Well, if the DS planned this from the beginning, they’ve done an exceptional job!
DS Harad and Easterlings, FP Rhudaur and Corsairs, no Duns.
Easterlings nullified turn 2 by losing 5 towns. Angmar cleared, only 2703 and an unimpressively unimproved 2809 remain outside Mordor/Harandor/QA/4133. Speaking of Harad, lost many/most towns, couple MT’s, poised to lose more with the Corsairs untouched.
The Fortress Mordor character game, I take it?? Ever read the strategy articles from the MoS? You’ll note the commonality of the phrase “against competent opposition”. Gent’s, a strong man is able to admit he made a mistake. I’m sure your opening game plan is quite solid…against less competent opposition. Try it again next time!