Game 53 (grudge)

Congrats all around to both teams for a game played in the spirit all games should be played.

We could poke fun at each other but never get nasty and both side stuck at it when things went wrong.

As to nations well I have to admit after the disaster of South Gondor taking himself out, which is no mean feat, I played the Dwarves Noldo and Duns.

Did you like the no fear Elrond sticking his head all over Mordor?

I must have had a deathwish or been very lucky.

But lets exchange PDFs and then you can see for yourself who played what it not big secret.


Elrond looked and he saw before him the darkness swept back and gone.

Then he was gone and the land was left to the men

Let someone else write the rest.


Dave H.

Right our guys were:-

Woodmen - Andy Wright
Northmen - Me
Eothraim - Jacques Perron
Arthedain - Donald Croupat
Cardolan - Eric Osborne
N Gondor - Uwe Reiners
S Gondor - Martin Harrison
Dwarves - Was Chris Guerra but Then Frank took over
Sinda - Robert Kuchta
Noldo - Frank Redmond
Duns - Was Giampien Carlo but Then Frank took over
Corsairs - Chris Littlejohn

We lost Giampien and Chris due to outside circumstances and Frank came to the rescue. We also lost Martin and South Gondor due to one to many zero’s on an order!

Like Frank said I’d be more than happy to exchange PDF’s.

Drew as for game 68, yes I wish that i did have more luck…mainly no Fire King… but glad my luck rn with me in 68 especially with that bloody massive BS army trying to wipe me out. :sunglasses:

Dave Pearson

Only a few question remains, who has the ring and if we have collected them all have we turned dark, at last I see the master plan at work!
