No posts from the now defunct game 39 debacle. I have a pretty good idea who played one of the opposing trios, and confirmed who one of my allies was. Tony and I played The Northern Gondor trio and we wanted to try the strategy of sending everyting after the Cloud Lord. We got some semi bad news when Southern Gondor said he was sending everything after the Cloud Lord as well as we felt he would ruin or sneak attack. Unfortunately, the game ended before we could determine if the strategy would have worked. We made a crucial error in judgement which delayed are move onto the Clourd Lord capital until turn 6 and allowed inner mordor to prepare for our attack. We took the Cloud Lord capital on turn 6, but the game had ended by then and it looks like the Dog Lord and Blind Sorceror had amassed enough troops to defend, but the game ended so we have no idea if we would have destroyed 3629 as well.
The early market crash basically ended the game which dictated our strategy of not engaging any troops of the dark servants. I think the Fire king did not get engaged until turn four, Blind sorceror on turn four, the dog lord on turn five along with some Dark Lieutenant troops. Basically the Cloud Lord, Ice King funded his troops the whole game. With food never going to 2 I am sure tis caused the game to basically end as we eliminated Rhuduar on turn 4 (not sure how) and then two more nations bankrupted on turn 5.
Disappointing outcome to the game. A crashed economy and winter setting in on turn two or three makes for an almost impossible dark servant strategy in gunboat.
People say one side or the other has an advantage in gunboat, but I say every game I have played in has been dictated by strategy and drops.
If you play gunboat, you have to manage your duo or trio of nations with the intent that you will get no help. If you expect help, you have played the game wrong and your side will lose because of your strategy, not your allies for not sending you money.
On to the next debacle. My fear is the gaming community is getting thin, as many good players I have played with in the past have stopped playing. I am not sure how to change this slow decline of talent leaving the game. Hopefully for only a short hiatus, but my fear is forever. Then again, I am not sure how much longer I will continue to play.
Tim Huiatt