Game 30 Another Capital Burned

Hello all

It has been quite an interesting game from my point of view.
I have passed from having All southern Harad + some QA pops and sending armies towards Easterlings, to finish with no armies but few comanders and Ds emissairs trying to influence my pops away.

Damn Easterlings!! I have killed thousands of armored Heavy cavalry !!! jajaja
It has been really satisfying to see how in that area DS have played really fine.
My congrats and respect for EA and QA, but notice that if it was not for EA, all the south would had been cleaned with no trouble.

NightsBane, how many HC units have you sent to my area?


laff too damn many, not enough war machines tho :slight_smile:

It seems a sh!tty way to win a game, which is why I play grudge most of the time. The teams very rarely fall apart as you know the guys before you go into the game. It is a lot harder too as it is kill or be killed from the get go. Try playing Rhudaur, Witch King or Harad in a grudge environment, short life expectancy! Thouroghly enjoyed it, copped a bit of attention at my capital for a bit which made life damned uncomfortable for a while (if you had of continued for another couple of turns I would have busted through lack of funds) 1 weekers are definatly the way to go, I hate wating the exra week for turn arounds. Hope to see you all on the battle fields in the future.

Regards Herman (Cardolan #30, Corsairs #33, Arthedain #1)

Well …

I have been in the last 5 one week games. … I can bet We will meet again in the next one.


Darned good game I wish in a way we could have played on as no way in hell was the IK going down.

Just would have liked to prove you wrong on that score.

Myself I do not see you knocking me out but now we will never know.

Now its done and dusted great game and one I was more than happy with for the most part, but I am sure if you e mail the easterlings they will fill you in on the one dark spot.

Congrats anyway.
