Greetings to all players of good, evil and neutral alliegence…
We the Southern Kindgom wish everyone a good game!
We wish to remind everyone we are neutral and all are welcome
to the halls of the Southern Kindgom providing they come in
Greetings to all players of good, evil and neutral alliegence…
We the Southern Kindgom wish everyone a good game!
We wish to remind everyone we are neutral and all are welcome
to the halls of the Southern Kindgom providing they come in
South Kingdom here as well. I am very interested in talking with all nations, especially those alligned who I call nieghbors and future comrades.
You mean the North Kingdom don’t you? We both can’t be SK! Lol
Guy Roppa
List of things to do tonight…
play chess online while waiting for set up and log into forum at 2 AM
not think about work or school
pull me head out o’ me butt
type pitiful post to save face
Yeah… North Kingdom.
Don’t stress Dennis… We all post in the middle of the night and it often
comes out wrong… Have emailed you…
Guy SK
Tuatha DeDanu signing in.
We are a neutral nation seeking to open dialougue with all nations. We come from a lost continent and have settled in the region of Harandor.
We would like to open friendly diplomatic relations with all reasonable nations.
Greetings nations of Macabre and Tuatha DeDanu…
I’ll be emailing the Tuatha DeDanu nation as we are neighbours
A flowery greeting to everybody. Yes Guy, Flowerpower is I; but the idea is Ricard’s. I was actually thinking of another theme for this game, but here we go again :)… I welcome exchange about flowers, beer and even the game with everyone of every possible alligience under
Have a nice game everybody!
Greetings Tine, we meet again… Now where are you? Lol
Close :)))
Yep, worked out exactly where you and Ricard are. Knowing both of your
gaming styles well it was’nt hard. Mmmm, this could be quite interesting…
Greetings all,
Nice to see a few familiar names.
Have a nice spot in Rhun which I hope to enjoy for some time to come.
Imperians on board. I will email all those nations in immediate proximity individually so as not to inadvertently disclose their locations should one side or another not have that info. I look forward to a good game and fun for all. Diplos are welcome at the following:
Hello All
Occitan Kingdom here. It seems plenty of neutrals on the forum!! I’m neutral and open to any alliegance change.
Aaaaaaaaggghh, not you aswell! Stop following me into games Ricard!
Seems we neutrals are the only ones communicating…perhaps that will change shortly.
Welcome all. Dark Servant nation Obsidian Order checking in. I’d be glad to hear from any and all non-Dark Servants, whether you’re Neutral or Free Peoples.
It would appear that I find myself between the Hammer (DS) and the Anvil (Free):eek: ! None-the-less, I would like very much to be friends with the five or six nations I call neighbors here in the northwesten quadrant of the map:) . I feel that in order to facilitate an open and “friendly” environment, I need to state early what my intentions and boundaries are:) .
Firstly, I made plans for this from day one:D ! Do not think that you have caught this incarnation of the NK by surprize:cool: . I ensured that I had at least one b/u cap, spent more than the minimum on my armies and spent my SNA gold as wisely as I could;) . I am ready for a T2 war and I am willing to fight one with any nation or alliance who launches a preemptive strike:mad: . I could survive your fury for quite sometime:D . Can your nation say the same:confused: ?
With that having been said (and emoticaoned:p ), let it be known that I would like to stay neutral for as long as possible. I understand the fact that an alliance may try to strongarm me several turns from now, and who knows, I may be convinced to join the cause. However, that is many turns from now.