Game 39 1650

Rhudaur signing in.
I will be declaring as soon as possible after turn 1. Please submit an explanation of why I should join your team, and how you would use Rhudaur’s forces. I will decide based on the replies I receive.

Arfanhil of Rhudaur

Greetings from the Cloud Lord.

I invite all Neutrals to contact me at:

Have a great one,

The Eothraim look forward to an exchange of ambassadors with neutral nations. Email to mgrazebrook at compuserve . com

Swords are sharpened, armors are oiled; the men of Gondor are ready. Mordor will drown in the blood of orcs and men. Flee now puny Nazghuls for we are upon you and we are your DEATH.

Now that the formalities have been taken care of I welcome you all to the battlefields. Hopefully the game is full of wise wardlords and great generals giving us a entertaining and exiting game.

“RAAAAAARGHHHHHHHHH” (scary warcry sounding from Minas Tirith)

Tarondor aka The Battle Crazy Blood Drinking Orc Molester

As a member of the Dark Servants, I invite all right-thinking Neutrals to contact me.

-Glen, Blind Sorceror

Hi Skage I see you have NGo again. Flee never, just a little word of warning…your going to die, watch out for those agents they will :stab: at the first opportunity :smiley:


Hi Ian, you are on the wrong side! Please send your pdfs etc to me asap. Thanks.

Skage, wonderful sig! Hobbit from hell, just awesome.

To bad NG can not switch sides, we’d love to have ya come on over.

I’ll come on by some time to have tea.

Your friend,



Hi Skage, which pdf’s etc did you want? I thought you had mine from G13! If you meant the ones from this game i’m afraid its a case of you show me yours then i’ll show you mine. Tell you what invite me to your group so i can see all your plans as well. Many thanks.


Would love to do that, but I am not authorized to do so, sorry.
Sooooooo who are you playing? so that I can come and get you :bash:

(these smileys are funny)

I would like to exchange PDFs with the enemy after we’ve beaten you, I mean, after the end of the game. Is that OK?

Hi Mike, is Tine on the FP team too? Fine with me in exchanging files at game end once we have beaten you.


Any other neutrals out there?

She is, she is :))! Playing Cardo, once again. Of course I’ll do my very best to entertain you, as always! Please feel free to contact me under everybody. To the dear neutrals I promise turn reports ;).
Tine - Cardo

Well the first turns have run and i must say i like mine :wink:

hi Celdrahil signing in.
:hug: southern neighbours i would dearly like to communicate with your good selves. we are about to hold a party exclusively for the major military nations of which obviously you are a part of. Fire king might even be invited but although large his armies are usually very weak so maybe not. anyway here is my contact address please get in touch so i know where to send the invite

PS. BS and cloudy have you decided when your troops are going to be slaughtered yet? :bash:

Cant say I’m unhappy with mine either. Is Din O ok? I hope he didnt hurt himself.

He nearly stabbed himself in the foot trying to decide what should be his main target but his training is coming along nicely, thankyou very much for asking.

The 2nd turn was a mixed bag but overall i think we got the better deal out of it. Thats just my opinion of course.

You make me feel like an idiot: regardless of the perspective I am unable to understand how you come to that conclusion. There must be something very unpleasant I have overlooked.

I’d say the Doggy lost the battle but won the war with the Eothraim. Cool tactics on your all’s part BTW, not so much the all in one gathering, everyone see’s that coming, but the 1-2 army tap was well done, though places us in a better position IMO. Guess we will see over the next few turns. Great playing against ya, I forsee you all to be a tough challenge.

See ya,
Kitirat, Scribe of Ji