we will see what the next turn will bring us.
Can’t see a thing you have foreseen !
The Gray Man
we will see what the next turn will bring us.
Can’t see a thing you have foreseen !
The Gray Man
Ahh Don da deadman havent you dropped yet!!
As you said yes it is time for us to remove the short ones from the iron hills and as you well put we are everywhere but you did forget to mention our holdings in the north west. No matter
you continue to throw all that you have at Mordor but still we hold
and as i see it this will be your last assault.
As for having no charachter slots well that is problem we dont mind having, would you like a little wager that we make double figure character slots for you freeps this turn.
Good Luck next turn old enemy.
Don da deadman,
a nice title.
I guess it won’t take much time and you really will possess it !
Your Mordor-attack ?
What’s left from your mighty armies ?
Not much, I’m sure !
Next turn the character slashing will go further on !
The Gray Man
Well Don did we make double figures as promised?
What can we say about this turn ? me thinks you may not be quite so perky. Agreed the DKLT cap fell but at such cost whereas
myself capatured a little MT of my own and lost not an orc, it is this sort of waste that will be your downfall. But onto other matters where is the next wave i still do not see it i guess you really are missing the Eothraim , the longer you take the stronger we get already the North gate is restored. Finally my old enemy
it would seem this turn will be even grimmer than usual for you
your pitifull armys will fall as will some of your camps, i chose yours especially.
To finish with as i am on a roll here would you possibly like another little wager with me ? double figures again mmmm
sleep well little freeps.
L.R. - Not usually a bettng man
Ho, ho, ho,
looks like my former team-mates are doing their job !
Nice to hear that !
Gixxxer isn’t playing this game anymore, looks like the Freps haven’t noticed this !
Have Fun !
Don Da Deadmen seems to be dead.
Hey, I hope we would have done this with our chars and armies not and only by threating the Free !
What’s about 75 : 25 ?
Don Da Deadmen will be dead soon and some other guys too.
Good gaming !
Gray et al,
As my grandpappy used to say at his lodge near Lonely Mountain:
" I ain't six feet under yet ! "
I am actually enjoying the fact that you Darkies are getting big heads lately, while nothing has significantly changed ! 3423 is gone, stuntie is getting picked on, Gix or whoever has finally figured out how to move his armies, blah blah. Soon enough your Eastie player will wonder " why should I continue with the rotting corpses I have for allies- a few good characters, but no economy and no armies ?!"
Don - Da Northman
Hey Don - Da Deadman,
no signifcant changes ?
Interesting, I’m missing two huge Freps-armies and some Freps-chars.
I’m DS and I’m not able to take a look on your results, you’re not missing them ?
Maybe we will wonder, I’m always wondering !
I guess, you will wonder much more !
Freps-slashing will go further on !
The Gray Man
Deadman Don
DS getting big heads is a bit of a harsh accusation dont you think
it isnt us who has been coming out with such quotes as ‘5 turns left’ and odds of 75:25 we have just got on with the job and dealt with whatever you could throw at us. Its plain to see that the freep assualts have peeked now and are steadily in decline
so forgive us if we feel somewhat pleased with the situation.
As for trying to upset out lord of all the East what do you hope to achieve here ? he steamrollers on and cannot be stopped his
heart beats as dark as any of us.
The tide has turned freep scum as promised.
Big heads, dark hearts !!
The heads are thinking and the hearts are beating !
What’s about you Freps !
Small heads and Freps-hearts , nothing we have to fear !
The Gray Man
Hello DS
Would you mind passing this onto your team-mates?
We now have: 11,12,15,24 and probably 16 dead on your team. It also looks like your team is missing turns - a big sign of a game about to be lost. No defence in North Mordor or Ithil Pass AND we have a massive horde descending into Mordor ready to take the remaining pcs there. A few Emis causing some annoyance but that’s about it all.
You’ve given us a good run and an excellent game but care to concede gracefully so that we can all move onto pastures greener?
