game 50

pigs? us? not hardly…but you should hear him squealing like a pig <playing theme song from deliverance>

Uvatha: “Ugh, this is disgusting! What is it?”

Din: “It’s one of those pony men”

Uvatha: “You should have killed the pony, it would have tasted better.”


While reading this weeks Mordorian News Press, Uvatha sniffs the air.
“What are you cooking Din? It smells good.”

Din: “Just frying up a bit of those 2 we caught last week.”

Uvatha: “Well make enough for me too!” “It seems there is a bit of trouble in the south these days.” It says ‘Haradwaith ruffians crash Corsair party’."

Din: “It has been a bit messy around there recently. I know the QA is quite upset about the panty shortage.”

Uvatha: " It isn’t very pleasant around here either. It reeks of dragon dung during the day."

After leading many battles in Ithillien Dunsul took a rest in the local tavern, drinking warm ale when Ashburgnul (Lassies secret lover) walked in as if he owned the place. After a short atempt at communication, Ashburgnul got a fist in his face and ended up in the gutter. While searching the poor guy for some cash to buy a few drinks, he found something interesting…a cloak, it had number 44 engraved on it. The vice-vice-king of South Gondor is most grateful, although he do not wish to reveal his name (everyone else who did that ended up in Ji’s dungeons).

Adunaphel had had enough…she couldn’t trust anyone to run the simplest of errands…now she was being bothered by easterling and harad panty raiders so not only couldn’t she get the kind of panties she wanted…she couldn’t stop the savages from trying to get in the ones she had…something had to be done about this and done soon

I know #44 isnt underwear, but I hope your “team”
appriciates my generosity. I made it to way to easy for
you guys by blundering my moves last turn…Dunsul is hardly
ever sober…(but whats my excuse ?)

It has been quite quiet recently. So…

The power of Sauron is fading
as free armies begin their invading
Blind has gone, Ice has thawed
Neutral choices were flawed
Mort d’Uvatha was simply degrading


While it may be true that current plans to corner the market on cotton briefs took a few setbacks…I’m sure in the end <no pun intended> the we will be quite comfortable with the results.

The conflict is not so one-sided
as the last rhyme may have misguided
But we’ll all keep on grinning
‘cos it looks like we’re winning
though if proved wrong I’ll just be derided


Status, hmmm, lets see: Din is pretending to be Santa Claus, Adunaphel dont care about underwear anymore, while Ji has been on a sabbatical and Murazor caught a cold last turn. You have me puzzled - I’m certain you guys are trying to confuse us, but I’m unable to unravel your clever scheme. This propably just means you are about to launch your final grand strike to end the war, although there are alternative interpretations. I am certain you are quite capable of making those yourselves.


Adunaphel discovered she was much more popular pantiless…the christmas party was a blast…just ask…well…anyone

poor adunaphel…she was given a pair of nice bright white cotton panties for her birthday…only to discover she had nothing else white to tie to her flagpole

I just recieved an email containing your white panties, thank you. I am a bit disappointed that your surrendered this turn (I killed/kidnapped 4 Dog Lord characters and now I can’t even gloat).

Thank you for an entertaining game, for a while the DS had us on
the run - personally I was slightly worried when the corsairs attacked SG.
Otherwise it seems as the largest enemy on both sides were the lack of stability of the teams. How many DS nations where active the last 2 turns ?

We had some problems with dropping players around turn 6-10, although the replacements were skilled so we won more than we lost on that account.
If your interested in exchanging xml’s/pdf’s just drop me an email so we can arrange.

Turn by turn WM/SG (as I remember it).

  1. Goblingate falls
  2. Ring of wind stolen from NG who stole from the CL
  3. Mt Gundabad falls
  4. Corsair appears on the SG map
  5. Dunlands chose the wrong side
    Dol Guldur falls to alliance forces
    15 Corsair kicked out of SG
    16.Ring of curufin stolen from CL (?), counter attack on CS starts
    17-20. Nazguls die and lose trinkets one by one, WK seem to collapse

WM and SG