Southern Gondor getting things started, allies and neutrals can contact us at:
Dragon Lord checking in. Neutrals may contact me at
Here’s to a good game!
Hello everyone,
I’m playing the Northmen in game 28. Please feel free to connect me at
Johnnie Knapp
Rohan is mustering for war: saddles polished, spears sharpened, monogrammed feedbags passed out, deoderant sent to the Woses. We’re almost ready.
I hope to contact all the neutrals quickly.
Here’s to a good game! May the Dwarven beards never tangle and may the Goblins all have severe diarrhea.
- Ready in Rohan
Smoke rises from Mordor and sounds of blacksmiths and shipbuilding come from across the waters south from Gondor… the Corsairs know that war is coming.
Be that the armies of Sauron and the armies of the Free Peoples will once again clash, the Corsairs are prepared for the bleak future.
Our skill can own any sea… our might can smash any walls… our influence will be sought.
To the victor goes the spoils!
Greetings from Imladris,
It’s good to get the game started. I’m looking forward to a fun game casting down the Dark Tower and driving the forces of evil from the lands!
Matt Ashley/Noldo
Greetings from the Dunlendings. Dark tidings abound of late. I can be reached at to discuss the state of affairs in the world.
This will be my last post on the matter, but the silence from certain quarters is…interesting…
So turn 2 is here. How it going for everyone?
Turn 6 anything interasting people want to share?
Is it…? Is it still…? Or is it now a bit more important to act in the field rather than doing bar talk…?
You should rather watch your… :stab:
Who are you and why are you replying to something written in September? Who are you threatening anyway? I see hints as to why things have turned out they way they have.
Hey FP, what`s up?
Where are your bigmouth comments?
Its only turn 9 now and nothing more to say?
Things not going so well or what?
Need a little :hug:?
Victory for us DS after turn 10! So you Free had enough of :bash: ?
Apologies to the orthodox everywhere, but it appears this was more an abortion than a concession. I believe many are shamefully scurrying off hoping nobody is able to associate them with this game in any way. You can take it however you like, I suppose, gotta love the whole freedom of speech and expression bit - everyone is allowed to have an opinion, regardless of how inane and absurd it might be.