Probably a bit premature as we’ve just received notice the game has reached it’s conclusion but I’m enthused to find out who was behind the nations in game 44 and to look back as well.
A victory for the FP!
I’m Greg, who some of you may know, and played the Gamil Azunul & the Wolves of Langren.
Yep got toasted in this game as the DS. Took out the nation around the NW of Mirkwood and did decently on the Eastern side of Mordor but didn’t follow through to kill the nation and it and 3 other nations came back and beat me royally across the head… :bash:
Cute game - although the 90 agent with stealth and double scout not noticing any enemy (and it not being doubled !) was a tad annoying when I lost most of my agents in one turn.
Over all cut game. I fancy another some time in the future.
Ah, so was it your capable agents that completely decimated my emmisary company in the mountains north of Mirkwood? That was a turn for curses, to be sure.
Ah, good to know we took out Clint … always makes one smile!
I was the Edain, my brother Mike played the Avari. We started in Lorien / Rhovanion areas. First we smacked the Classic Villains and his mate in Rhovanion (forgot the name off the top of my head), both of whom had hidden capitals (nice of him to start with armies on them T0). Then we march north to take out the Spider Queen in the Mirkwood (also with a hidden PC), then the Daiinstat, who had a feared agent core - but really didn’t stop our armies very well. Likely good luck on our side there. Then we shifted focus to the NK, who had sent a lovely 3k HC 100 morale force to take my captial and a back-up MT. We took 4 MT/1 city from him, then the Golden helped by bouncing his capital to his back-up city in the NW mountains, where he died / dropped when we showed a force enough to take it as well on the next turn.
A fun game, which I made much harder by trying to NOT take conjure mounts. We were along the roads, and I figured we would be prime targets since we were centrally located. However, when attacking the far-away opponents, I had to buy mounts - which was quite expensive by that time.
Ah, so was it your capable agents that completely decimated my emmisary company in the mountains north of Mirkwood? That was a turn for curses, to be sure.
Yeh probably - ate a lot of Ems in one turn - manage to anticipate the point of attack for Ems a couple of times and they worked nicely. Saying that I totally missed an entire nation right next door to me at one stage of the game - just managed to send the agents down south when I spotted it on a recon as I was moving East, time to back-track… :eek: