Quit moaning and get on with it!! I’ve been in plenty of games with
the enemy having a 4-1 or 5-0 split… Victory is still possible
There is some game dynamic here you DS guys overlook. Assuming somewhat similar skills of players: If the FP gets neutrals early and the DS dont, the game is over for the DS. The opposite situation produces what looks like a stalemate - the situation in the present game, a situation which hugely benefits the DS - those who played game 75 will rembember how a FP victory in turn 5 was a stalemate in turn 10, and defeat in turn 15 (we waited to surrendered on T23 just to irritate the opposition), because 4 neutrals in turn 4 - 9 wanted it so. So I’m irritated at neutrals, therefore if we loose, I will not surrender but play to turn 50 or so and pick up any nation I can, just to keep the game alive.
Well, you won’t be annoying me if your allies have anything to do with it…!
Wouldn’t you rather bring this game to a furious, bloody conclusion and, win or lose, start another? Keeping the game on life support seems rather tedious to me… but, of course, that’s the point.
Anyway, the neutrals are naturally inclined to be annoying - that’s simply a consequence of the game design. In theory, I like the idea of prealigned neutrals, however in practice this generally means the elimination of my favorite nation (Easterlings). Too bad the standard wasn’t a draft of neutrals at the start of the game… I think one of the games mentioned in Bree used that approach (Game 33?)
- Keith / Fire King
Go for take up all the FP on your personal Vendetta against the Nuetrals who refused to join your team. But FP should also take responsibility for thier own Ineptness why I would not join them… The single most signficant was your teams Inability on turn 2 to even protect your own agent artifacts… How was you going to assist me aginst LR and CL agents all over my Capitol or my Northern holdings… I was to be your sacrificail LAMB while your Inept ELFS (BOTH) and SG twittled thier collective thumbs and watched me DIE so you the FP could beat your chests claiming How great you are! NO Way… I decided to make an Impact in deciding Who wins as a Valueable assest to my prospective team and achieve my Goals for this game.
Your team is now going to lose on all Fronts… Why the smell of defeat is all over. When are you The FP going to accept the Fact it’s your teams failure to protect SG Characters the weighed heavy on my decission to not join you… So die FP! My troops will have Led the way for only the DS to be RHUN and RHovonian and that is no Stalemate… You are flat out losing and are going to Lose… My suggestion for your team is Learn from it… The FP always appear to be winning ine everygame at turn 5… They have more troops and can recruit more… Geez that is simple math… Your Failure to move into mordor is Your own Not The nuetrals … Have you taken the Balck Gate? NO! have you Taken the IK capitol NO!.. Take 3822 ? NO! it is the FP intial forces that decide this.
The Eo in thier Infinite wisdom moving on DL capitol was dumb… That created the opportunity for me to Take The NM capitol to begin with… That was a mistake! That why turn at turn 2 It was was simple take out The NM. Why becuase I could… What could your team do about it… Nothing! without quality play on the character wars Nothing… So accept fact your opening moves depended on sacrficing me for your win! That will never happen in any game I am in… I decide my fate!
I have been playing for almost twenty years on and off. There is a gang of us that have played this game and are quite adept at it. I consider myself to be just OK. I have seen much and been both impressed at awesome play and skilled guys being ambushed by their own confidence. As I said earlier this is a game one pays for, if you are disappointed turn your position over to ME and join a grudge or such. As the Easterlings said this really was your doing. I have played with Brad before and he has always gone against my team. And he is a big pain to counter;) The Corsairs had told me that no one other then myself had reached out to him. You guys stated that the Dunlend player wouldn't talk to you. Harad was and is completely open and fair minded. I had a non-agression pact that would only last for some turns. They stated then that it meant nothing in regards to their loyalties. I truely feel that they could have gone either way. I think we didn't win them but you lost them. I'm not casting stones or trying to insult just discussing an issue IMO.;) Most of the guys on your side seem to be experienced and quite skilled. By the time this is completed it will most likely be 13 vs 10. Why the tears? The previous posts have stated your ability to dislodge the Witch-King and Dragon Lord. So really according to your team it is more like 11 vs 10. I suggest your team goto your local supermarket and get some Johnson's Baby shampoo...the No More Tears Formula:p
Come on and let’s just play:)
This is suppose to be fun…right:confused:
I am having fun - thats why I want to fight this to the end, be it yours or ours - the game just got a different objective.
