Game 4

No doctor, just a Brother here. I’m familiar with feet from mouths, but for other extractions, I have to call the experts…

I hate dirty shoes, all that dirty **** on my fine shoes…and it stinks like Saurons minions…:stuck_out_tongue:

Hi Gix and comrades

Well it was foreseeable, no aggressive moves and a planned sagging - thats it, are you to lull us into the sleep or do you keep something up your sleeve?

Did you plan for a long game?


Oh what a pitty!
Hey the horse-**** comes with your armies, now you shouldn’t be too astonished to stay in it!


I’m living with the hope that the Cap noticed my call.
… and even if not, you’ll get your beatings.


What is that I hear? The FP burned Dol Guldur?
Will the surprises never stop…?!


Are you playing the Easterling?


Right back at you…

I cant reveal things like that, I hope you understand - but then I expect the opposition to spend a little more time on bragging what they really did do, but then me thinks they are afraid of reminding us of what happened, by mentioning it they draw our attention to the very core of it, thus they only throw out very obtuse comments.

The ingame opposition is good.


PS. try to tell R. to write complete sentenses or even a bunch of them, Ill try to do the same.

You’ll have to explain to me how we would supposedly be afraid of reminding you that you’ve accomplished nothing in the game except the Harad North Bank (don’t mention Morannon, or I’ll counter with the Eoplex…) with all that starting FP military stuff… And then confirm that the DS are playing well in game. So what’s the “core” of…what…??..exactly?

Am I being obtuse…? We only just me, you’ll find better words as the game progresses… :smiley:


Am Im being obtuse or maybe its just my 3. rate english that confuses you - whatever it is.
Your doing well at some places - focus on them and succeed, but then there really are a set of mutually exclusive perceptions of the present situation.

See - I admitted it and did I ever honour you by telling you that we never expected you guys to be a complete pushover from turn zero:D

Enjoy Loke:D:D:D

Overall, I’m enjoying this game. Not only because I’m digging into all the details (you enjoy those ones more than when you drift along barely running 1 nation…) but because we’re doing some interesting things, as well are our opposition. A couple of teams that would appear to be mostly if not completely unknown to each other.

Now, let’s see who’s going to impress the other one the most next… :slight_smile:

Harad North Bank has turned out as expected, when left to rot.
The LR cav could have made a difference there, instead of the bizarre kamikaze attack.
The CL cav is also an option in N. Harad, but the havoc wrecking in the Rhun area has been a very nasty alternative.
The South Bank however should be a small job for the DS, considering they are 2 against 1.
But then you have to recruit to the max. and not name early emisaries or make “funky” naval moves etc.

I wish…no my responsiblities lies in the NW…where I until know have had what an optimist could call marginal success…

Is it “System of a Down”?
Really looks like!


I’ve been avoiding the jibe about the “funky naval moves”… Sigh, we were in a wait and see attitude mostly in the south, but early on we got snookered into a corner by unfortunate circumstances and, well, momentum does mean a lot… :frowning:

Ah yes, the North West is quite interesting from a DS perspective, what, WK/Rhu has lost 1 MT and 1 T, gained 1 MT and 1 T while causing some Dale area havoc while maintaining Angmar…? Don’t see that often, check out the Game 6 thread, where we expect to finish Rhu/WK now - same turn… :wink: But then, we’re losing a couple towns now, t10 - got anything to follow that up? A couple more, okay, we’ll see - the boyz are doing quite well up there and are having a bit of fun with it…

Well, you’re still plodding along, yes? Some good, some damnably unlucky dice there, sigh, c’est la vie, oui?

yes…all true, but things tend to change quickly in this game…

Do they?
