Game 5

Better to be lucky than good. And I know you’re feeling pretty lucky this turn. :eek:

Ask for a lesson from Arthedain on smack talk. Or just post when you have the turn of your life to wallow in your glory.

battered and kickin’

We’ve not heard from everyone yet, but we’re down a Nazgul? And you found arties lying around? Are we talking about the same game :rolleyes:
You stole a couple this turn and killed Din O for some earlier. Are you smackin’ for the the Dwarves good work or the fact the eagles you received in timely fashion saved your a-- this turn!

Like I said in my last post, it’s better to be lucky than good!

I’m just looking forward to T9 :smiley:

Lyin’ around, stole, tom-ay-to, tom-ah-to… :slight_smile:

And, yes, if you don’t know you’re down a Nazgul, you haven’t heard from everyone yet. You Nazgul are an all-male club, now.

Funny that you think my a-- was saved. You overestimate the threat posed, I think. As to lucky…maybe si, maybe non. Maybe we got lucky when you failed in your first reveal attempt? (I’m presuming you attempted one when Rhu arrived). Maybe you got lucky in your second attempt? Bottom line is you have to put whatever tools you have in the right place at the right time for “luck” to matter. Had we not deployed assets with the orders we did…well, different story. However you want to look at it, makes no difference to me.

Oh well, I’m sure we’ll be hearing lots from you and the other DS whenever you get lucky. :wink:

So we lost our challenge down south, well that’s how it goes sometimes. we had a slight edge in this 50/50 challenge and we went for it! And yes, had we won there, we would be feeling pretty good.

I’m not disputing your lack of characters in place, I’m just irked that in every close encounter, we got the shaft! So if it appears I’m crying over sour grapes, well your damn right I am!! Rhudaur comes in with enough strength to capture the place and have enough troops left to do it again, so to say we overestimated his strength is totally bogus. We just didn’t think Gaerdaes T4 encounter was eagles. But if your game strategy is to rely on luck, then I like it! You’re the man! :rolleyes:

Since you’re feeling awfully bold with all of those new found toys, care to make any bold predictions for your future success with such items? :wink:

I think we’re misunderstanding each other re your comment on saving my a-- and my comment on the threat. It seems you meant your comment as limited to the Eagles saving Imladris (not my original understanding of your statement) as opposed to the impact on Noldo as a whole. My comment was directed to the value of Imladris to the Noldo. I get that Rhu brought what he thought was enough troops and then some. I also didn’t really expect to win there (even with the Eagles – they turned out to be a better boost than I planned), but that was okay. Obviously, things worked out better for me.

Sorry, I’m not into showing our hand ahead of time with predictions. I expect they’ll prove very useful – they don’t give us the game, but they likely will do a few things that will help. I predict you’ll be looking for opportunities to get them back. :wink:

Luck smuck… I am sitting here holding Goblingate and my capitol due to the orders I wrote… No dam luck here at all and none is needed! Dragonlord is still giving you problems even after you stole tinculin…

Arthy sorry about your emmy… My mage needed some free training… I guess you could call that luck I arrived on the very turn your emmy did… I hope she got the spirit gold to pay for her replacement…

A blip on an otherwise perfect turn :cool:

I named too many emmies anyway… I’m normally a pure commander man myself :slight_smile:

Glad to help… I know you need more commanders … So removing your dead weight helps my position…:wink:

whew :slight_smile:

I’m gonna make it past 8!
without the beast !! :smiley:

Another one bites the dust…

well someone has to be your huckleberry; afterall there is little going right for the rest of your comrades, so I’ll oblige for the sake of morale :wink:

Ahem, minor tweaking necessary with the newbies :wink:

Mind you, I can’t remember being on a side with so many mistakes ever before :eek:

I take solace knowing that west of the Misties is unlike the rest, or should I say reluctant solace :rolleyes:

to many mistakes that is gonna cost you dearly…

Hey, it’s past 2 weeks! It’s 2 weeks, 1 hour and 40 minutes~! Come now, where are my files…?

You seem overly anxious to see something this turn :wink:

The delay is not specific to this game - I haven’t gotten my results for Game 9 either.

Well, I just got a file from another game that I asked for yesterday…I guess someone scrambled out from under the desk, fumbled for their glasses, squinted up at the clock, and reach over to hit “Send/Receive All”. Now, the only question remaining is: Was this person asleep or…

Well, now that the files are in, I can only but assure the assembled: this was my 2nd choice by far. Much like many others, I can, with supreme justifications, whine “I never get what I want!!!”.


ya, you can jump aboard my bandwagon, there’s still room!
