Game #44 Circa 1000 Starts

Death to the Dark Servants! :slight_smile:

To all free players and neutral lads. Rally to the flag of the
Free! Save yourselves from the yoke of oppression and servitude!

John Choules
aka JCC
Free Player in Game #44


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Hah!? Down with the Free, says I!

But beware, both Free and Dark, do not leave yourselves open to exploitation by the Neutrals either -- for the Neutrals, if they stay together, outnumber either the Free or the Dark separately...

Ernie Hakey III, Pale Riders, Dark Servants


-----Original Message-----
From: John Choules <>
To: MEPBM List/Group <>
Sent: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 2:36 pm
Subject: [mepbmlist] Game #44 Circa 1000 Starts

Death to the Dark Servants! :slight_smile:

To all free players and neutral lads. Rally to the flag of the
Free! Save yourselves from the yoke of oppression and servitude!

John Choules
aka JCC
Free Player in Game #44

Be a better friend, newshound, and
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

The sky is falling down. There's more than one neutral in the game ...
beware of the neutral Alliance. Since we don't even know who all the
neutrals are or haven't even talked to most of the people in the game,
its a bit premature for this one Ernie.


But beware, both Free and Dark, do not leave yourselves open to

exploitation by the Neutrals either -- for the Neutrals, if they stay
together, outnumber either the Free or the Dark separately...


Ernie Hakey III, Pale Riders, Dark Servants

Hey Gavin --

But the sky IS falling!? (Watch out for those sudden Storms...) ?:smiley:

I am not claiming there is a Neutral conspiracy or anything -- all options are available, the game is just starting, yadda yadda yadda.? What I AM pointing out is that the balance of nations in this one is such that a Neutral alliance is a very real possibility.? 8 DS, 8 FP, 7 regular Neutrals and 2 Kingdoms.? A Neutral alliance would be quite strong, certainly stronger than either the Good or Evil alliances individually, yet just as certainly weaker than the Good and Evil alliances combined.? All I am saying is that the Free and the Dark should be just a little bit wary of committing wholesale to each others' destruction immediately, when there are so many Neutrals who could go either way or go their own way, still undecided.? I have seen games start off with FP and DS jumping on each other all over the place and regretting it later when the Neutrals made their move -- regardless of what that move might actually be.? I am just trying to prevent the instant embroilment of Good and Evil in conflict, when a little caution might be better.? If nothing else, the DS and FP actually taking a few turns to build will simply make for a bloodier war when it does get started!

I.e. there should be a lot of diplomacy in this one, hopefully anyway.? All nations should be a little bit wary of the possibilities, and be talking to each other a fair amount.? One interesting thing is in this particular game there are some fairly solid blocs of nations for all three allegiances -- making a 3-way game a fairly reasonable option for all concerned.? Yet there are some possible divisions of Neutrals, should they start joining sides, that could make for an interesting 2-way game as well.? And I did say IF the Neutrals stay together, not that they necessarily would or even should.? (I know that when I play a Kingdom I am often tempted to join a side just to be able to use more of my starting artifacts, especially as the SK with two items of each other allegiance and only one Palantir.)

Anyway -- all Neutrals, fellow Dark Servants, and even enemy Free Peoples are welcome to send emissaries to the court of the Pale Riders to discuss world events, politics, climate change, whatever!

-- Ernie III / Pale Riders / ME44


-----Original Message-----
From: Gavin Kenny <>
Sent: Wed, 30 Jan 2008 6:20 pm
Subject: [mepbmlist] Re: Game #44 Circa 1000 Starts

The sky is falling down. There's more than one neutral in the game ...
beware of the neutral Alliance. Since we don't even know who all the
neutrals are or haven't even talked to most of the people in the game,
its a bit premature for this one Ernie.


But beware, both Free and Dark, do not leave yourselves open to

exploitation by the Neutrals either -- for the Neutrals, if they stay
together, outnumber either the Free or the Dark separately...

Ernie Hakey III, Pale Riders, Dark Servants

More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL Mail ! -

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]