Sigh… Yes, Gixxx, they do. One minute it’s the Northmen under attack, and then ZING~! It’s the Eoplex. Now it’s the Sinda (who, for the record, have done wonders with Galadriel at least, don’t recall any other Sinda showing up anywhere really important…oh wait, this isn’t 2950…well damn then, just when I was giving you credit…;)). Should we start the circle of love back up again or move on to bigger and better? Don’t worry about them, they’re “changing quickly” in Angmar…or something…
Hey Freps,
pretty good turn for the DS.
Looks like some of your nations haven’t recruited more troops to slain us!
Really wise!
… meanwhile you know that it won’t help!
Gix you should keep your hands off those mushrooms, they induce hallucinations and a distorted reality, taken with care they can result in a beserk viking, but I cant see anything that is outside the margins of what could be expected;)
ps. hope you had a restful summer vacation
In hindsight, maybe. But if you were expecting all this ahead of time, well, before I can congratulate you on your prophetic brilliance, I DO have to ask:
How have you let us get away with what we’ve gotten away with? How is it that the FP are behind on every front of the war? Come now, fess up - you’re going through the voting process every turn now, aren’t you…?
Knowing what the DS is capable of is no prophecy, only guessing. Your post has some of the same delusional streaks I noticed in Gix´s, maybe even for the same reasons;)
Stir them into the chili with extra peppers and you can’t taste the mushrooms at all…
Olala - a real gourmand, but then chili does improve every kind of food - even chocolate, vodka and licorice.
You really demonstrated your unparalleled superiority by giving away 5k timber, but then I dont know if it is most embarrassing for us to sack Fennas Drunin as late as turn 11 or for you to loose it with uncle Ji & co, dragons and your curse-team failing to prevent it.
Really you want to discuss the NW? Really?!
The timber was there last turn but the commander failed the fortify order by the way. That would have been fun if it went through, but you can’t win them all
Maybe we should not allow ourselves gunboat style gaming against you guys, but then it resulted in a a good game where we need to fight for it.
Just a question
The order sequence is first battle, then improve fortifications or was it the previous turn it failed?
It failed previous turn (with not good commander - but you have to take the risks up here…). The Lord showed up next turn just in case we’d have another attempt, but…
((Anyway, very enjoyable game all in all, against worthy opponents! Ok, trash-talk mode on again :)))
Well another uneventful turn, a few kills, some stealing, some very small DS armies popping up here and there, probably a curse victim, another botched buyout attempt (your supposed to buy it all, not only a a fraction of it - just some friendly advice guys).
Yeah, thanks. We had a big debate and the “No no no, you have to leave a certain percentage in the caravan for the full increase” side won the day. Live and learn.
But I’m surprised that’s all you come up with…? If this wasn’t the absolute worst turn for the DS this game, then the worst was long long ago and I’ve forgotten…
Your right it isnt really nasty, but its funny as hell:D
We cannot take any blame in the late financial crisis stunting every move on Middle Earth, this is solely the work of greedy folks trying to play the market for easy gains and getting the market blowing into their faces. A bailout is out of question, let rot what does not live - we say - hoping for better times to come. A time of unity between people, people who care about sheep, gardening and listening to old tales told by old wacky people of times gone by.
So, what you’re really saying is you’re looking to corner the market in what those whacky people put in their pipes…?
Nah, I just hope the wacky guys can tell their tales, shave sheep and dont worry about risk takers like investment bankers. Utopia.
Utopia indeed. I see the FP are against Progress. And Jobs. Jobs for the People. This is obviously why you’ve gone to war. Your people have been well brainwashed, you certainly wouldn’t get elected with such a platform. Be wary, though - it sounds like you’ve created a dictatorship to hammer through a anti-state voluntaristic society into an ingnorantly unwilling populace. Now, will the sweet savour of power corrupt your idealistic leadership…? It always does. But there is Good News~! You won’t live past the year, so you’ll never find yourselves in the moral tumult such an endeavor is destined to create~! You’re welcome.
the Dark
Back on the mushrooms are we? We are against the progress of darkness thats correct, we do not agree with new jobs mandating backside kissing and we do care very much about sheep and their wellbeing. All this and many more reasons compells us to resist the darkies, to prove their profecies of grandeur wrong while enjoying it and ofcourse experiment with things we never tried before. One of our old favorits is stripping the opposition of any artifact giving access to spirit mastery, but I guess you know all about that:D
Right, and I thought Sanga was simply deep sea fishing…