Game 4 - 1 Weeker

Haradwaith seeks peace, compassion and an evolved sense of conectedness with all.

If, for whatever reason, you do not feel capable of being a part of such a special union of Life in this Universe. Then, well, I suppose we might have to take issue with your philosophies.

Upon further contemplation, the issues we take with your refusal to see things the way we see them might, well, knowing what we know of ego, frailty, and weakness, well, might result in circumstances that would be generally construed as challenging…to say the least…for your citizenry.

Your people want me as an ally.

Your people would rather I didn’t show up in a mood other than jovially inclusive and welcoming.

It’s up to you. All the best, I wish no ill on any, alas, I wish success to mine own. Take care not to impede my motivation.

The nations of the Woodmen and Sinda Elves would never impede your motivation–or care to risk your no jovial mood:) We only wish peace, good times and better drinks to be shared between our nations. We can be contacted directly at

Horns of mead raised to all in this game, especially those of the neutral persuasion!

Will (sort of lord of Mirkwood, I suppose)

QA&LR checking in I hoping that the neutrals checkin in here shortly? otherwise will have to try the old fashioned way???

Corsair here
Hello all, i hope great for all.

Bah, Umbar has obviously gone soft. I hope great for ME. Which, by definition, excludes most of the rest of you. Troll someone who cares…

If you cared, we’d already be in touch. So I assume 22 of you don’t care. Shame, I can only conquer 1 at a time…I hope I get to all of you who obviously don’t care. The longer the game, the more pages of PC’s on my pdf…all good~!

Rhuggha, I would only assume that you are the current Harad player did you secure this position in this fine game?

I am playing the Witch King and the Dragon Lord in this one and am looking forward to discussing the enslavement (for their betterment of course) of the Free with all neutrals but would appreciate it in the Lords of Rhuduar and Dunland contacted me at their earliest convenience. Messages my be sent to reach me at Suraklin98 at yahoo dot com.

Emissaries with stealth and commanders with healing bonuses…taxes moved 1 whole point. Ah, dice. We loves them…

I must try a 1-week game at some point! :slight_smile:

Well, there will be another one in 3 or so years…

Vamag burns and Bruno the Pirate comes to visit me. There will be much death in the south…

Congratzz Brad. You did it really good. Just recruit HC well armed and did a neutral surprised attack like beaten in the back.

And of course, asking Sinda to help you trying to sabotage my two castles. Just say “goodbye” to Tharudan and some others.

Let see what happen now.

Good game.


Go high or go home. I got 1/2 my targets and lost the entire capital attack force along with the boats… Meh, now we got a slug fest down here…


You have to love the 1 week games. 3000 st/st HI feeds the fishes and I’ve downgraded relations with allies. A friend writes “As soon as I deal with those 3 inbound armies, I’ll work on camp busters…”… Funny. Throw in some bunnies and swallows and we’ll have a real game here…

It’s ok by us Brad, we are enjoying having dragons in most of our armies.