Game 4

You seldom use “temporary” about your conquest, why is that? Expierience must have told you about it, Harad is the impersonation of exactly that, not much stayingpower, more like poppinguppower:D

Hope you enjoy the fight and havent succumbed to the we-have-won,-why-dont-they-give-up-already attitude, as Gix never misses the phrase “Have Fun”.


Oh we’re having a blast, thanks. No, it’s really “looking” good, frankly, from a DS perspective, but there are yet a couple skeletons in the closet. Now, whether you’re able to motivate them out of there to scare the kids or not, we’ll continue to see… :smiley:

Good, nothing more annoying than sure winners, they tend to make more mistakes than their intended prey fighting with teeth and claws. Maybe we get to that in time coming.


… oh are they doing?

I’ve got the impression that team-work increases/decreases with the outcome of the turn-results.

Have Fun!


Lately we diverted some attention into the teamwork thingy, not sure how it will work out, but thanks for your kind advice.


I’m always glad to give helpful hints!

Have Fun Holger!


Oh no! I was cursed! CURSED!


Yeah right - and then suddenly you find out youre undead and haunt the forum with thin reedy postings:rolleyes:

I got better!

Im not surprised:D

… and, someone feels better!

Great news!

Some others aren’t feeling so well I guess!-

Interesting game so far!

Have Fun!


Moin Gix

Yeah - both ways, in this muddled turn, desperation seems to play a major role in it.



Hmmm, nothing from Nietzsche about this?-

We’re really not so "down and desperated " at the moment.-

Interesting company with Gildor and so!

Have Fun!


Noldo isnt in yet - care to elaborate?

Meh - Noldo only got two chars at Kal Nargil, including the armycom, they are easily replaced. Din Othar on the other hand orchestrated his own demise and follows Uvatha in his footsteps.


Glad you’re paying attention to all the 210 kills we got along with the other assassinations. Ren hexed Din O for some slight against Rozilan at a ball last week. Beware of the dirty one…

So whats your point, DS on a rampage of challenges or the fact that armies are classed as such with less than 700 men?

What are you talking about??? Din’s joke about various cousins and daughters was in poor taste, Ren incanted something, Din dies two weeks later. We’ve heard rumours about armies and things. There are some boyz out whetting their oat’s, so to speak, if the odd silly humanoid dies, what of it? Get a grip my Lokie friend, this “game” thing is over, we’ve off to other forms of amusement.

we have some bigger armies.

… but do we need them?

At the moment they are pure luxury.
… I like luxury!

Have Fun!


Greetings Rhuggha and Gix

Well you better use your luxury armies to knock us out then - it cant be that difficulty as you have declared victory numerous times already. The claim of 210 kills has been replaced by something else - was it wish-thinking? Whatever, bragging and forum banter aside, are you prepared for winter?
