Best regards to all in Game 39. Hope we all have fun.
QA and Harad
Best regards to all in Game 39. Hope we all have fun.
QA and Harad
No one wants to talk?
QA & Harad
The Chief of Staff had tasks for me tonight. Glad the game is starting. I’ll have to let Rob know your positions he was interested to see where you would land. John’s playing two as well right? I too hope we have a fun and hard fought game. At least we shall see good natured barbs in this game.
Kev, John, Miguel, Paul et all hope you guys have a good time, now lets get it on.
Bar the gates boys;
We think we have a plan that does indeed allow for offensive action early. After masterminding successful defenses of the gates in the War of the Tethered Goat our War Colleges have been hard at work trying to crack the nut of attack on Mordor.
So let the trumpets sound, here we come!
Go for it Freeps. I know where Lamthnac always shows up on turn four.
Just ask the Tethered Goad we can breath easier we have plenty of time now
Originally posted by 88 Noldo
Go for it Freeps. I know where Lamthnac always shows up on turn four.
Lamthnac, or better Lamthanc won’t help you.
Have Fun !
Dictionary? I don’t need no stinking dictionary.
You’re sure about this ?
I hope you’re able to spell the names of the pop-centers we’re taking from you !
Have Fun !
are you able to spell that what will happen with the Harad-cap next turn ?
Have Fun !
B - U - R - N? But you are not involved, I notice.
Be happy,
I’m involved !
Have Fun !