Game 37 Bloodguard vs Alain Team

The age of man is over, welcome the age of the Bloodguard :eek:

I love the smell of burning hobbits in the morning :smiley:


Well seeing the nice name you have given yourself I have decided to get us a teamname as well. So let’s call this “Bloodguard vs. the Wild Bunch”,that name just popped to mind naturally.
I did like the original Thomas Covenant Chronicles so you guys have quite a name to live up to.


Hi Alain,

The original meaning of Blooguard stems from the royal bezerker guards of
the High King of Celtic Britain and the House Guards of the Vikings Chieftans.
The Thomas Covenant chronicles (like Tolkein) took inspiration from these
two warrior cultures. Now if you look at enemy player votes you will see
the members of the team have already earned the right of Bloodguard, but
don’t worry we will keep up it up… :cool:

Wild Bunch; well its your guys choice really… Ahem. :stuck_out_tongue: But its a step up
from Alain’s team name. So are you going to publish your team’s mambers

I do hope you guys are concentrating on the planning instead of the
name… We’ve got some serious suprises for your team :smiley:

Good luck!


I will send the list of our players to Darren.

Planning now? That’s what you do the day before the turn no?
Just kidding, I stopped counting now but we are well over one hundred emails already.

Look forward to a good fight.

Alain I like it… Any team I am on is in for a wild ride…


Interesting I’m fighting a team named after my Blood kinsmen… I guess that Irish blood must be the dominate part…


Irish, well that explains alot! :smiley: When I was a wee lad I played for London
Irish RFC, ok under 17’s and 18’s. Funny thing was there was only 4 Irish
guys in the whole team, my roots are Cornish Celtic… Now were’nt the
Irish and Cornish always at war? :wink:

Actually from what history of the Ilse’s i know of yes… Irish hated the cornish so much they even sided with the Scotts a few times… But the old Viking nations wasn’t allowed in the family fued. LOL


The remaining Irish bards able to recite the Iirish celtic histories talk of endless
wars between the Cornish and Irish. The Irish were just jealous of the
civilized and ‘not as poor’ Celts across the sea before and after the Romans
came. The Scotts were Irish, the NE Irish peoples.

Isnt Wilson a very Saxon name?? :stuck_out_tongue:

Wonder what you will be saying when Pelegir and Minas Arnor fall by turn
10 and Calmerie is the new seat? :cool:

Yes Wilson is very Saxon name… Name of a great general also…


I think you would consider it a DS win to Take 3024 by turn 10… I suggest you drink lots of coffee or strong tea if you believe you will take 2927 and 2924 before turn…
Or maybe your banking On NG will be dreaming and not fighting to allow it to happen.


Field Marshal Henry Maitland Wilson, 1st Baron Wilson or the US General Wilson?
Both were dependable not brilliant. Depending on NG fighting every inch of
the way with your typical agressive style. :smiley:

My particular Role model for for who I would like to emulate would have been Stonewall Jackson or Patton… Well you definitely know my style. I sure you will have a hard time predicting exctly what I will come up with on how I will impletement my aggressiveness.
Others may not recognize any brillance in my strategy or style of play… Even you would be hard pressed to say I am an ineffective player against good competetion.


Be careful when you walk out of doors, you’re head won’t fit. Bloodguard will
bring your ego crashing down to earth where it belongs.

I flat out gaurantee you can’t handle me alone so bring your entire teams full weight to bear… You most assuredly will gaurantee a FP tem win in your efforts.

More and more tripe. Terry, YOU have alot to prove not me. Where are
you in the FPS? I’ve checked and you are NOWHERE. If you have played
as many games as you claim…

You’re out of your depth and by the end of the game it will be someone
else’s fault not yours as players like you never admits to the truth as they
are so blinded by their ego…

Jesus, not 1 enemy vote!!! Hahahahahahaahahahaahaha.

No best enemy vote… I’m heartbroken… Oh no… I my never be on top… Oh I’m heartbroken again … Not make your list a best team player in in games I carring you… Oh no heartb roken again… My heart should be shattered by all this… Oh no! it’s in one piece…

I guess I have lot to prove then…:eek:

Hhahahahahahahaha. Loser