I meant, why clarify “There is no hope for the FP” with “at the North Gate”…? The first statement stands on it’s own merits I think…
Well, if pride is stopping the Free from a conssession don’t follow our example. It sounds like the DS want to move onto other games. Or maybe a one week turn-around game is becoming hard on your wallets. Heck, by your own admissions this game is over. Well then…concede. End it while your ‘King of the Hill.’ Don’t let pride stand in your way! We won’t ‘rub it in.’
Get ready to pay for a few more turns. When we feel like we’re defeated, we’ll let you know.
Woodmen 32;)
Double ‘rubbing in’? Thats it, I went to far, thought too much and now I
want my mummy!
Exellent, the Hound hasn’t killed enough Eothraim and Woodmen yet!
I don’t mind pay for few more turns… besides it’s fun smashing FP armies. I want my 5 towns back … you sticking around gives me time to take everything In rhovonain.
A few more turns?? Mike, there is no rome for defatism, we must fight to its over. We cant just give up on middleearth and leave it to the Morons of Sauron! They will turn it into some sort of permanet halloween exhibition. Its gonna look like a shopping mall in late october.
Well I don’t believe the FP have thrown in the towel just yet… certainly your actions as well as your teamates from my perspective have done anything but that… You FP are certainly showing your character in my opinon.
You might need to learn to the magicains trick of pulling a rabbit out of the hat to regain the initiative in Rhovonian because Rhun is lost already…
The odds of the FP “winning” the game at this point are slim. But there’s pride, curiosity, spite, the desire to see specific strategies and special missions through to their completion (success/failure), etc. Lots to play/pay for. I have no interest in “expecting” a concession from an interested opponent. Fight on brothers, it ain’t over till it’s over, is it?
ps - Morons of Sauron, is that the wit of the nit? Watch yourself, Guy will try some Haiku…
We’re gonna put a female rabbit and a male rabbit into a hat. Let them stew for a while and then we will pull out the required number of rabbits.
Faced with diminishing military capabilities, insults are the easiest way of making you aware of our hostile intent.
I must admit rabbit do breed fast… So you definitely have a sound tactics for dealing with the situation at hand.
Modern or traditional Haiku?
Worker bees can leave
Even drones can fly away
The queen is their slave
My favorite modern piece…
Rabbit’s in steel/steel I hope… But what about the Queen Rabbit? You just gonna leave her there? Inhumane B$tards~!
ps - told you…sigh…
Rabbit Queen in Mithril & just for you Brad…
helplessly blowing
squeaking, hotly, lash swaggers
clangorous helpless
fingers snapping
Guy, I beg of you, please quit. W/o making judgements, I would prefer that the forums don’t devolve into a bunch of teenagers wearing berets incorrectly, drinking coffee that they can’t pronounce the name of, wearing glasses that they can’t see out of, spouting ideas that they don’t understand…
Read and try to understand…
helplessly blowing
squeaking, hotly, lash swaggers
clangorous helpless
You guys have given us so little to talk about; therefore this is the result…
He understands as much as the adolescent attitudes in his nightmare. Which explains a whole bunch of the map in this game, yes/no?
Rhudaur likes to die
Cardolan does not know why
Sauron eats the nit
Yes Brad, I knew you would be able to interpret.
Wow that was different… you guys definitely surpised me at 3612… good job… but I believe it’s to little to late
Thanks for the warmachines Freeps and a welcome carpet of nails to the
Elves arrival at Ostigurth… Well done for the 210, didnt see that coming!
Lord Argeleb strides manfully into the war room. His mink lined purple velvet cape sweeping majestically over his diamond encrusted mithril chainmail.
" So how do our battles go? Surely we have driven this mangy rabble before us!" as he sweeps his hand over the map table with silver pieces representing the forces of light and blood red showing the forces of Sauron’s allies.
" See how our forces are massed on their strongholds, they cannot resist us!" as cries he poses dramatically infront of a full length mirror.
" Yes my Lord our forces move towards certain victory." sighs the weary Earl as he reads through the next batch of reports from the front. He has learnt it is best just to agree with his Lord or suffer the hours long explanations of the intricate details of the next brilliant plan.
" So how is my loyal Duke Marl Tarma doing? He looked so handsome riding out all those months ago. He reminds me of … well me, such a manly man. No wonder the men love him so." Sighed Lord Argeleb looking fondly off into the distance.
" Ummm he seems to be, umm missing my Lord." stammered the worried Earl holding the latest report from Carn Dum.
“Missing, how is this possible? Such a man cannot go missing!! He stands out in a crowd, such powerfull shoulders, it is impossible not to notice him!” cried the distressed Lord.
Reading the report frantically " It appears he had just finished challenging an agent of Sauron to personal combat, the cowardly scum naturally refused. He led his forces brilliantly against the rabble of the Witch King and then promptly… vanished."
“No this is not possible!!!” cries the distressed Lord “How dare they lay their foul hands on him. He challenges them to honourable combat where he would certainly have slain the villan but they refuse him and then use nefarious means to waylay him, ohhhh how is this possible.” Weeps the despondant Lord. " Such a great noble man kidnapped like a commoner. The indignity he must be suffering, his clothes torn from him, being bound with all those clawing hands, the beatings, the … " he looks up worriedly noticing the strange look forming on the Earls face. “Well, I mean it must be bad.” he coughs as he straightens himself.
" Yeeees my Lord it must be … bad for him." The Earl turns back to the report." Stupid nancy git" mutters the Earl reading the report further. “Duke Sarkar has taken command of the forces and reports that they are engaged ready to take Carn Dum, he says they will scour the fortress for him, surely he will turn up my Lord. We also are poised ready to help in the taking of Rhudaur’s capital. It is looking quite good out there.”
“Looking good” stammers the distressed Lord Argeleb, " Yes, looking good! We will avenge him, we will tear their fortresses to ribbons to find him. Call the Marshals, rally the troops I go to find and release him! I will not rest untill he is found or avenged!!! I go forth to war!" Roars the frenzied Lord.
“Yes my lord but you are aware that will involve fighting my Lord. You know combat, physical danger, death and all that?” enquires the Earl.
" Death… Combat… Ahh yes, I forgot about that bit," stammers the shaken Lord. “I got a bit worked up, yes, yes I have far too important duties here to leave. I would normally start off to release him immediatly, but my duty to the state forbids me. Curse the responsibilities of leadership! I will be in my office!” He turns and strides from the room. " Send that new chap out on the rescue mission, " Young blond chape, very handsome, he looks good. Umm looks good for the task I mean." He turns and strides from the room.
“What a git” sighes the Earl, “How did we get this far with this clown in charge” He turns back to the reports, the war continues relentlessly.