Game 32

Well, here we are at turn 21 and we are still locked up in battle. How goes it, Servants of the Eye? Tired of being knocked up side the head yet? Ready to surrender to the inevitable power of the children of the Two Trees?

Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries. We fart in your general direction and we piss on your Two Trees!

Turn 23 and we are still in a major slugfest here. Both sides are still mostly in tact.

We gonna split the map in two and call it a day…? :wink:

Youze guys wanna fold up already? We just got our 10th full curse squad together and I have an agent at 150, a personal best…c’mon just bow down and let the Lord of Mordor burn his eye brand into your foreheads…

there will be no dawn for men…or elves…or dwarves…or hobbits…or unicorns…the fraggles…perhaps it’s just better if you don’t reply at all…:eek::eek::eek::eek:

Lvl 150? Yowzers! And 10 Death Stars? We better beware…:skull_and_crossbones:

Now that was a fun turn! How was it for you guys?

It was fun.

It could have gone much better. It could have gone much worse. It went interestingly.

In many ways, this is how the game ought to be. Not the more typical dozen plus a quarter dozen turns, a cloud of dust, and a concession.

You are right. We are 25 turns into this game and both sides are still landing haymakers every turn! Its been an epic War!

Turn 29 and Mordor is now a new FP vacation destination.

How’s it going DS? You have been pretty quiet lately.

Team DS touche!

The Easterlings are no more.

Hos Harf the Mage the last of the Turn 0 Easterlings was assassinated by Soul Killer.

But I’m not beat yet.

This game sounds like a tour de force


Turn 37 is in our hands. We FP have turned Mordor into a vacation area with a few creepy spots for exploring. The southern deserts are under renovation, as well. There is that northeastern troublespot to deal with soon.

Y’all ready to throw in the towel? We have the higher ground. What say you, DS?


“News from that troublesome and sneaky Neutral again folks.”

After a long and wearisome well fought battle the surviving Dark Servants(How many were left / or a better questions how many players left?) ceded the game to the Free Peoples.

The One Ring was found, but the DS saved us 3 more turns of misery.

“Good game, good game!”

Until the next one!

Congrats to the DS for an amazing 43 turn game! There were many swings in momentum to say the least.

Extra kudos to the QA and DkLt players for outstanding performances. You guys had more lives than a herd of cats.
