Game 52

looks like Don da dead Northman has lost his speech ?

Hey, it doesn’t looks so bad for you guys.
Sometimes Kizzi is exxaggerating a little bit !

You still have a more or less intact Arthedain.

That’s something you can use to build your defence.

Heyja Clint,
where are your hordes ?

Some of them has eaten sand instead of food, I’ve heard.

I hope it was digestible !

Ha, ha , ha

Have Fun !


Dark foes,

 I am still here. You need a little more than taking out my obvious backup capitol to be rid of me. Gix, I thought you said

you weren’t playing Corsair anymore ?! Looks like you fibbed
again, and finally figured out movement orders :slight_smile:

 Darkies, you are indeed resolute. It is now time on the Freep camp for us to stand up and be counted as to our commitment.

We will all see what becomes of this in the next few turns…

Don - Da Northman

Hey Don da dead Northmen,
why do you call me Gixxxer?

Don’t you remember, you threatend me that if I was not going to join your side you will finish me up with your agents and emissaries? Too bad you failed to take back Kas Shafra, now there’s one one MT left which will be mine mine mine.
Good bye Harad

aka Sanga

Hey Don-Da-Dead-Northman,

Corsairs ? Me ?

Hey, you’re disappointing me !
I’m a real Darky and not a pirate trying to cause sensation with his or better her Caribbean ( or better Haradian ? ) adventures.

That’s something for the movie !

Haven’t told you that I’m playing C… anymore, never played C…! No, no ! No lies !!

Played WK, but some turns age you were able to take out this powerfull nation with its one MT and three chars !

Am I playing this game or am I not playing it, that’s the question !

Oh, I have to hurry a little bit, I have to kidnapp some children before dinner !

Ha, Ha, Ha … Have Fun !


As you can see Don we devious DS move in mysterious ways.
It is no use trying keep track of who is who in this team, we like to keep you guessing and confused and it seems to be working.
But at least our team is visable and posting regularly here unlike
the freep team. Odd that the weakest nation speaks with the biggest fighting spirit good job they arent all like you or we DS
would have something to fear, as it is thier absence speaks volumes and as you say the next few turns for the freep will
be vital , are you unified enough for the task? …i think not.
but i could be wrong let us put it to the test see if you can get 3 of your ‘committed’ team mates to post on here as we DS grow
weary of the same big threats from the smallest threat.

Hey Kizzi,
you forgot Clint !

I think he’s one of them and he’s posting from time to time.

Don’t you remember his postings like " It will take two turn and you will be out of the game " or " Our giant hordes will overrun you soon ".

You must remember him. Clint the oracle from Cardiff !

( Stranger be warned, you shouldn’t consult this oracle, it’s prejudiced and will always tell you that the Freps will win in two or three turns ).

Don’t ignore the warning ! Meanwhile I hear this words for more than 10 turns and we’re still playing !

Have Fun !


Greetings Piratess and Gentlemen,
what’s about me ?

I’m Free, but I’m not a Frep so I must be a DS !

The Gray Man

Well yes Gix your right Clint did used to post but that was a long, long time ago and then again it was more idle threats from a defeated nation, its been so long his posts have become but a distant memory as has the Eothraim, i wonder if Dons posts
will fade away aswell when we finish him off sooner than he thinks?.

Heyja Kizzi,
I guess it was in August when we heard the last words from the oracle of Cardiff.
Must have been after his Eothraim-period or he’s still playing.

Who cares, with or without him the Free will disappear from Middleearth, so it’s written ( or better said, hä hä I have my own oracle ! )

Have Fun !


Well freeps turn 32 sees the balance of power shift further our way. Your 11-8 advantage does not seem to be helping you.
I wonder what the odds are for a freep victory are this week surely not still 70%. Let us see the review for this week
The Harad finally removed completely from the south(respect from
this nazgul to the harad player-truly a dedicated tough chap to beat). Another large killing spree for us -plse note our curse squads work yours seem lacking.The gondor decline continues and it would seem the battle front has moved away from mordor
to mirkwood. Interesting times indeed

Hey Kizzi,
Yep they’re 11 against 8 !

And …

Fact is that Mordor will be cleaned-up of FP-icons next turn !
That’s the first step !

Ha, Ha, and this Freps-Icons won’t appear so soon again .

Yes, we know some of your hordes are trying to pass the Ithil.

We will see if they’re able to cross it !?

I guess not ! Ha, Ha !

Have Fun !


ahhh Gix you give theese freep fools to much credit 2 armies
with 1200 each in them hardly constitutes a horde now does it
perhaps they want to attack a few camps with them.It does seem
a long way for the duns and cardys to come just to die in the pass though ahh well the losses for them will continue i guess,
by the way has anyone seen a gondor army lately? forgotten
what they look like.

Heyja Kizzi,
I guess the Gondorians aren’t able to play with us !

NG tried to attack us, but now they’ve lost two MTs.
SG is looking for the perfect beach but haven’t found it !
They’re still sailing, I guess !

Have Fun !


Good to see you still have a tongue in your head Don even if you post in the wrong game room loseing 2 capitols is very disorientating so i understand. Well the struggle goes on i guess
but the noose is tightening thats for sure, i think the fact that the frontlines are now gondor and mirkwood speaks volumes rest assured they will not slip back to Mordor again. Time to take stock for you freeps and do the honorable thing either put up or
give up cos you aint doing much at the momment.
Adios for now
L.R.-Doesnt like people of northern origin.

Heyja Kizzi,
haven’t surfed arround here for some time, so I’m not clear what you’re talking about.

Don the Deadman posted in the wrong corner of the pin-board ?

Hooo, ME-gaming must be frustrating !

Hey, don’t worry too much. The next turn will be the same as the turns before.

You’ll have some chars killed and we will get some of your major pop-centers, nothing special.

Have Fun !



  I am just tired of getting unregistered comments after I log in and type a witty reply, having to start over. It seems to happen all too often, like just now !

Don - Da Nimble, Strong, 3 MTown Northman

Don Da Deadman,
you’re not talking about ME 52 ?!

Strong, 3 MTs ?

Must be a different game.

Have Fun !


Poor ole Don has had to relocate caps so many times he seems
to have lost focus on what hes supposed to be doing, Dont worry
Don you have now become a financial burden on your team mates
so rest assured we will leave you alone from now on, besides there is so much fun to be had in the Gondors we really are quite
bored with squishing you…for now!

psFor your info im a DS Easterling in 223 so once again it is my duty to slap the Nman and to be honest im really getting a taste for it.I notice you are a DS in a few other games so dont deny yourself desert theese losing freeps and join us lol Adios amigo

Hey Kizzi,
don’t give away too many details about our future-plans.

Could be possible that they will react !

Ha, Ha, Ha

Have Fun !


Don and whichever freeps are listening,

Gix and Kiser were having all of the fun on here, so I figured I would drop in. You freeps are still clinging onto your last “hold” in Mordor, but your time here is finally coming to a close. It brings a grin to my face to look back at your teams statistics for victory, and to see them dwindle away turn after turn. Will be a pity to see you all plead for your miserable lives as we burn through your homelands.

FrightfulTales, shooting for the century mark.

PS. --Hey Dunland, isn’t there anything closer to home to attract your attention? It is truly a shame to waste a dragon like that…