It is not really within the spirit of the game to announce which nations of ours are dead and which ones have not processed orders in a given turn, as that is not information that an opposing team are privy to on a turn by turn basis. I have always given you the benefit of the doubt about sharing confidential information with your teammates considering your inside access to the games, but I must admit now that I have totally lost any respect for you as a player, since you have now publically shared this information with everyone, friend and foe. If after blurting out this information you wish to do the honorable thing and concede this game, that is fine, but otherwise, you can kiss my arse.
aka FrightfulTales
Hey Chris,
Just voyeuring a little here, but don’t you also know when you’ve eliminated an enemy? Isn’t it obvious to you also when “Huge Armies” don’t move or when a Perceive Mission on Celedhring results in a Refuse and Artifact Search that your enemy isn’t processing turns? Perceive Secrets, 585, and finding characters like “Warlock Murazor of the Unknown” are always pretty revealing clues as to who’s in and who’s out.
Do you think there’s a chance to give Clint the benefit of the doubt? He says things like “probably” and “looks like”. Not the most exacting and technical language that one might expect from someone dictating off the computer, no?
I’ve also played against the GM team, so I’m not just being reactionary here.
Since Clint is announcing ‘public’ information on the Message Board, why does he not tell us which nation Sam Roads is playing?
Clint's message is a result of analyzing our collective Freep pdf's nad coming to some possible conclusions. Period. As Brad has mentioned, they're ways to deduce something has gone amiss with certain players, many methods of recon , etc.
Now, I was going to continue some banter, but I feel you may think I got a look at you, Short Rider's or Gray Man's (IceKings last ?!) turn.
Good and peaceful gaming,
Don - Da Northman
PS - Brad and Ed : You guys are a fount of info, but I fear you spend too much time in Middle Earth - and I thought I was obsessed
As always more huff and puff from the freeps
what are the odds for this week one wonders.
So you want us to quit sheesh whats up cant you finish us off?
You will have to tear my undead bones from my body at Tol Buruth
before i quit.
As always i will have to put you freeps right on a few points.
As for our North defence well you will have to get past me first looks like its the sindas turn for a slap oh well good luck!! as for your hordes well we will see how far they get.
Lets have a reality check here and look at exactly what was lost and gained by both sides here !!! i think we win by just a touch. We may have fewer nations but the state of some of yours
evens this out.
Oh well i said enough me thinks on a final note i will say after our last team chat concedeing was not even on the agenda and im pretty sure it wont be this time round.
Clint, Don,
do you really think you analized your results ?
I can’t believe this !
Maybe some of our nations are dead, but the rest of us is more than enough.
Clint ( should be dead with his Eos ) is talking about some “hordes” trying to cross the Ithil.
There’s a Free-icon and … ?
The char-war is lost for you !
Clint, I guess you know what it means.
The Gray Man
This is a message to Chris and any others who are accusing Clint of using “inside” information to his advantage.
I’m not in this game; so some might say I don’t have a dog in this fight. But I play ME PBM and Clint is the GM; so I have some interest in the matter.
My experience with Clint is such that I highly doubt he would take advantage of inside information in an ME PBM game. In all my dealings with him he has been straight-forward and decent. He enjoys ME PBM greatly and is smart enough to know that he would ruin the game for himself and other ME Games employees if he were in any way to take advantage of inside information.
Moreover, as GM, Clint has been first-rate. He responds quickly to all inquiries and he is responsive to player requests. Contrast the behavior of Clint and ME Games with that of GSI (for those of you who have been around long enough to have had experience with GSI). There is no comparison! Clint and ME Games are about 20 times more responsive and “player-friendly.”
The accusation made by Chris is a serious one; therefore it should be handled in a serious way. If someone has a serious concern (or accusation), it would be appropriate to address that concern first privately by email. That way, any misunderstanding or errors can be easily corrected without harsh words and damaged reputauions.
I have made my opinions known, and you have all voiced your opinions, but that is all they are, opinions. Only Clint knows the answer, and that is his truth to live with.
As far as his and Don’s anaysis of the current situation, I can’t imagine that anyone who reads on this board would quit on “11-8 odds by Clint’s calculations” so please stop the constant pleads to drop until we at least get a little closer to a 2:1 ratio . Battles are won in the trenches, not babbling about superiority and requesting teams to quit on a board. You know where I am, so get off your high horses and come get me.
CL 52
A certain percentage of players get bored easily. With boredom comes sloppy play. Applying Real World psyops operations to Middle Earth allows tactics to be tailored to the target. I now believe Clint gets bored easily, should we ever play in the same game.
A bored, but honest, Clint can still tell us what nation Sam Roads is playing.