Game 31

Hi everyone, and so another exciting chapter in the multiverse of Middle Earth.

Witch-King here:fork:, awaiting word from allies, neutrals, free wishing to become turncoats…:smiley:


Argeleb II of the Arthedain offers a warm welcome to the Witch King and expects to be meeting with him soon.

We offer friendship to the Dunlendings and the Rhudaur. Please let me know how we may further your goals and help improve the neighborhood.


Harad may be reached at

Only1_4principal at yahoo dot com

The society of the Hasharin await those who would seek audience.

Suladan of Shadoul

jz 22

Eothraim here. Looking forward to a good game with lots of action.

Neutrals may contact me at


Hi all,

the woodmen can be contacted at I’m looking forward to getting in touch with the neutrals.

Let’s hope we have a great game (I know I’m looking forward to making use of my superior characters).

Chris Guise

Dragon Lord checking in. So far, everything is going according to plan.

Greeting all,

So the Dance begins, Quiet Avenger checking in. Corsairs and Harad would like to open a line of communication with you two. Can be contacted at .

Greetings from Southern Gondor
Celdrahil sends warm wishes to allies and neutrals, and pity and disdain to the wretched Dark Servants. I particularly encourage Harad, the Corsairs and the Dunlendings to contact me, so we can discuss arrangements to our mutual advantage. I can be contacted at:
Victory to the Free!

Long Rider Here…

I would be particularly delighted to knwo about the suprême ruler of Khand…


The fair cities of the Elves prepare for the busy summer visiting season.

Sadly, due to economic circumstances beyond our control, this year there will be no discount rates for family parties from Mordor.

Wishing you all a goodly fight.

Thranduil (Chris)

Most happy to receive delegations from neutral nations. I am contactable on

Excellent Argeleb, our dungeons await you…

Dwarves checking in!

Happy to hear from any and all neutrals - you can send me a PM on these boards if you want to discuss our plans to rid Middle Earth of the Dark Servants.

Nothing better than a nice dungeon - perhaps Murazor would like to see the depths of Khazad-Dum ? I’ve prepared a cell with his name on it.

  • Bain I

Turn one is in and the Corsairs have landed on my capital.


Hasharin Council

Jz 22

do unto others… :wink:

I believe brother the line you are looking for is:

We will be assimilated. Resistance is futile. We preemptively surrender on all fronts.

And now you can increase your taxes to 300%; empty the market of mounts/leather/mithril and send it to the Rhudaur. Who will make the ultimate sacrifice by declaring war on the Hobbits and Woses and any other minorities that don’t have a standing army.

Such actions result in the Dwarves becoming jealous of Rhudaur so they march on Gondor to prove their mettle. Bain will lead all forces such that on turn 11 he marches on Dunlostir and threatens it. The mighty villagers resist and Bain commits seppuku to clear the stain on his honor. The army disbands and decide to become gully dwarves under the iron grip of Hallas the Unclothed Toga Leader.

These rumors spread so fast that the Maiar under Saruman the White begin hunting Dragons and other notables such as Galadriel and Shelob. The NPC Wars rage for the remainder of the Third Age. Sauron ultimately loses a personal challenge to Tupac Shakur of Dunland and the One Ring is unmade in Sexy Beast’s ( Mahrcared’s trusted steed ) Crack of Doom.

Thus ends the War of the Ring.

that’s right. Who said the Corsairs landing in the Haradwaith capitol by accident cannot lead to interesting developments.

But you could just ask him if he likes you or not. Be sure to wink suggestively.

later bro; have fun!!
brother in reality to jason of harad

To my brother…thanks for the support; I think. I’ll let you know how it goes.

To the Corsairs:

Your reply to me was that you do not intend invasion…

If such is the case then this what needs to happen:

Send me your pdf file and show me that you do not intend to invade my lands.
Once I have seen it and been shown there is no threat; I will send mine to you and we can be friends again and start over in our negotiations.

No pdf; No peace

Jz 22

Let there be peace among the peoples of the Southlands.

Zilijah An Shafra
Hasharin Council

Jz 22

Dunlendings, Rhudaurim, Easterlings…contact the Hasharin Council.

Only1_4principal at yahoo dot com

Jz 22

What is that. Turn 2 and the first Nazgul is no more…

Bad idea to use Uvatha as an assassin. Now he is dead and I have his artefacts.



Maybe he got a bonus or sump’n.