Game 29 (2950 Grudge) Underway

Okay, here we are.


Sort of.

The rematch between Team Greenhouse and Team John H. Briggs.

With Greenhouse taking the unusual stance of playing the DS, all of Middle-Earth waits with bated breath to see if the chaos of Freedom will prevail, or if the wisdom and order of Sauron will end the possibility of resistance^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H war and conflict in the region.

A red sun rises; troops move; the lands wait greedily to accept the sacrifice of blood in the name of Chaos or Order.

It begins.


The proper destination for the traditional 10,000 Gold transfer is hex 3329.

  • Steve M.
    Long Rider/Dark Lieutenants

Aw, come on, no peep from da’ freep?

  • Steve M.

For example:


Just in case you need it spelled out for you.

:: ducking ::

  • Steve M.

I am sure you wouldn’t want us to break the tradition.

Good luck in the “new” game.


Good luck to you as well – but hopefully not as good a luck as we had (I couldn’t believe where the Artifacts were located). We had crap for starting spells and starting character locations but the Artifacts were practically under the sweeper for us.

But luck or no luck, I’d just settle for the first 5-10 turns going off without major deviations from good play. THEN we can gripe about who got lucky vs. who played well. :smiley:

  • Steve M.

So…no taunts? No words of wisdom? No brash posturing?

What, do we actually have…dare I say it…ladies and gentlemen in this game?

Oh, my heart, be still.

  • Steve M.

Oh I wouldn’t go that far; we’re just busy debating which DS to actually send the ten grand to…


Something tells me I’m going to pay for that comment frequently in this game…


…And heaven help us should we accidentally send you guys any money (or other resources, for that matter).

  • Steve M.

One more day!

{bounce} {bounce}

  • Steve M.

It’s today! It’s today!

Come on already. Come ooooooooonnnnnnnnnn!

{pant} {pant} {pant}

  • Steve M.

“One more day to revolution,
we will nip it in the bud,
we’ll be ready for these schoolboys,
they will wet themselves with blood.”

“All the pretty horses…”

Not a very talkative bunch here. Sheesh.

  • Steve M.

Just making sure I don’t screw up my orders again!

Whither thou goest Witch King? Running away from your holdings in the North? It’s a long walk to Minas Ithil…

You seem to make up for all the rest of us.

Just another Service to my gamemates.

  • Steve M.

Prindy! I didn’t know you were on John’s team! Good to face off with you again.

  • Steve M.

So, what gives? Gondor seems to be suffering a small case of schitzophrenia.

You do realize that “Lions, tigers, and bears, oh my!” is not a dictum to attack all three at once, right?

Wait, let me guess – Ecthelion’s turned the reins over to Denethor again, hasn’t he?

:: sighs ::

“Send a message right away to the envoys from all the Dark Lord’s Servants.”

Message begins:


Message ends.

  • Steve M.