Game 32 at last!!!!!!!

I’m trying to locate Ringlin but he is no more in the Game? It’ seems the old man find Murazor on the way and well … you know what happens!
One Elven less to kill!! and thanks for the Magician Artifact!!

Hmmm, you forgot Marahil had ther ring, you moved to the wrong location
or you messed up the arty transfer before… Not a good start for the
SG… :stuck_out_tongue:

luckily I play the NM, so its not my headache. Everything went fine with the NM - the LR cav is no more, causing no damage at all. Now, where is that back door they all keep talking about?

Lord Argeleb strides into his war office looking resplendant in his Silk riding breeches and Mink lined vest and cape. Several dispatch riders are taking refreshments in the corner while our Earl madly gathers his notes to make a report.

Argeleb II " Well how goes the war, have I won yet?" :smiley:

Earl " We have won several victories my Lord. We have captured Cykur, at Cargash and have incaserated him, we will capture it this turn there is only the town watch defending it." :cool:

Argeleb II " Brilliant, see I told you there would be no stopping us"

Earl " Yes my Lord it was foolish of me to doubt your tactical brilliance, :rolleyes: We also have reports that we have taken Angsul and the diversion has worked the Witch King has dispatched troops to retake it."

Argeleb II " Yes I told you he would, stops him from recruiting more troops you know. Did he take the bait at that new camp we put down?"

Earl " Yes my Lord Dancu is there with a smalish force, again away from home and not recruiting."

Argeleb II " My brilliance even amazes me sometimes, I tell you you don’t get to be King without knowing your stuff."

Earl quietly to himself " No you get to be King because your the son of your dad"

Argeleb II slightly annoyed " What was that you said?" :mad:

Earl " I said you father would be glad to see your plans comming to fruition" :o

Argeleb II " Yes, yes but the best bit is to come. You men gather round these are the orders I want you to take back. Now you, yes you ride back to Cargash and instruct the men there once they have taken the place they are to …"

Hmmm what will happen to the poor confused Whitchypoo. Will he have enough troops to hold off a rampant Arthedain. What of the Cardolan forces. Does he have a plan to stop them? Will Rhudaur come to his aid in the nic of time or drive a dagger deep into his back. Things are hotting up in the NW. Stay tuned for further reports.

Regards Herman

Did the EO cav run back to the Eo-Plex to guard against the Hounds of Hell?
My my, you guys think I’m predictable. :smiley:

So losing your capital next turn is fine? Can you send me some of that
happy smoke please? :stuck_out_tongue:

If a neutral surprise attacks and the only gain he gets from it is one MT, then I am happy. As far as I am informed the Easterling is there to protect me from any DS incursions

The Easterling nation has gotton a boon from Lord Sauron to destroy the mangy pirates of Umbar! His only requirement was the heads of all males in tights that Enter Rhun! The warriors of my nation was so pleased they Marched on the Northm,en capitol even before our generals could remove themselves from Lord Saurons Palace! Only the Royal Guard remained in our Palace!

As for the all men in tights entering Rhun area means your death… The men there now pray that you can withdraw with your lives intact…

Ovatha II

Cool: death, rape and plunder it is. If you burn mine, I’ll burn yours?

why burn what the FP can’t keep… your starting armies are dead or so weak they are nothing more than practice for polo team. As for the those EO boys on horses you now send out do you have the courage to face a real army… I think I should just take 3612 and see if you have the courage to face me… Those bearded midgets have decided to tuck tail and run . I course you tell a dwarf to run a 50 yard dash it take him 3 days to get out of sight!.

Ovatha II

Dumb move. No whining, I won’t listen.

No Freep voices?

Hi to Sinda,

Again thanks for “giving” me Tinculin, Celedhring enjoyed a lot with Nimrodel, by the way, only Tharudan lasts of all of your initial magicians, are you going to refuse challenge with him?

Dragon Lord.-

No we are just warming up to it. :stuck_out_tongue: You might want to tell Whitchypoo that the idea is not to swap two camps for a MT. Not that I mind but I will now be burning that camp he threatened away and thus lowering the loyalty of his pops. Did he do any recruiting last turn? :eek: I know of 5 coms who wern’t in a position to last turn. He still has 5 this turn who cannot recruit this turn. :smiley: I alone recruited 1400 last turn. :cool: If he can’t keep parity with me he is doomed in very short order. Just some friendly advice, The idea is to try and stop me getting to the pops in the first place. Don’t turn up there with a small force after I have captured it as I will simply wipe out that small force. Use the small force to block my incomming moves, you might hold on to your Angmar holdings slightly longer. :stuck_out_tongue:

Regards Herman, Liberator of Angmar.

Only 1400? So you’re recruiting at 1407, 1409, 1106 and 1006… Thanks
for the info… Best hope some of those troops are HC and you can get
them away before the agents move in :smiley:

You don’t have the agent moxie to kill me on my own pops yet!:stuck_out_tongue: The whole idea is to keep the freeps at bay till you do have the agent ability to do that.
You guys have what, 3-4 killers to start with with fairly good arranging of arties. Most of those guys are needed elsewhere. As for where I’m recruiting from you can add 1806 to that list. Another 400 in the Witch Kings front yard. :smiley:

With your team’s rather generous donations of freeps agent arties the CL is seriously happy. Doesn’t need much arty arranging; there’s plenty to go 'round :). Please give my regards to SG - poor nation, down to 3 starting characters plus newbies and out of money - sniff…:wink:

Tine CL

Well you can’t say we never give you anything. :smiley:

Regards Herman

P.S remember to put out the welcome mat as I intend turning up at your capital around T#20.

No whinning Here Thelor your dead! Suckers I got 3 of you men in tights armies to die on my turf. Did you really think Lord Sauron got my alliegence for free!

Ovatha II

Whatever he gave you will prove to be too little…