All missives, bikini models, and free booze cheerfully accepted.
Drop us a line: harbqll (at) hotmail (dot) com
(please put game 42 in the subject line, so I don’t miss it.)
Looking forward to hearing from the other northern nations, especially the Glorious Valerian Kingdom. We hear they have the best pizza in Middle Earth.
The Iron Legion, located in South Mirkwood, can be reached at – we are especially interested in opening talks with our neighbors in adjacent regions, oibviously, but will happily discuss the world situation with any and all who wish to contact us. NOTE that I do not visit the forum often, so email is the way to go.
So, per the frontsheet, the Kingdom capitals and characters are off-limits – but that implies that other Kingdom pop centers are NOT off-limits, correct? Just asking…the northwest corner of Mordor is not that far away…
With the decay of the North Kingdom in Arnor, Dúnadan nobles have declared independence and founded a new kingdom of Arenlond in the abandoned Sindar realms west of the hills of Elostirion. We can be contacted at:
We are interested in hearing from any other nation, particularly our neighbours.
The followers of the Loresraat send greetings from the eastern reaches of Mordor. I look forward to many meetings in our peaceful halls; we can be contacted at
I also bear tidings from my brother-in-arms Nate of the Plainsmen in Southern Mordor. An audience may be found with him at
Both of us look forward to speaking with both friend and foe alike.
The Baja Sur are checking in from Far Harad and are hoping to chat with friends and neighbors, especially the Shadow Lords. We can be reached at or via PM here. Looking forward to meeting you all.
We’ve carved our nation into the foothills of the Misty mountain in the Rhudaur region. We seek to open lines of communication with all nearby nations, especially the nation of Coull Lomon to our immediate north in the frigid wastes of Angmar.
In the name of the Unseen University, I am proud to present my compliments to all Ladies and Lords of the realm.
Now that we have been dragged kicking and screaming into this so called “Age of Men”, why not make the best of it? The Unseen University is here to help you through this interesting times. We offer all the Magical Services you might need!
Looking for a friend you haven’t seen for ages?
Searching for a long lost family heirloom?
Interested in which resources your lands might produce so you don’t waste valuable camp space?
Wondering what your neighbours are up to but you can’t find out?
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you think we can do something for you! There is, of course, the question of payment. But although it is extremely expensive to maintain the High Energy Magic Building, just to name one of our facilities, we do not exclusively accept gold. Resources, information and any kind of support might also be of interest. Terms and conditions will be negotiated at request. Send a personal message to contact us!
Mustrum Ridcully, Archchancellor of the Unseen University
A note to our customers:
As our name indicates, we like our privacy. So we respectfully request that anybody coming across our holdings uninvited will leave uncalled. We will do the very same in the reverse case.
So I thought I would be clever and get in on the early camp creating rush and started charactes with the following Emissary skills:
Emmy 60, 50, 40, 40, 40, 40 and 30
All but the 30 (Com/Emmy) head out to place camps, 1st turn 1 camp successfuly created, next turn 2 camps created and 4 of the dreaded:
“He was not able to complete the creation of the camp because there was insufficient populace. Continued efforts may succeed.”
One of these failures was on the 65 emmy (the only one that succeeded in t1). So I am coming into turn 4 with a lousy 3 new camps to show for all these starting emmys… Is this normal Is there a per turn camp limit? Or am I just very unlucky? Because all these wasted orders on a randomly generated number arent much fun
So out of 6 starting emmies I get 3 camps, awesome :mad:
But no I dont think the limit has been reached yet, because all my failures still end in “Continued efforts may succeed.” I think once they no longer have that on the end the limit is reached.
Interesting game so far… even if no hostilities have began yet… not even so much as a gold theft in all of Middle Earth (well that I am aware of) :hug:
yes, it is quiet in Middle-Earth. But only at first glance. Nations are busy with creating new settlements and recruiting new leaders for whatever missions the future might hold. And behind the scenes, diplomats exchange notes to forge alliances.
When will we see the first hostile act? When will the first war erupt?
The Unseen University is still here to offer you all kinds of helpful services to prevail in the dangerous times to come.
Let me take the liberty to admit that we also have a desire. Should you happen to possess or come upon certain devices that enhance magical skills and have no or just limited use for them, we would be willing to offer substantial amounts of gold, resources and favours (or a combination of those) to acquire them.
For those who wish to contact us, there is an additional option: