Game 27 (2950 Grudge) Underway

Well, this game just completed Turn 4 and there doesn’t seem to be a thread here for banter.

Since part of the fun of MEPBM for me is meeting other gamer geeks with this same odd interest, I am finding I miss this aspect of the game.

So – Here it is. A thread for everyone to banter (and if you must, taunt) back and forth.

  • Steve M.

That’s interesting. I’m in a game 220 on turn 21 (participant names are published, I’m breaking no rules here). 2 games of the same number at the same time? Is this possible?

By way of introduction, I’m Steven K. Mariner and I’m running the Dwarves and Northern Gondor this game.

I must say, this game has not gone the way I would have predicted up to this point.

You DS folks doing okay over there?

Nope, actually, I’m just a moron. This thread was intended for Game 27, where I am playing Dwarves and Northern Gondor. Oops.

I wonder if Darrell can fix this up for me?

  • Steve M.

just delete everything you’ve created as will i… do Edit Quote and away you go…like it neeeeeeevvvver happened…

One is a very lonely number Steve.

Lets see if two is just as lonely :slight_smile:

Perry (SG and Noldo)
Game 27 Team Captain

Two can be as bad as one.
It’s the loneliest number since the number one.

Now if those pesky DS would just release a few hostages :hug: we can just sit down and talk this whole thing over. Really:D

Rangers :fork: and Dunlendings :stab:

Hmm. No DS here yet.

Maybe they’ve surrendered already?

  • Steve M.

Funny you should mention that. I believe that the team is looking to surrender already. Stupid mistakes have been made and I don’t believe that you know what has happened to the DS in this game. Personally, I dont want to quit, but I believe that I am the only one that wants to continue.

More later

Doggie in 27


I just dumped 50 bucks into my account! Thats uh… a bunch more turns.

Would it help if we sent the 10,000 gold you sent us back? OR at least the nice ponies we bought with it.

That Chuk Guy

We have a good glimpse into what has happened to the DS this game. Not all…but enough.

And yes the FP have the upperhand right now. And no, we do not plan to give it up. But gaming is about heart and effort.

We waited over three months to get into a grudge game. However, if your team’s heart is not into it, it is not going to be much of a game from here on out.

When will you guys know what you want to do?

Perry Carlson
Team Captain “Greenhouse”


I think I speak for most, if not all, of my teammates when I offer my sincerest apologies on not making a game of it. Unfortunately a combination of solid FP play, mistakes on our part and real life interference took us to a point where continuing to play would only result in a lot of collective money being spent to get to a point which most of us believe is a foregone conclusion at this point, a FP victory. If you were to see our turns, you would know why and would likely agree.

With that said, we have a lot of collective talent on our team and this game is somewhat of an anomaly. We sort of feel like the boxer in a championship match that went for the knockout blow in the first round and got counterpunched and layed out. If you and your team are up for it, I know that many of us would like to congratulate you on the win and on a game well played, apologize for the spot we put you in and ask for a rematch.

I would think Harley could get a new game set up without us really missing a beat.

Darren - Corsairs

Well, my compliments on your grace in a difficult situation.

Just so I am clear…the DS team is surrendering this turn correct?

As for the rematch, let me ask my team. This being Friday, I would hope to have an answer to you next Monday.

Perry Carlson
Team Captain “Greenhouse”

Bummer, I lose my opportunity to make a snide comment about how there will be no “Fire & Ice Redecorating” services available in the West this game.


However –

Please do pass along my most sincere condolances (or appropriately similar tidings) to the member(s) of your team who have had Real Life [TM] interferences. This is a reality in MEPBM where games take a year or so and it always sucks but the priority MUST be on the Real World [TM].

So, honestly and truly, please convey empathy from me to the team members who have had to deal with such things this game.

  • Steven K. Mariner


Wanted to way in on the thought that you may want a do over on this current grudge game with us. When we played Clint and the guys from Middle earth we were hammered and we too made many mistakes so yes I would welcome another game with you guys. I was planning grand things for you in the comming turns but that will have to wait.

Greg Doerfler
WW and RR

P.S. When will you want the new game to start ? I wish not to wait three months that was hell waiting.

I’ll bring it up with the team, but I would think we could start very quickly (as in Turn 0 sent out before the next turn would have been run).

It looks like we’ll be ready to go when (if) you are. Ideally T0 sent out around the middle of the month, but we’re flexible.


OK, all but one of our team has report back.

Everyone who has reported back is interested in a rematch. However, most of our team is not really interested in spending the next 3 months to put in pretty much the same orders.

So we are asking if you would be interested in switching sides? We take the DS and you folks take the FP.

Would this be acceptable?

Perry Carlson
Team Captain “Greenhouse”

We decided that if you wanted to switch we would be ok with it. We’ll just need a little time to get our nation choices together.
