Game 30

I guess I’ll have to find another brother in arms? :fork:

A simple solution - the successful applicant for Rhudaur’s allegiance will transfer one of their nations to me… with North Gondor being my #1 choice.


Hmmm Brad out - Keith in. Where’s the advantage? :slight_smile: Brad out, Keith out, Rob plays NG and BS, everyone’s a winner - well I will be anyway… unless the neutrals win :eek:


Winsten Wun Toof

Big advantage FP. As you can imagine, they’re all eyes glazed over, big headaches, can’t read or think at around this point in the game. Keith’s an easier planner: “I’m moving my armies out to destroy stuff. See you in 2 weeks.”

*I had to think about that for a few moments. I thought you were saying that your armies were coming over to visit my BS in 2 weeks. I considered that pretty ambitious, like my CL in another game that’s going to kill 76 startup freep characters on Turn 1 :smiley: Well good to see you’re making crazy with your team, I’m not sure what I’m doing just yet, but I am making a lot of heat and noise :slight_smile:


Winsten Wun Toof

It’s not possible to kill 76 FP on turn 1, you liar. Now, I’ve only killed 24 myself but I was in a game where my ally killed 47. But 76? No way, can’t happen.

*I once thought I had killed 78 1/4 freep characters on turn 1. We weren’t sure if the 1/4 was a potato. Turned out it was Mahrcared the potato impersonator and the other 78 were the real potatoes :slight_smile: But damn those potatoes put up a good fight… :smiley:

Winsten Wun Toof

Hey Winsten,

I think you should swap nations… You are far too energetic for the BS :eek:

*Hah! :slight_smile: I plan on playing a very energetic BS. I’ll scratch myself at least 5 times before I pick up the TV remote, put my hand down my shorts, and watch ME sports channel :slight_smile: Hope to see the rest of you putting in a good performance though…



It’s easily done - You bore your allies to death so that they all 740 :smiley:

That’s kind of how I got my wife :smiley:

OK, Have written a couple people from Both side, so will put it out here officially.

The Corsairs and Harad have a non-agressive pact and have given there word to each other that we will not be fighting each other and plan on working together, if one gets attacked the other will help them out and visa-versa.

I have heard good things about Steve (Corsairs) from others. If we work well together I have hinted to each side that we could be a twofor so to speak.

I have been getting flak from some that if the Harad and Corsairs join the same side the other side is done, and the side we don’t join will be upset. To me – I am playing as a neutral – doing what is best for my nation (working with Corsairs instead of against), remaining neutral (can truthfully say I haven’t chosen a side from the getgo and am not leaning one way or the other as of right now) and last waiting to see which side comes up with the best idea, bribe, offer or some far flung sceam brained idea.

I didn’t ask to play a neutral in this game – I believe slots where randomly chosen when I signed up to play. Reason why I don’t play the one week is cause neutrals ruined it for me, but when brought this up was told a neutral is neutral and can join any side when ever and how ever it wants, end of story.

Well I am being honest and upfront and telling both side about our pact. If this happens to upset the game balance as some are stating to me – then so be it – i won’t go back on my word to the Corsairs. And if other hold it against me in other game – again so be it, as I was upfront with everyone and still won’t go back on my word to the Corsairs.

Mike – Harad

Hi Mike - I don’t care what the Harad and Corsairs get up to together. You can take long windy walks together for all I care :slight_smile: S’all part of the game, like winning the war of words on the forum :slight_smile: I’d like to see the EAsterlings go opposite to the declaration you two make, but even that doesn’t matter. At the end of the day we only need to remember one important thing - Winsten is the sexiest man alive… :smiley:


Winsten Wun Toof

The longest, windiest walk I can see for them would be to burn the BS capital and then camp, improve to an MT and then a Port a pop on the Rhun to conquer via Navy after Meriot Reveals 4215. This might upset the Easterlings, who I’m sure is planning this very move himself. We’ll console him with leaving Goblin Gate and Gundabad for him after he takes the Cloud Lord capital. Now, it would seem we have an upset Woodmen on our hands…hmmm, I’ll offer him Durthang and Barrad Perras. This way I get to just name agents all game…


[QUOTE=ruggha;63087]The longest, windiest walk I can see for them would be to burn the BS capital and then camp, improve to an MT and then a Port a pop on the Rhun to conquer via Navy after Meriot Reveals 4215. This might upset the Easterlings, who I’m sure is planning this very move himself. We’ll console him with leaving Goblin Gate and Gundabad for him after he takes the Cloud Lord capital. Now, it would seem we have an upset Woodmen on our hands…hmmm, I’ll offer him Durthang and Barrad Perras. This way I get to just name agents all game…

  • I see in all those plans that there is nothing for the NG to do. I can’t really blame you for playing to your team’s strengths :smiley: I think your 8 potatoes are going to be at the top of my T1 list :stuck_out_tongue:


Winsten Wun Toof

The less I do the better for the FP, yes, we agree on that~!


fight it, fight it…
winsten, i scratched.

Gents, so very glad that you are all keeping the interests of the Easterlings so squarely in mind. It warms the heart.

Mike, Steve – what, no neutral alliance!!! And here I thought this was going to be the game when the neuts finally take control of Middle Earth! Splitters!!! Ah well, since the Easties didn’t get invited to the party, we’ll just have to decide whether the party is worth crashing or not.

(BTW, being a neut myself under the random draft, one would hope that all around understand that we lottery-spawned neuts go the way we go for a variety of reasons, balance only being one factor to think of, and none of it personal. Okay,…well, who am I kidding…it’s all personal, damn it.) :-p

Now, which way do we go? Hmmm…


Hey there Mr Mullers. Why would you not post? It’s the best fun part of the game :smiley:


Winsten Wun Toof

[QUOTE=MarkL;63098]Mike, Steve – what, no neutral alliance!!! And here I thought this was going to be the game when the neuts finally take control of Middle Earth! Splitters!!! Ah well, since the Easties didn’t get invited to the party, we’ll just have to decide whether the party is worth crashing or not.

*Hi Mark, do whatever feels good. If all 3 neuts feel the need to go to the same alliance… and attack Northern Gondor, who am I to object? :slight_smile: You’ll just be a small part of an unruly rabble of DS (and a few Freep) on their way to spank Brad anyway :smiley:


Winsten Wun Toof