Hey Urzy!
Isnt Sauron dead in this age?
Best wishes from the SK
Guy SK
Hey Urzy!
Isnt Sauron dead in this age?
Best wishes from the SK
Guy SK
It would appear that I find myself between the Hammer (DS) and the Anvil (Free):eek: ! None-the-less, I would like very much to be friends with the five or six nations I call neighbors here in the northwesten quadrant of the map:) . I feel that in order to facilitate an open and “friendly” environment, I need to state early what my intentions and boundaries are:) .
Firstly, I made plans for this from day one:D ! Do not think that you have caught this incarnation of the NK by surprize:cool: . I ensured that I had at least one b/u cap, spent more than the minimum on my armies and spent my SNA gold as wisely as I could;) . I am ready for a T2 war and I am willing to fight one with any nation or alliance who launches a preemptive strike:mad: . I could survive your fury for quite sometime:D . Can your nation say the same:confused: ?
With that having been said (and emoticoned:p ), let it be known that I would like to stay neutral for as long as possible. I understand the fact that an alliance may try to strongarm me several turns from now, and who knows, I may be convinced to join the cause. However, that is many turns from now.
Between now and T12, the following rules apply:
If attacked by any nation, I will do my best to elimate the attacking nation from the game by whatever means necessary. If any of said attacker’s allies get involved, I will do my best to eliminate the allies/ drag other neuts into the frey. Please note this rule applies to ALL my PC’s… even the ones far flung from Arnor!
No nation may place camps in Arnor’s nation set up boundaries without my prior consent. All requests for camp placement will be considered. Any camp placement which has not been approved will considered an act of agression and may result in the camps destruction and/or the destruction of other PC’s of the placing nation. Furthermore, any camp “lawfully” placed is not allowed to be upgraded. An upgrade will result in the destruction of the PC.
No army may end its movement in Arnor’s nation set up boundaries without proir notification. Army movement through Arnor is allowed, and welcome, but I would appreciate knowing what the turns final hex would be in advance. This fosters trust and ensures no immediate misunderstandings between your armies and my own. The information of this type disclosed to me will go no further in the game, and I have no need to know the intentions of the army.
Also, hey boys and girls, it’s a big world out there! There is no need to travel in the hills and rough hexes inside of Arnor, nor along the roads going trough them. Take the scenic route and go around!
Finally, in an effort to live up to my self proclaimed reputation as the Devil; keep in mind that I know much more about all of you, oh good neighbors, than you do about myself.
My thanks to anyone who actually made it this far in the reading. I wish you all a great game. Please understand that I am not trying to be a pain in posting all this. Rather, I want everyone to be aware of where I stand in regards to my current position. Simply put, I’ll be a nice guy if you are. Follow some simple rules and I’ll feel all warm and safe.
Turn into a pest: I’ll exterminate you!
Dennis centrovert@gmail.com
I had to have a tea break during that long post read… Lol… Needless to say
but I’ll babble it out; the SK does not welcome any army movement within
the SK’s bounderies without prior agreement. Any such action will be seen
as a declaration of war…
Also any camping within 4 hexes of 2924 will also be seen in the same
light… Treat the SK with respect and we’ll treat you with respect…
I’m more than happy to talk to any players about the game
Over and out
Guy SK
All neutrals will hear from the Macabre, we wish mutual respect and cooperation among all of these undecided, potential allies.
After having read the posting of the NK, I am well aware of your position and will abide by your rules/regs.
Let it begin,
Jaz Macabre
From the Halls of Opium,
Comes greetings from the emissaries of the Vice(smokecloud…) Lords. We intend to seduce/induce the “Free” Peoples into relaxation at one of Our plush brothels where Orc Women look good on you!! The Neutrally Inclined will find the Halls of Viewing a great place for wheeling and dealing…not just Hobbit Leaf either. My fellow DS are welcome to the Platinum Membership card included with your resultsheets…what’s mine is yours lol
And so to all, let us take time to reflect on Our pastimes, and realize this…everyone has a Vice. What is taboo to you, may be the next great thing…
So share with your friends in the know…come knock on the Halls of Opium and let us bring food, beverage, whatever the pleasure to your tables.
We await your depravity with open eagerness,
Seneschal of the Vice Lords
Crime in Imperia!!! We got a drug user in the house?! Dude, you may want to consider taking up a hobby, or get yourself a girlfriend. Drugs will just make you a dullard.
Greetings to All from the Rangers of Lorien!
I look forward to talking with the Neutral Nations and … well… showing the DS the tip of my sword! I hope for a long and interesting game.
Good luck to ALL!
