I have the Quiet Avenger and would like to talk to my neutral neighbors at their earliest convenience.
Have Fun,
I have the Quiet Avenger and would like to talk to my neutral neighbors at their earliest convenience.
Have Fun,
Dog Lord checking in.
Long Rider is my brother Tony Huiatt.
Neutrals please send me your email address to thuiatt@hotmail.com.
Look forward to a great game.
Market starts nice for the minions of Sauron.
Tim Huiatt
Starts nice Huiatt, it won’t finish nice…
Tarondor here. Well, we got it set up in record time, let’s see if it lasts as long as they’re supposed to. I don’t read “No Drop” anywhere, I don’t expect to have to…
Northmen here; inviting embassies from each of the Neutral nations. Would like to coordinate most closely at present with the Easterlings to avoid upsetting each others troop movements if any. Any neutrals can contact me at kingoftherill@yahoo.com to discuss what each of us has to offer the other.
Brad J
Arthedain checking in… greetings to all - friend, foe, and neutral alike! and of course, looking forward to hearing from the neutral nations… speedracer75@yahoo.com
Greetings all from the seas of the south, the Corsairs are checking in. Diplomacy from all is welcome at steve.backhus@gmail.com
Here is to a good game!
Steve Backhus
Brad Jenison,
Are you king of the rill or king of the hill on your email address. I thought it was king of the hill but could be wrong.
Tim it is kingoftherill, has a story behind it.
my very average internet provider is out so I’ve got no idea what I’m playing. For all I know I could be the green fairy - Again! (mmmmm Kylie Minogue - she was hairy 6’2" and 220lbs wasn’t she?).
Winsten Wun Toof
Oh no it’s a heap more innocuous than the green fairy. I got the BS :o
Such a long way to march my armies, but not impossible
Cheers Winsten Wun Toof
Hello all. Easterlings can be reached at s88freak@yahoo.com and welcome correspondence with all our many neighbors.
Looking forward to a good game.
Gentlemen Neutrals - Leaders of Men. I have forwarded you emissaries of Greeting. They are hopeful to be emissaries of a more welcoming sort. Be wary of the silent ones, the talkative Quiet ones, and anything remotely related to green sprites…
Rhudaur checking in. Here’s to a good game
Ah, brynlloyd at ntlworld dot com
[QUOTE=ruggha;63043]Gentlemen Neutrals - Leaders of Men. I have forwarded you emissaries of Greeting. They are hopeful to be emissaries of a more welcoming sort.
*Emissaries of a more welcoming sort? Emissaries of hand holding, long windy walks and toe sucking are more welcoming sorts
Be wary of the silent ones, the talkative Quiet ones, and anything remotely related to green sprites…
*I think that means me Seriously neutrals, you can reach across the table and accept Brad’s offer (in which case I’d reach across with my toes :)) or you can come join the DS, firmly spank those freeps and take their 'Emissaries of a more welcoming sort" off them anyway. I say “Why not have your cake and eat it?” “And if you’re going to have cake, why not make Brad’s emissaries jump out of it?”
Cake eater - Winsten No Teef
Almost forgot to post, but harad checking in, Corsairs lets talk, Open to all nations emissaries and I for one haven’t decided on a side AT ALL YET – Bribes, payoffs or anything worthwhile is a nice way to start !!
[QUOTE=Blue Knight;63048]Almost forgot to post, but harad checking in, Corsairs lets talk, Open to all nations emissaries and I for one haven’t decided on a side AT ALL YET – Bribes, payoffs or anything worthwhile is a nice way to start !!
*Hi Mike, I’m offering Brad’s ‘Emissaries of a more welcoming sort’ If that’s not enough we can throw in an assortment of artifacts, masked types with pointy implements, and a swarm of sweaty hairy football hooligans looking to kick off the mid game brawl. That sounds like an instant party to me
Winsten Wun Toof
Pick your colour Mike…
Good lord, that filled up quickly. Oh well, I guess I’m on the sidelines for this one… :mad: