we dont have any gold left. The magic curse mirrors that peddler sold dont work and I wont have any armies left soon. I still think we won some freak DS tour of a Freep nation sweep. Any chance you drawing another name?
Aye, contested. Thanks to the generosity of the Sinda, the Woodmen are back in Mirkwood.
We will taking special care to hunt down any nasty orcs who have been careless in their stewardship of our forrests while we were away. So whether you be orc or troll, I suggest you take good care to collect your litter and take it with you when you leave.
We would like to thank the Fire King for giving us Tir Limlight without fuss. It was exceptionally well cared for. We trust the other temporary tenants of the Mirkwood region will behave in an equally civilized manner.
[QUOTE=mgrazebrook]Aye, contested. Thanks to the generosity of the Sinda, the Woodmen are back in Mirkwood.
Hmm, very generous. You don’t know how lucky you are with managing to get the Sinda city. We know he didn’t give it to you btw.
Technically, the Woodmen aren’t back in Mirkwood - but I won’t split hairs with you over it!
Anyway, lets see how long you can hold it shall we?
P.S - Pass on my thanks to the Duns for the RoW and other sundry artefacts. Rest assured I’ll put it to good use.
We have Caras Galadhon by acclamation of the people, given in free and fair elections with not a postal vote in sight. And who can blame them? Given the choice between a wraith and a werewolf, who would YOU vote for?
As for “back in Mirkwood”, is it possible you missed my army at the Dragon Lord capital? Maybe not the most scary threatthe dragon lord has ever encountered, but at least we get to tread on hallowed ground and wave our cudgels in the air with a big shout.
I’m playing the Duns. Yeah, a skillfull play on your part to gain the ROW…lol.
Remember this turn when in some future game you lose Din O in challenge to a low ranking character.
Too bad about Enion this turn but I figured that might happen and it was totally worth it. I love the smell of Dk lts burning MT’s (and cities) in the morning.
Losing Enion but burning 2 is better than sitting put for the cursers\assassins you no doubt sent over to seal the deal.
12k in a single steal attempt this turn from the Dog Lord is my new personal record. (Granted turn 1 of this game was my 6th turn (not game…turn) of ME so my “career” is still young.
P.S. Those were teleporting wooden badgers…brought them all the way down from the ruined WK MT’s. Honest!
Good game all…you guys are quite good…I’m still taking notes on some of the stuff you’ve pulled off.
-Darrel of the Duns.
Yes, good turn for the Duns. But the EO and NG are out and it is Arthedain and Corsairs’ turn in the barrell. You got to love it: Capture a city and find 500 mithril and 3000 mounts in the stores.
Yeah, I figured NG would go this turn…no shocker.
I figure there will be a concession soon.
I’m very happy with the game…I think that Brad’s goal of getting the KC crowd up to speed is a success.
I’m just glad we managed to last as long as we have and give you guys a fight (as much for learning purposes as anything).
Happy to share pdf’s when it’s over? Or at least discuss some things?
Please, please don;t quit. The entire game I led the DS in victory points but this turn fell to 5th. Give me some time to claw my way back.
Who says we’re quitting? If you ask the Woodies or Cardolan, that’s a no way. Too many nice things going on. Our vote is to play on…
Cheers, Tine
Thank you lovely Tine, Mistress of Cardolan. Or, as Cardolan is known amongst the DS, “land of the refugees”.
I take it you are not playing the Dark Lietinants or Witch King then…the game wouldn’t last THAT long.
Only one DS got slapped last turn. That was me.
Too bad the Noldo emmissaries sucked it up so bad at your 2nd road MT. The plan was for the DK lts. to pick up their pdf and see they were down a city and an MT with me sitting on the other on the road. (2 outta 3 ain’t bad). Don’t know if that woulda knocked you out or not…but I’ve got to think you didn’t expect my forces from 3120 to swing up on you…and a Dragon is the only thing that will save the other MT…you’ve likely got some armies in range but we’ll see.
I still have to get bobbins to teach me the command that cost me the ROW last turn…I think it’s misc. command 666…bone the Dunlendings. (DS only)
I have something hillarious to tell you when the game ends…the WK will find it particularily ironic.
Yes, you fellows have done a great job concentrating on me. But, I’m an Olde Tymer and only an Olde Tymer can survive the loss of three capitals in three turns, without asking his allies for a nickle and still take the offensive against the FP.
Hey, send me a private message. I can use a good laugh right now.
As for order 666, my hat goes off to you. Here you are a second game near-newbie and you have realized the possibility that there are unpublished orders. You know, pople have played this game for more than a decade and that thought never entered their heads. Part of the genius of the game’s creators is to separate the mentally flexible/experimenter from the inflexible/trusting and do it in such a subtle mannner few realize what is going on. But, that is why this game has been changed—influential people didn’t realize what was going on.
It has been a bother when a friendly data entry person says “Hey Ed, You gave Dr. Who the order XYZ” and I grudffly respond “You are not my Mother, so put it in like I bloody wrote it”.
Just received the FP concession memo. Thanks to all that played and good fortune to all.
Ed Mills
Hey Ed,
I think that should read as “I just received the FP concession memo” we DS won not the FP.
Long Rider G 39 Turn 13 - now
Oops, me bad.
Good game all…thanks for the lesson.
A couple random thoughts.
-A big thanks to Brad for taking on the task of so many newbies on a team. We now have 6 more MEPBM’ers in Kansas City.
-We dug ourselves a big hole early on but played better as the game progressed. I’m glad we lasted this long…we learned a lot.
-For humor, the Pectoral has been lying on the ground in Goblin Gate for 10+ turns. I challenged/killed the emissary there but was killed by militia stealing the same turn so it dropped to the ground.
-Din Othar gets the single character MVP for the game.
Ed, not for a second do I actually believe there are secret order numbers. I also don’t believe your comments about the Dk lts. being fine even if the Noldo had influenced your MT. Personally, I think you might have gone under had that been successful but all moot as we aren’t playing this turn anyway.
-Darrel - Duns
Congratulations to the DS. We had not lost the means to resist and could still do damage as was shown in the last turn, but the majority of the team felt that in the end we would go down in defeat. For a mainly rookie team with 5 or less turns experience for most of the team I think we made a challenging fight out of the game and with the lessons learned would be a tougher opponent now.
Tine and Mike came up with the Cloud Lord plan and after tweaking Mike saw it through to a successful conclusion. It was that time when I felt that we had drawn the game even and the decision was in doubt. However we did not maintain the pressure for a variety of reasons and my compliments to the DS for the effiiciency of their reaction.
We had some gaffs in the game opening which put us behind, given the experience gained from this game I do not think such mistakes would be repeated. It was a challenge and I congratulate all who played on both sides.