldn’t have been in that position though and that was the real issue), and the third by seige of 2715 (but a bad “to and from” in a gold send the turn before was what nailed it, we assumed you would seige but a bad order and poof). I don’t think you will find much interesting except embarrassment on our part.

Nicely done on Maben by the way. May I ask the agent rank? Did you get RoW and then use it right away?

I’ll ask the team as per swap.

The agent was a 40. We did get/transfer and use the RoW. Total rank was 85(35 from RoW and another +10 agent arty) with a +20 stealth arty we also transferred. The big difference, the nation was downgraded with the Dragon Lord and the Dragon Lord was probably not with them (Duns).

Yes, to save time, lets just please keep the neutrals the same.

Our team members have until noon today (EST United States, I have no idea what that is GMT) for changes to our team/nation list. Then it gets sent to Clint.

FYI: We have asked Clint to run the final turn. We can barely wait to see what the Ents do to Dol Guldur.

See you on the other side :).

Perry Carlson
Team Captain “Greenhouse”