Game 43, 77 dead in 7 turns

3718 The battle for Birindwa Ci was fierce.

Went back and looked and it appears we lost 36 and you guys lost 41 although I might have missed a name or two from weakness’s.

Was a fun fight while it lasted. I lost 7 characters and killed 16. Not a fight I wanted to join but you all would have had a field day if I hadnt shown up.


I knew the bodycount was high and well done to you guys for coming out on top at 3718!

But we’ve still got a few tricks up our sleeves …I enjoyed converting SK’s threat of Barad-dur into the loss of a warlord, army and arti.

Only 22 more turns to go!


How do you kill so many in one turn ?? What version game is this also if don’t mind me asking !!

I would have to give up if we lost all those characters in one turn!

Fortunetly it took 7 turns to lose them but this was on one pop centre so a big dust up for sure…

G43 is a very entertaining 4th age game!!

Wow – thats still alot of character for 4 turns – Has got to be some type of record – how did you do it – mainly challenges or was it all agents and if so what turn as it takes awhile to beef up agents and such !!

Might be the “Plague”, LOL

This battle waged between turns 22 and 29. By turn 28 we had virtually eliminated the DS agents and I think my ScoChar that they got thru the double agent report that turn may have shown them it was a losing fight. We had 2 weakness companies and better agents skillwise than they did at the end. I wont reveal anyone else characters but these are the ones I lost:
Klu Relortin, A84 assassinated T26
Pon Opar, C10 A68 assassinated T26
Riadeegha, A83 assassinated T26
Iarless, A86 assassinated T27
Jakolb, E92 M40 assassinated T27
Llewi, C10 A70 assassinated T27
Ordun Halbor, A64 E95 assassinated T28
these are actual skills not artifact enhanced.


We were pretty much holding our own, even once the Prospectors agents showed up. It was the agents from the northern nations and their accompanying weakness squad that really did us in. Unfortunately for us, we did not get a very good scout the turn that the northern reinfocements moved in. By that time we’d sustained enough losses that we were heavily outnumbered. At least we took a lot of FP characters out with us,