I have no idea about what the eaterling is rambling about.
I definitely have to say The competition has been excellent. This is going to be one bloody mess… definitely each turn has one side or the other looking powerfullly in control until the counter move hits. I look forward to. It’s always something the that appears to be small and not very significant on that turn that decides who wins and who loses in the end.
As far as My nation goes there is no way to play Easterlings and survive without being the most ruthless player in the game… It’s just not a nation you can be remotely nice one side is simply going to Hate you like there is no tomorrow… :eek:
I’m Definitely working on being one of the Infamous players in Middle Earth. I’m already looking forward to playing some aligned nations before nobody wants to diplo my nations only Kill on site as a nuetral.:rolleyes:
Yes, DS took Harad and Easterlings assuming FP would take Corsairs/Duns…but FP took Corsairs/Rhudaur…and it made for an extremely interesting T1 planning session for the DS at least. A couple of the neutrals in this game played in that one, ironic it would get brought up…
You got to do better than that - I still have characters on my rooster (one escaped from prison…)
We’ll try our best. Perhaps if you sent us your turn results we could expedite your elimination…
The defeatism coming from the Freeps is just depressing, guys I nearly feel
sorry for you. I said nearly. I’ve played in over 20 games with 4-1 or 5-0
advantage to the enemies but never bleated like a lamb. Well, not into the
end anyway… Lol Does the NM, SG and EO expect to keep any of their
starting characters? Against competent oppostion this won’t happen
Well I tried but seems the Dwarves wanted a try at me and ended with a split decision… Seems good gaming fortune has smiled your way again on the military front to give you one last turn in Rhun.
What you mean by good military fortunes must be the abbility of my armies stop your armies when they are in the hex on the same time, yes??
Defeatism?? No, I only wished to congratulate my opponents on a succesful operation.
That is a very important piece of information - obviously you posses significant strenght of character. Impressive. Question: what did you do? As you do not bleat as a lamb, do you imitate other animals?
Obviously you do not only posses strength of character, but also considrable amounts of wisdom: thank you for sharing the information about competent opposition with me - it is possible that I will never experience this firsthand:D
Lol, I’m trying to impress on you guys that a less then equal split is a regular
occurence in ME. Every game its happened I made an effort the next game
and the split would be reversed. To cut to the chase Hobbit from a nice
quiet village in the middle of nowhere its your team’s inept use of
neutral negotiation that led to being stuck in a canoe without any paddles.
Atleast have the decency to admit one’s own failings… :eek:
Never faced competent opposition before? Now you’re just unlucky or
have a too high opinion of your own skills compared to other players.
Many players are competent, I could give you a list of atleast a 100
players. Its important in life to give repsect where its due; in this game
your EO has played a great game but he’s the only player on your team
to have shown his skill. Still waiting for the rest of you guys to up
the ante…
Guy Roppa
Ps I like making animal noises, it means I can communicate on the
same level as hobbits…
That is true, but it is besides the point:
Your previous comment regarding competent opponents is a meaningless statement of the obvious, unless you assume that the FP never have experienced competent advesaires. And since you have demonstrated both strength of character and wisdom, I doubt that you would state the obvious just to draw attention to your own excellence;)
Lol, but not all players are competent… Myself included have some very
dodgy turns; usually when I’m trying to peer into Palantir through a
sandstorm or with no sleep for 74+ hours manically chewing caffiene
tablets. Well, thats what they say they are anyway!
yes good fortune becuase I was moving evasively… your lucky you was not routed.
yeah, really very lucky on that one.
I would rather hear more some about those animal noises Guy likes make - on second thought, maybe not