Well guy enjoys being the Lord of Dogs lol.
I’m a little to intense with the opposition not nearly as fun as Guy… Even my teamates get upset with my Sauron like attitude!
Well guy enjoys being the Lord of Dogs lol.
I’m a little to intense with the opposition not nearly as fun as Guy… Even my teamates get upset with my Sauron like attitude!
Intense and Illiterate. Guy isn’t really very fun, he’s all LOL and ROFL we’re talking off-group on who’s gonna call the white-coats, spooky, really. Dr Norwegian/Danish/Canadian whatever, where are you again? Sudbury? Happy Valley-Goose Bay? Come to the centre of the universe and I’ll buy you a beer, or if you buy me 13 I might let you peek at my maps…
Chee [hic] rs
Arfanbrad VIII
Its important in life to give repsect where its due; in this game
your EO has played a great game but he’s the only player on your team
to have shown his skill. Still waiting for the rest of you guys to up
the ante
This is completely unfair! It is approaching turn 9 and you guys STILL haven’t taken Oz. I’ve faced you alone against 3 dragons, and as many nations. I’d say I’m doing a bang-up job!
BTW, why did you guys burn MI. A tactically unsound decision on your part…
Nothing more enjoyable then giving false hope to a NG is there?? We
have invested the recources in other locations and it has worked very well.
Don’t be so singular Wade…
I didn’t mean to imply that my team wasn’t doing fantastically. Quite the contrary, actually. The only reason that I can feel safe enough to invest the resources that I have is that my team has been committed as strongly as they have in other areas. I’ve honestly felt horrible about the previous post, because it implies that I’ve carried the team, something that is completely false. I’d like to think that by me doing what I’ve done at Oz (with support through resources and other such things) it has allowed them to commit fully to other actions…namely aggressive neutrals. Skage, I think, is doing a fantastic job, considering he’s facing every NM player’s worst nightmare. Herman, Dan, and Quinton are keeping the NW sewn up (WK breath your last breaths…grin), and Jens, John, Mike, and Dan are plugging away in Mirkwood. Will is still breathing after having agents camp his capital for several turns.
All in all, I think it is a good fight. At this point, I am not willing to make a prediction on who’s gonna win. I’m enjoying the bloodshed…Grin
Lol, I know you’re not a egotistical player… So Will is still playing? Has’nt done
anything lately and will have another bad turn coming up. Thats the beauty
of turn 9-11 for the DS, the 3-6 killers are expanded to 6-10… Skage is
Dr 'obbit? Cant see it being it the worst nightmare for the NM as Din has
only spent 1 turn recources on the NM. He’s had it easy.
I don’t like to predict games (blush) Lol but I can’t see you guys winning
it. But you never know as situations can develop giving you guys an
edge. Just hard to see where this edge is going to come from. :eek:
That’s the truth, Guy. This game isn’t over until someone gets a victory .pdf…
It comes down to options and resources. Now it’s a race - can the FP remove the outliers and consolidate a south/easterly front along mostly a single line? Can they follow it up with massive armies and or resources from their newly freed backfield nations to create can-opening Mordor crashing armies? Or will the DS continue to nag at them in the NWest, Mirkwood, NG backfield, etc all the while expanding their character power exponentially, pushing this front line ever farther out as the front-line humans get decimated?
Seen both as DS Rhuduar - watched my Mordor backup die to massive Cardy cav attacks in the late turns as Mordor crumbles, and have seen Arfanhil on the Noldo capital after eliminating Arth and Cardy (Will’s Cardy that particular game…likely a source of continued bitterness…??).
Now, if Vinyaran would only leave me my crumbling Dunland tax base and go defend his homeland from incursions, he’ll earn the gratitude of both the Gondor and Rhudaur publics…!
Arfanbrad VIII
13 beers for a map: if I’ll have to keep up with you it might not do me much good, apart from the hangovers. I’ll take you up on your offer when next time I’m slumming
Hey, I work for public housing, I don’t live there…!
I didn’t realize servents of Sauron needed to be literate. He only insisted I kill the free not write them prose!
I was referring to Toronto as such…(ironic when you live in Sudbury, the fallout capitol of the world)
Arfanbrad Trapped In Toronto Against His Will VIII
I’m so deeply and utterly hurt… :eek: Make sure he drinks the 13 beers
before he peeks at a map, don’t forget to hold the map the wrong way
round! Honest, no LOL’s
I’m drinking the 13, he’ll likely sip on a single vodka-cranberry the whole time…
Hurt? You haven’t been hurt in years…
Vodka-cranberry…and they say torture isnt common practise in Canada.
True, whats the point? What doesnt kill you makes you stronger. 13
beers; I doubt you would even reach the 10 before mumbling about
Rhuduar’s right to join the UN and toppling over on your 11th. And
leaving the hobbit thing to examine all the maps
No accoutng for taste… Reminds me of the Aussie ad; 10 crates of
4X for the boys and a couple of sweet sherries for the ladies.
Missing 3.5k of EO HC?? Pointy eared Lanthir sits at Morannon with 600 poor
troops wondering why he ever listened to the Eothraim. The shadow of
DS victory is covering Middle Earth
Tell me, Guy…
Did those three dragons leave forwarding addresses? My commanders on the ground keep getting party invitations for them, and have no way to ensure that they actually recieve them…
Lol, but there is a key difference; the dragons will return while the HC won’t.