I signed up for game 50…please please please let there be people with big mouths in this game
Steve (at least I think that is you) no one is more big mouthed than me. I’m in. I will either harrass you or join your Amen Choir.
yep it’s me <steve caskey aka high plains drifter (god I hate computers)>…glad to have you on board…you do have me at a disadvantage though since I have no idea what your name is but I’m assuming we’ve played together before?
We have played against each other several times in the Olde Days. Hah, if we end up on the same side I will identify myself. If not, I know some of your tricks.
lol…fair enough…may the wind be at your back if we’re on the same side…and may it suddenly turn in the other direction when you’re relieving yourself if we aren’t
ok…where are all those people that used to say they wanted a piece of me? Hallas broken ribs? one eye? murazor the nazgul that cried dragon? come on I know you guys want revenge…high plains drifter <I want to get this game going lol>
The Lord of the Free People from the lands of Gondor extends his regards to his allies and his allies to come.
Sauron has declared his return and his intend to conquer and enslave all the free. Therefor there appears to be a pressing need to go to battle soon, but there are still many alliances to be made. I welcome therefor discussions with my Free Neutral brethren.
I would like to discuss your nation’s goals in the looming struggle.
Minas Anor can be reached at jcstorgaard@yahoo.dk
Jens Chr./ Tarondor
Well it appears that your Amen Choir will be up against some truly awful limericks again!
Northmen checking in.
Hi to all my allies and the neutrals
Die to all my enemies
Please fasten your saddlebags, it’s going to be a bumpy ride
Easterlings; longing to talk to you about our little situation around Rhun. Email me on eleventophats@hotmail.com
Together we can remove the threat of Dim Otter and create a land of prosperity in the east.
JD for Northmen 50
John and Jeris, pleasure crossing swords with you again.
John, it may be time to teach your Northmen Jernigan’s Gambit (to which there is no known FP counter). Look forward to your limericks, John.
Neutrals feel free to contact Steve Caskey (stevencaskey@aol.com) and/or Ed Mills (hawkwood2@juno.com} with the DS.
hello fellow dark servants and neutrals of middle earth…oh yeah and you too freeps…it’s about time to spread darkness over the lands…I would appreciate any neutrals that might be interested in helping me with this black paint contacting me at stevencaskey@aol.com <I never thought I’d look good in a skirt but what the hell>…QA … ok ed…we’re on the same side…so who did you write under in whispers? lol
The Dwarves are checking in! We have mobolized our forces for the coming war, and are prepared to take the fight to the dark lord himself!
I am open to receiving emmisaries from the neutrals to discuss their joining with the victors in this war to come.
I am new to this game, and had a question. Is there an area where we can speak like this, but can only be read by our allies? Or do I need to send out an e-mail with everyones adress in it?
andy? why are you asking the neutrals to talk to us <the victors>…you really must be new to the game lol <I can’t answer your question though…none that I know of>…steve
Good shall always triumph over evil, cause evil is dumb…wait a minute, I got that backwards, I’ve joined the wrong side!!!
Haradwaith welcomes contact from all nations without any prejudice.
We can be contacted at andybod@b0dders.demon.co.uk
Good luck to all
I have set up a yahoo group for the Free players so that we can have discussions with eachother, and diseminate information easier. The adress is:
I sent e-mail’s to the free peoples. Looks like there are 4 players sharing one e-mail adress?
The Easterlings are mobilizing for war. All correspondences welcome to:
Have a good game y’all
My, my, my we’re a chatty bunch of players! That’s good, I hate it when people turtle-up and say nothin’!
The Witch-King greets his Fellow purveyors of Evil, extends an undead hand of friendship to the Neutrals, and sends my sincere apologies to the Freeps for the ass-whuppin’ we’re about to unleash upon them. No hard feelings, it’s just business.
Eagerly seek an audience with the Lords of Rhudaur and the Dunlendings. The Black Captain promises to aid you in anyway necessary to free yourself from the yoke of the Pointy Ears and their Dunedain lackeys. You’ve been opressed far too long, it’s time for some payback!
Oh, screw the Dwarves and the smelly horse-buggers too!
Bloody technophobe, never get this posting right…grumble.
Greetings All inhabitants on Middle Earth. Apologies for the dealy, you know, knives to sharpen, coffins to build, holes to dig, routine stuff.
Neutrals, we invite you to join our noble cause to rid the world of the free. Sauron would be most grateful, and it can be rewarding and fun.
Wishing all well in the game, and looking forward to loadsa dialogue… and mickey taking. Noldo, Elrond is invited to a party at my capital in a few weeks time. Please make sure he dresses for the occassion. You know, black suit, wooden box, the usual thing.
Steve aide de camp to Ji Indur:p
Well, well…we all know what kind of reward Sauron
gives his minions…the only things Sauron can offer are
poverty, death and defeat, in addition to the the notorius
bad breath of orcs and nazguls alike.
The sensible neutral with a wish to maintain his own
free will AND profit from it, will of course contact me (direktionen@yahoo.com) or any other nice and generous
you understand of course that the breath of our orcs wouldn’t be nearly as bad if you could just convince your troops to bathe once in a while…in fact we are setting up a factory right now to make soap so our troops can wash your troops before they eat them thus the bad breath problem shall be a thing of the past…don’t listen to this guy neutrals…the bad breathe thing is only a temporary setback to joining our side