I am curious, how many of the DS nations had Agent SNAs? Em SNAs?
The were 2 Dark nations that had ageny SNAs: The Rhûn Easterlings, who had ‘Name new Agents at 40’ and my own Goblins who also has the 40 agents SNA in addition to double scouting. Double scouting, in my opinion, is more important in getting the agent game going. I made the mistake in another 4th Age game of taking the +20 to scouting SNA which is unreliable - go hard or go home - take the 2x scouting if you go that route.
Only 2 nations had the ‘Name new emmisaries at 40’ SNA, the Sons of Owain & the Raggers. Our emmy company was effective, particularly in/around the Misty Mountains, working in concert with one of the agent companies.
Our most popular SNA was ‘Name new commanders at 40’, surprisingly - 4 nations took that- and there was the usual smattering of Conjure Mounts, Hire for Free, +20% Market Adjustment, Navy Stuff, etc. I’ve noticed from a 4th Age Gunboat I’m playing that the +20% SNA is going a long way towards my success as you’re not able to depend on the generosity of teammates.
We were certainly not slanted to the agent game at start but did a good job of forming companies with our agents and working in concert with one another.
Critical to our success was doing a market ploy every turn, ably coordinated by Matt of the Raggers & Ernie of the Black Mask. This certainly kept us in gold every turn and the Dark showed excellent teamwork all around, sharing resources, gold and character actions where needed.
I’d have to respectfully disagree on your point of knowing teammates SNAs going in Ken. The blind setup (allegience, location, teammates info, etc.) is what made this variant fresh. That said I was quite lucky in having a teammate protecting an entire flank but Lorien was my second choice, Rohan my first. Looking at the Free and Neutral nations stacked in/around the Gap I’m glad things worked out as they did!
What did you make of the original distribution of nations? I’d love to get a neutral’s take on this as I wonder if this distribution should be tweaked somewhat.
I’m itching to go again if there’s any interest!