:eek: A drug user…really?? The Halls of Opium are open to all except Hobbits…they eat too much and spend too little…get it…little
Let us come to the knowledge that the Free crave the one thing that is not attainable, Freedom! One must realize that life itself is fleeting and those who are unfettered know the boundless limits of self indulgence. You are Free to engage in depravity til your heart’s content…only you know when it is time to sober up and face the cold truth that Freedom is never yours.
So drugs are a crime in Imperia. And I need a girlfriend you say? Hhmmh. One is only a criminal when you are caught. And friends are trivial…they only abide in the Halls til their money runs out or hosts’ coffers run dry. Then they scurry to find a new “friend” to lay their troubles on. The Seneschal makes all folk feel at home in Our realms. A free pass to Our audience hall is extended to all!! Bring no gifts now, we will collect later. Let us first indulge ourselves in a good game of Kick the Free from MiddleEarth.
Imperia, ask yourselves this question: when the bluffing and bluster ends and the Free Nations find themselves giving in to their “noble” peasant masses, will your nation number among them? Or will you embrace the destiny placed before you and subjugate all within your reach? Bring the law of Imperia to the lawless Rangers of Lorien. The Elves in their immortality know the truth of what we say! Why do you think they choose to leave MiddleEarth? They chase the lusts of their hearts to pass the endless years of life given them. The greatest gift to them is to forget …
That’s better. Now we understand each other and can be friends.
Seneschal of the Vice Lords
Greetings All –
The Free nation of the White Temple can be reached at:
We are especially interested in discourse with our close Neutral neighbors the Tuatha DeDanu, and the mighty South Kingdom a wee bit further north, but messages from all Neutrals are most welcome – and we will even reply to any Dark Servant who choose to send us a missive.
It looks to be an interesting game – here’s hoping we can persuade some of you fine Neutral folks that the Free Peoples are the ones to join…
– Ernie III
Greetings from the Horadrim:
Hello folks, here’s hoping we all have fun this game.
To my neighbor, the South Kingdom: I have no intention of placing camps in your territory, but if you happen to need anything, please let me know.
To my fellow Free Peoples: Good Hunting.
Starkad, Lord of Northern Mordor.
Sauron may have passed. Some of his minions are still about, though.
45-Obsidian Order
My, the free seem quiet. Almost…(cricket,cricket)… too quiet.
Would like very much to make contact with the two Lindons and Eriador.
Dennis Barry
Grand Proxy of the North (did I get it right this time?) Kingdom
Blackwater Guild,
I have not made your acquaintance as of yet. Please feel free to contact me
I look forward to hearing from my neutral neighbor…
North Kingdom,
Perhaps you and I can talk of things that may yet come to pass…you are indeed in an interesting position betwixt the free and the dark…perhaps you’ll be a smokey grey as this war develops…the fog of war clouds judgements of many…however, the Macabre have a clear understanding of our place in this conflict…the harvesting of souls for torture shall be our endeavor…the souls of those foolish enough to wander too near our decaying lands…souls of those who oppose our dark lord…
We entreat thee to visit with our emissaries and know that we are always just a dark thought away…
Jaz Macabre
I entreat thee to abide by the afore mentioned rules… 'nough said.
Indeed Northern Kingdom of men,
We are aware of your desires. We have not the desire at present to make war upon your soil. We have looked and found entertainment elsewhere…'nough said, as you said.
White Temple,
It appears we are at odds in this game. Hope to not be a bore to you. As my favorite UFC referee says, Are you ready? Are you ready? Let’s get it on!!
all the best,
Unto the neutral nations of this MiddleEarth,
If I have been remiss and not sent you a missive as of yet, please allow this one to suffice. I have opened the Halls of Opium to all who would partake of its…contents shall we say. I offer staunch support to any ally and quick rebuttal to any enemy. Let us bring about a time of peace and more importantly pleasure to these besieged folk of MiddleEarth. They tire of words and gestures. A drunk peasant is a happy peasant. Let us make their dreams come true and end these senseless conflicts.
Neutrals unite!! Bring your unequaled power against the “Free” nations! Let them crawl as they would leave you when the tides of war come. The power of the Dark Side is the power of reality. Nothing motivates like the whip of the taskmaster!
Our halls await thee.
Seneschal of the ViceLords
Hip hop in da hee-ouse!
Lionatus of the Silverin bids thee all welcome. Woe betide the Dark as they shall be swamped in the light of Elendil which shall burn brightly yet again. It has been an Age since we last walked the lands of Middle Earth bringing peace to this troubled land. We bring peace for the Dark again, the peace of the grave.
I’m back…