Could be worse! We could be on the same team… :eek: Don’t lose any curse
arties this game, eh?
My dear misguaded Dragon loving nazgul
The location of soo called “hidden” cities is being taught in goblin elementaries for 15 years now, and luck be with you and RPC spell, there was nothing I could do to avoid your unwelcome presence at 2514. But luck goes with the wind, you know, that that 5,000 horses knocking at your door is not a product of your wild mushroom eating habbit. I hope you aready discussing with your real estate agent some excellent piece of the rocky desert in the middle of Mordor for your retirement relocation!
Be nice and be gone fast!
Which leaves the 4000 wolfriders under the Hound of Mordor banner
totally free to do what they will…
You dont loose a game then! Oh, wait, what am I saying!
Lets start anew.
I make a promise to loose a curse arty if you promise to loose a game!
yes, please come. we are very affraid! maybe a game of polo then?
LOL, I’ll do my best just for you!
Sure a game of polo with FP heads… Will it be North Gondor, Eothraim
or Northmen heads?? :eek:
that that 5,000 horses knocking at your door is not a product of your wild mushroom eating habbit. I hope you aready discussing with your real estate agent some excellent piece of the rocky desert in the middle of Mordor for your retirement relocation!
Be nice and be gone fast!
OOOOOOOOOOOOOH 5000 Horse faces knocking on my door? well Dol Guldur had to face a new rebuilding so now comes for free!! moreover do you believe that I was not aware you would be coming? poor boy, of course I knew and I preffer to loose it now than to loose it within 5 turns later, because now I’m free for character play Don’t worry you will miss more your City than myself Dol Guldur, in the end the keep was almost more expensive than the taxes I got from the MT. By the way I’m so important to have at my pops at turn 2 about 9000 troops? LOL, who is going to take care from Dog and Dark Lts? the Northmen? Duran has informed me that the Elvish Gay Pride to be absolute exit and that even the vicious Dwarves have joined, please inform Noldo to organise the next one at Lug Gurzon (3822) we are building up new installations there!!
Dragon Lord.-
No pony riders will leave the ruins of Dol Goldur alive, the price will be heavy
for both them and their foul Northmen allies. Good play with Vagaig, toss
him to the wolfs to gain one turns loss of revenue… Hmmmm
That sounds really, really scary.
Lord Argeleb II " So have we crushed that Orcish rabble and the evil Witch King yet?" Smiling broadly as he strides into his war cabinet room looking resplendent in his Royal Blue Jodhpurs and Velvet smoking jacket.
A very Tired and overworked Earl looks up from a raft of maps and troop lists, sighs loudly and moves to pour himself a wine. " No my Lord they only marched out two days ago, they will not yet have reached Angmar. They will not be sufficient to, as you say, crush the Witch King on their own. We will require follow up forces and many more levies over the next several months before we can defeat him. We may not defeat him at all, he is as strong as us, possibly stronger."
Lord Argeleb II’s stride falters slightly before swinging back into its confident step. " Piffle, our troops are far superior to that Orcish rabble. Didn’t you see how smart they looked and how well they marched. Honestly haven’t you read your history. The forces of Good are always outnumbered and about to be slaughtered by vast hordes when the tide turns and something unforseen comes to pass and the forces of light are carried forward to victory." Picking up an ornate goblet made of the finest silver, encrusted with jewels he whirls on the weary Earl. “I tell you nothing can withstand us and anyway I have a victory celebration planned for next month so you will jolly well have to hurry the whole process up. Everyone’s coming don’t you know, it will be a super party. How can I have a victory party if we haven’t won?” He asks quizzically as he sat back into the huge gilded Mahogany and velvet throne. “I mean the invites have already been sent out so you will just have to win this war quickly, won’t you?”
“Yes my Lord” sighs the Earl as he goes back to the maps and lists, franticly writing projected troop numbers down based on the last census. " So few, it won’t be enough." he mutters under his breath.
" Oh you are a wet blanket." grumbles Argeleb II as he gets up from his throne and walks to the exit. “Stop worrying, I tell you we’re a shoe in to win this war.”
Regards Herman
Er, you’ve only got one shoe?? What? Que? Ti? Ce qui? Was? Che cosa?
Now isnt the Wk the outnumbered one in the NW???
Only if you count all the other nations around him! :rolleyes: That’s the fun of being Whitchypoo.
Regards Herman
Kudos EO, good play
Thanks a lot!
Ahh, the Lucky One. That explains why the dice seem to be against us…
- Keith / Fire King
Thanks for the ROI; I WAS wondering whether there might be a handover of it at OZ… I’ll put it to good (= dark) use.
Tine CL
I’ve moved. And thank you all for your kind words and warmest regards.
Arfanbrad VIII
Wasn’t a handover of the RoI, I bet the FP’s can comfirm that… Pure mistake
of guarding the SG navy… :eek:
You’r both wrong - the real reason is extremely simple and quite irritating.