He insisted on having a cover story, we told him nobody would believe it, but he just smiled and gave a lecture on the importance of cover stories. When he finished an hour later he realized everyone had left. Last I heard he is considering to write a book on the topic.
Gotta love government hand outs to artists, writers, and the like. You go on and build your culture - but hurry up and get it finished before we burn it to the ground, eh?
Me thinks thou are still faintly delusional, not so much faintly more about to faint of an OD of delusions. But dont be alarmed, we need you to survive ten turns or there about, so relax, take it easy and dont squander your remaining gold on things you really cant afford:D
Good advice. No more golf courses in the Misties then Khamul~! Akhorahil - enough of the gold statues to former mistresses already!! We have a WAR to fight here, or haven’t you heard.??? Murazor~! The panthers don’t need personal saunas~! Keep the zoo if you insist, lots of feed on the battlefield for them, but lardy man, enough is enough~! Hire an army instead this turn, 'kay? Just for me…
the Dark
Unfortunately you have to be on good terms with the art-popes to get it.
Would be nice to meet your “lord”.-
Sinda, go back to the trees and sing with them.-
Your death is named Sinthoras!
You don’t really think you’re going to get Durthang, do you…? You know how to save some $ and end the suffering, don’t you?:slap:
3rd time’s a charm at the Sinda…er…Dragon Lord city… He’s been having a tonne of fun, I’m sure you can appreciate. Isn’t he supposed to have been evicted from Mirkwood by now? Not to mention Murazor and Arfy-boy, eh?:omg:
Sorry about the Eothraim - you’re supposed to relocate them to the Gap of Rohan - didn’t you read the books…? Well, whatever, Haruth will rule the world you know. Wait a second…? We sent no help to the Harad and he’s taking Dun and Eothraim pops while remaining in the South Bank and reclaiming the North Bank. This reminds me of the Dragon Lord, Witch King and Rhudaur.:eek:
Now really, if our weak sisters are still running around their starting locations, well, back to that bit about saving some $… But then, you’re stalwart gamers, and some of the DS are really eager to see the next 3-4 turns unfold~!:bash:
Holding the south bank???
Even with the aid of worms and a QA recruiting like hell(perhaps he should have done that from turn 1), Harad is still going down.
I would be more focused on the fact that Bloody Angamaite and his chums have wreaked havoc in the land of the Sand People without any allied aid what so ever. And have even had time for some deep sea fishing.
And no comments on the financial crisis?
I do not recall prices this low in any game at all.
Dragon Lord has been a nasty litlle menace in Mirkwood thats for sure, but maybe the assistance of the Midget Fire Brigade can end his reign of pestilence.
<<Bloody Angamaite and his chums have wreaked havoc in the land of the Sand People without any allied aid what so ever.>>
Because 5400 South Gondorians and 1200 Sinda on turn 1 were apparently there on a diplomatic mission. Duh.
Well, I do like perspective. In every game I’ve played, Harad is long gone without help and the economies are 1’s across the board from much earlier on. If there are many other “I’ve never seen this before” from your perspective in this game, well, that would explain a lot. We’re doing nothing new here, kind of boring actually, in many ways. Well, it’s fun because we’re going to win, it’s been pretty clear for a while and is now quite obvious - but there’s that perspective thing
Don’t go skewing their perspective with truth or facts…what good are THOSE? You realize as the act of sinking puts out the fires on their game ship, they’re going to start thumping their chests and pointing their fingers…let them have their fun…
I do not recall any Gondorians or pointy ears on the south bank.
In every game I have played as Harad, the Corsair has been anihilated by turn 15 or sooner.
The massive attack on the north bank is mandatory.It can be stalled, or perhaps even won, with the aid of LR/CL cav groups.
I will give you credits for the annoying CL riders, but the the suicide missions of LR and QA in Barazon were rather bizare.
Yes, nobody was more confused at the times than the players footing the bills either… We’ve had moments of brilliance, and then other moments. Those are fun too, from the perspective of a spectator…c’est la vie…
the Dark
you’re reading too many Marvel-comics.
… but this time no superhero will show up to aid you!
some people are playing the game in a different style.
So don’t wonder too much!
Sooner or later you’ll see what’s going on, but it will be too late!
If they can’t see what’s going on, with their former large pops now in our hands as our armies are everywhere whilst their characters are dying, well, I don’t know what kind of glasses they need…
Pretty right brother Brad,
looking on the new results … the Freps are in trouble!
Have Fun!
The usual banter or are you thinking of anything specific? If one was to believe anything you guys write we should have given up some turns ago. So if you mind being a little more helpful and tell us were and what the trouble is I would apprichiate it.
Yeah, sure, apologies to those who are paying attention as this is simply repeating much of the above.
Harad is growing stronger at the expense of the radically relocated Eothraim.
Dragon Lord has major pops in Mirkwood, and we’re going to have to find the Northmen capital (if there is a Northmen…) after this turn.
The QA of all people is attacking from the North.
WK and Rhudaur are still Turn 0 size - it’s Turn 14.
Huge after Huge after Huge FP armies are burning and doing nothing at the Gates. They got Osgiliath back, but after blowing their starting wad on Morannon, we’ve rebuilt it and don’t expect to lose it again.
We’re bigger, stronger and just past the tipping point where dozens of excellently developing characters are finally going to fling the chains off our conservative character play.
The game is decided, it’s just not over.
the Dark
In ruins. I don’t think the people of Gondor would think it much of a victory that the ancient seat of their kingdom was burned to the ground by their own troops.